i'm not a bad man

Chapter 571 Dark Woman

Chapter 571 Dark Woman

After I expressed the theme and purpose of the "Firefly Project", the children stood under the Dobsonian telescope in order to observe the starry sky. Some interested adults also joined their team. It was so immersive that there was no noise at all, only the "crackling" sound produced by the burning campfire, and their concentration fully proved that I did something right; at least, in this small mountain village where everything is closed, I have developed the children's desire for discovery, and I hope they will become better, because after a few years, they will be the real owners of this scenic spot.

I seemed to really see the light in them. It was very weak, but when gathered together, they could light up the night and the future of the small mountain village.


I finally walked towards Zuo Xiaowei. Her eyes were always on the children. I was not sure if she had noticed me. It was not until I walked in front of her that she turned to look at me with a complicated expression.

Zuo Xiaowei almost stopped talking to me, but this time, she spoke first. She asked me, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​doing this Firefly Project?"

"They are the hope of the future and should be cared for and encouraged."

"Fake or not?"

Zuo Xiaowei said something so abruptly that I didn't know how to deal with it, so after a while, I finally said: "Okay, to be honest, there is no so-called Firefly Plan, I just want to win people's hearts... ..." After a short pause, I added: "Tomorrow is the day of the scenic auction."

"However, they seemed really immersed and happy... They must have never seen the true appearance of the starry sky."

I looked at Zuo Xiaowei in surprise, and she added, "I haven't seen it either."

"If you're interested, you can queue up."

Zuo Xiaowei shook her head. After being silent for a long time, she spoke: "I have a friend who is a host on a local TV station. They recently launched a program related to caring for the countryside. I heard about your Firefly Project. She really wants to interview you... Not just her, the provincial TV station has also noticed this event and may come to the town to interview you in the near future... Han Chao, you seem to really have this ability. No matter where you go, you will become a crowd. Therefore, when you are willing to use this ability on this scenic spot, you are the person most likely to make this scenic spot a good one..."

"It's good that you know...you still have a chance to quit now."

Zuo Xiaowei still shook her head and replied: "I won't quit."

"You can't do this scenic spot well because you don't have humanistic care in your bones... Don't think that I am opportunistic in doing such activities, or that my ability is just because I have such care in my heart. This is what I am born with." Yes, you have to know that love is the key that can most touch the depths of a person’s soul.”

"I know, of course I know, so I have never doubted that if there hadn't been so many changes, you would have cultivated many musical talents for the small town."

I was stunned again, because this was the first time Zuo Xiaowei talked to me about the past since she worked for Guan Yubo. To be precise, it was the regret between the two of us.

Everything has changed qualitatively since this regret.

"Yes, if there hadn't been so many changes, we might have already had our vocal training class in the small town. You teach singing skills and I teach musical instruments. One day, we will cultivate a group of talents with the same musical attainments as you. "Zuo Xiaowei smiled, and then asked me thoughtfully: "Tell me, are regrets caused by things that have not happened, or regrets by things that have already happened?"

"It's all regrets... As long as you don't get satisfaction and comfort, no matter what happened or what didn't happen, it's all regrets."

"Then let me ask you one last time. If I get control of the scenic spot in tomorrow's auction, will you leave this town completely?"

This time, after a moment of silence, I replied: "What you are asking about now is about something that is about to happen, somewhere between not happening and already happening... However, even if it is something that is about to happen, it is There will be regrets, either for you or for me... If I get the control of the scenic spot tomorrow, I hope you can leave Guan Yubo completely... What you look like now is really ugly, confusing right and wrong, and not distinguishing between black and white. ...I think you have probably forgotten that when you were singing in Qingdao and you had no money to renew your lease, who lent you the money...and the cosmetics Sister Ran gave you, you thought they were leftovers from her use. Yes, let me tell you now, she doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed, so she will remove the packaging of brand-new cosmetics, unscrew the caps, and make it look like they have been used before giving them to you... you fucking Now you actually want to sue Sister Ran... Do you really not know who wrote those songs?"

"So what, when she broke the news, did she ever think about the impact it would have on me? ... And you, you agreed to give me the copyright of these songs, why did you let her know this? Don't you know this is a hidden danger for me?... If you can't afford it, you don't have to give it, and don't deliberately dig a hole for me to frame me!"

I was about to be shattered by Zuo Xiaowei's current outlook on life, so that my palms itched and I wanted to give her a firm slap; but I didn't want to be the one who got angry first, so I said to Zuo Xiaowei with the utmost restraint. : "You should remember that the copyright of those songs was given to you in Tianjin, but on the way to Tianjin, Sister Ran already knew about the existence of these songs. At that time, I had not decided to give these songs to you. There is a sequential relationship, Sister Ran is in front, you are in the back..."

"Then didn't you give her the confidence? I don't believe that she didn't get angry with you before she did this... You guys have already been colluding in private."

"Me and Sister Ran are fighting each other? What about you and Guan Yubo? These are the real fucking congenials, right? At the very least, I still dare to act openly in the small town. Where is Guan Yubo? Where is he now? He is A shameless bedbug, you are the egg laid by the bedbug, and you will only stink worse than him in the future."

Zuo Xiaowei remained unmoved, as if nothing could stimulate her emotions, just like a puppet on strings.


"Uncle Han Chao, we have finished watching, will you let us watch the moon and stars in the future?"

It wasn't until a child asked me this that I changed my attention and replied with a smile: "I'll give you this telescope. On the weekends, you can go to the village chief and ask him to take you to see... the stars once." It’s not enough, because they, like our earth, are changing all the time.”

After saying that, I handed the car keys to the village chief, indicating that I would give the pickup truck to the village as a gift.

The village chief, Jia Guoying's father, held my hand and said emotionally: "Han Chao, we really hope that you will be the one to run this scenic spot in the future... There is no one more suitable than you... If it were you Come and operate it, even if it makes us feel a little wronged in the future, we will admit it... But if others can't do it, if we miss a penny, our whole village will make trouble!" Follow the Weixin public account: the 98th story, Reply to "works" to get the txt of all Tank's books.

After saying that, the village chief turned his attention to Zuo Xiaowei. Zuo Xiaowei still had an indifferent expression, and then walked towards the place where he parked his car under everyone's gaze...

For the first time, I felt that there was a dark woman in my life, with a black coat, black pants, and a black heart... It was precisely because her heart was so dark that she couldn't even see what the people wanted. Got it!

(End of this chapter)

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