i'm not a bad man

Chapter 572 Backfires

Chapter 572 Backfires
Zuo Xiaowei had already driven away, and my emotions were still in a state of uncontrollable resentment. I once thought that I had become cold-blooded and ruthless. I even went to BJ with a purpose, but when I really saw Zuo Xiaowei Xiaowei, she told me that when we had a child, I still softened my heart. If at that time, I could firmly carry out the calculation in my heart, I would never be in this situation now.

I clearly knew what Guan Yubo cared about and what Guan Yubo's weaknesses were, yet I let Zuo Xiaowei go. Letting Zuo Xiaowei go was equivalent to letting Guan Yubo go. space for operation.

The victim's family has dropped the accusation against him. So far, there is no solid evidence to prove that he and his family have a history of involvement in gangs. With Zuo Xiaowei walking around, Guan Yubo is almost on the verge of sweeping away the crime. Clear away the obstacles I created for him before.

It may not be long before he returns to the small town. At that time, can I still withstand the pressure that he and Yang Yiming jointly create for me?
Thinking of this kind of pressure, I regretted it even more. If I were a completely bad man, acting cruelly and cruelly, and not being dragged down by human ties, I wouldn't be in the trouble I am in now.

This kind of regret made me clenched my fists unconsciously, and then I looked into the distance. I only felt that the night in the small town was deeper and darker!


Wu Luoge and Ren Ran hadn't rested yet. When we met, Ren Ran was scrolling through Douyin. When she saw me coming in, she stretched out her hand to greet me and said in an excited tone: "Han Chao, come and see, Your Firefly project is popular again."

I looked at the mobile phone handed over by Ren Ran. On a certain short video platform, a video of children queuing up to look at the stars has received more than [-] likes. Everyone thinks that such an activity is very meaningful. People nowadays generally Lack of dreams, lack of faith, lack of pursuit, and lack of sense of mission. Such activities will guide these children to develop a sense of mission in building their hometown.

Home and country are inseparable. When each small family becomes beautiful and rich, it means that the country will be better and richer. This is of course a kind of positive energy; when everyone knows that these are a group of left-behind children, this energy becomes even more Right side up.

Some people also say that the nights in mountain villages are very quiet and pure. They have never seen a cleaner and brighter night sky than in the video.

Finally, people began to discuss the location where the video was shot, which is now the "Valley of Lovers" scenic spot. Many people wanted to come here to see the starry sky and the group of children who turned into fireflies.

For scenic spots, this is traffic that can be monetized.

I didn't expect that such a whim plan would have such good results.

I was silent for a long time before returning the phone to Ren Ran.

Ren Ran sighed again: "I feel more and more that Zuo Xiaowei is a troublemaker... If she hadn't stepped in, we would have been able to get the actual control of the scenic spot at the minimum cost... Okay Imagine what a great prospect there would be for a scenic spot operated by Korean Chao... But it backfired. Even if we got the scenic spot, it would be a stretch and the pressure would double. In addition to making us spend an unjust amount of money, Zuo Xiaowei What else can you get?"

Wu Luoge and I looked at Ren Ran together. Not to mention Wu Luoge, even I had never heard Ren Ran say a dirty word like "shit stirrer". Ren Ran was really a woman who never said bad words...

Ren Ran seemed to have noticed it, and after a while he said again: "The deep love brings the deepest responsibility... I really didn't expect that she would become like this... If possible, I still hope that she can be the little sister she once was." Go get along with Zuo Xiaowei."

I whispered back: "I can understand your feelings. Regarding Zuo Xiaowei... I feel the same as you... Sometimes, I also think that if I didn't choose to come to this small town with her at that time, now What kind of state would she be in... She may have already made her debut. Although she may not be developing as well as she is now, she is not far behind... If it weren't for me and these things that happened in the small town, she would I will definitely be a singer safely."

"Then do you regret giving those songs to her? Looking at it now, she doesn't appreciate it at all. If she doesn't appreciate it, forget it, and she plans to beat her up."

"Regret, Zuo Xiaowei has more than one regret..."

Ren Ran said with a little surprise: "It's really difficult to hear the word regret from your mouth. This shows how much Zuo Xiaowei has done!" I fell into silence, and after a long time Then she said: "Let's not talk about Zuo Xiaowei. Tomorrow is the day of the public auction of the scenic spot. Let's talk about the scenic spot..."

After saying that, I sat down opposite Ren Ran and Wu Luoge. Ren Ran's emotions had been completely ignited by the dark Zuo Xiaowei. During our chat, she said more than once that she could not let Zuo Xiaowei do anything. Xiaowei and Guan Yu succeeded...

In fact, Wu Luoge and I have other plans in mind. What we are really worried about is controlling the critical point. Once we do not control it well, it may be counterattacked. In the end, we will win the scenic spot at a very stressful price. .


Since there is something hidden from Ren Ran, there are some things that cannot be said in front of her. After Ren Ran returned to his room, Wu Luoge and I chatted again in the study room in the suite. The reason why we chose the study room is because What we are going to talk about is too important and must be kept hidden.

Wu Luoge, who has no smoking habit, also asked me for a cigarette. After taking a heavy puff, he said: "If the price over there is not too high, I still hope to take control of this scenic spot at once... I I have great confidence in you."

"Is it because of the video that went viral today?"

"Yes, I think you are really working hard on this... In the past few years, I have suffered all the setbacks imaginable in the world because of my entrepreneurship. Also, because of my wandering abroad, I have seen things that others cannot understand. Before, I couldn't understand why you insisted on guarding such a small town and a scenic spot that had long been abandoned by others. Now I understand... You have found a kind of belonging here. A sense of... how to say a sense of belonging?... It will stimulate your inspiration in business, because you will regard yourself as a member, and you will have a strong interest in its future, just like if you are poor After a long time, you finally have a house of your own. You don’t need anyone to push you. What you think about most is how to decorate this house...because it is yours and it carries your journey home."

"Yes, brother...you really spoke to my heart with these words."

Wu Luoge smiled, then took out his mobile phone, found the viral video, and said to me: "Look, these children are laughing so happily, especially the smallest child, his teeth are cracking with laughter. Got it!"

I took a closer look and couldn't help laughing.

After a brief silence, Wu Luoge asked me again: "Sister Ran told me more than once that you have been to 296 cities. Normally, you should have seen all kinds of scenery... But why are you so interested in this? How can such a scenic spot create a sense of belonging?”

This is a good question, but it is also a question that I have never seriously thought about, just because this sense of belonging comes naturally and arises from the trivialities of life...

Suddenly, I thought of Qiao Jiao and everything we had experienced together because of this scenic spot.

Perhaps, those senses of belonging were generated at that time, and it was she who made me better; it was she who taught me a lot of methods and awareness that I should have in the mall; it was she who sold herself at all costs. villa, just to support me in the early stages of starting my business.

Speaking of which, those days were the first time in my life that I stopped and lived with a woman. We lived together, went shopping together, ate together, watched movies together, watched dramas together, made friends together, and integrated into the small town together. In the rhythm of life.

The only thing they didn't do was sleep together, but they also made bold promises seven times a night.Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!Reply to "works" to get all book txts.

(End of this chapter)

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