i'm not a bad man

Chapter 573 3 more days

Chapter 573 Three more days
Thinking of Qiao Jiao, my mood is like a calm lake, but there is an undercurrent surging underneath; it is difficult to define what role she played in my long emotional life, but I know that I will think of her when I think of her. At that time, it felt like the flowers in the whole city were blooming, gorgeous and beautiful, but there was also a dull pain that the flowers had fallen away.

So much so that I didn't want to take the initiative to imagine the ending between myself and her. It wasn't until Wu Luoge talked to me about this sense of belonging that I suddenly felt sad.

This sense of belonging was probably created by her for me, but I failed to give her the belonging she wanted. The only thing I gave her were some illusory promises that could never be fulfilled.

She no longer believed me, so when we were saying goodbye at the airport, she kicked me away, but she acted so reluctantly.


I finally spoke to Wu Luoge and said, "Brother, you also know that I have been wandering around the country. The reason why I am wandering is because I have never had the idea of ​​starting a family and starting a business. I feel that a life restricted by rules and human relationships is very boring. ...I have lived in an RV like this for more than four years, and I have never needed a sense of belonging...until a woman appeared..." At this point, I smiled unconsciously, and then said: "I'm looking for someone. When she was no longer motivated to fight, she withdrew several million in cash from the bank, pushed it in front of me on a cart, and then spread it all over the bed... Panting and sweating profusely, she sat on the pile of money. , look at me... I don't know how to describe the feeling of shock. Anyway, after returning to the small town, I determined to do a good job..."

"It's like saying that she gave you the motivation to fight?"

"Yes, it's not that the bed full of banknotes stimulated me... it's just that when I think of a woman like that, who came up with such a unique way to try to wake me up, I feel very warm in my heart... I don't want to let her down... In the beginning, I really didn’t want to disappoint her. Later, I gradually found the joy and value of struggle... That was fighting for myself, but her role for me cannot be easily erased... Later, I started my own business. When I was young, I encountered a crisis, and it was she who sold her villa to help me turn the corner... That night, in order to celebrate, we went to a buffet. She ate more than a dozen plates of shrimp, and I liked eating big meat skewers. A bunch of bamboo sticks were thrown on the bed, and the two of them were afraid of accumulating food, so they walked around the small town. Although the town is small, it would take several hours to walk around... Brother, do you understand this kind of details? ? Maybe I didn’t care at the time, but when I think about it afterwards, it’s deeply ingrained in my heart!”

"I don't understand the details, but I can see that when you said these words, you always had a smile on your face... Actually, in my impression, you are not a person who loves to smile."

I fell into the whirlpool of memories again, and it took me a long time to reply: "Yes, she gave me a lot of good moods during the time we lived together."

"I understand. When you feel better, you will naturally feel a sense of belonging... But it's a pity that you can't be together, otherwise you wouldn't talk to me about this."

I fell into silence, and after a long time I said: "I really want to make this scenic spot a good place, otherwise I will be sorry for the life she reshaped for me..."

"Well, people will definitely have regrets in this life. The only thing we can do is to do things that are not regrettable among these regrets... Although the words are a bit difficult to pronounce, you will definitely understand."

I nodded, Wu Luoge patted me on the shoulder, and said seriously: "So, if tomorrow's bid is not too outrageous, let's try our best to give it a try..."


Regarding tomorrow's auction, after several communications with Wu Luoge, I finally came up with a clear strategy and bottom line, which made me feel a lot more relieved. Because of this, I thought I would sleep peacefully, but I was preparing to fall asleep. At that time, I received a call from Zou Chang. She told me on the phone that she wanted to meet me no matter what, right now.

Zou Chang never calls me easily, so I went to see her regardless of the late night.


We met in her old house. When I pushed the door in, I found several plates of exquisite cold dishes on the stone table under the peach tree, as well as a bottle of red wine with a very good color. Zou Chang Just sit under the peach tree and beside the stone table...

She wore makeup, very delicate makeup. I never say the word "beautiful and delicious" easily, but when Zou Chang appeared in my sight together with these delicacies and red wine, I felt that this word can be used, and it fits this very well. This scene.

I sat down opposite her and said with a smile: "Don't tell me that you called me so late just so that I could have supper with you."

"Of course not, brother... I have good news to tell you. In three days, I will be able to get the evidence that Guan Yubo bribed a truck driver to kill my dad... So, I called you here to celebrate in advance. .”

"Really?" "Of course it's true, how could I possibly joke with you about this!"

"Then tell me how you obtained the evidence?"

"Don't worry about it. I have my own way anyway."

My face suddenly darkened and I said: "Zou Chang, from the time I met you and mentioned this matter, you should know that this is not a small matter. Just because it is not a small matter, So you must tell me truthfully every step of the way...because taking unauthorized actions may cause unexpected dangers...You have to know that we are facing Guan Yubo who dares to kill people."

"Don't worry, there's no danger... it's just..."

"Just what?"

Zou Chang looked at me...

"say something!"

Zou Chang avoided my gaze and kept his head lowered. After a moment, he softly replied: "I don't want to say it, because I'm afraid you will look down on me."

"I have never looked down on you..."

"Impossible, I am a bartender... Actually, from the first time we met at the KTV, I knew you looked down on me... However, I didn't care at that time, I knew the purpose of your coming here, As long as I can make money... I won't take it seriously if it's just for fun."

"I wasn't afraid at first, so what are you afraid of now?"

"It's different. We are friends now... You said this yourself, don't deny it."

"We are friends, we can always be friends."

"If you look down on me, then there is no way that we have always been friends... The most basic condition for two people to be friends is mutual respect..."

"I found that you are really a very troubled and troubled person!"

"It's only when you care that you struggle... isn't it, brother?"

I looked at Zou Chang and said in a colder tone: "But there is no room for negotiation in this matter. You must tell me how you obtained the evidence... Otherwise, this matter will end here... You have to You know, if your methods are unreliable, you will probably implicate me and lose everything."

When I talked about this matter from my own standpoint, Zou Changdang was petrified because she cared about my interests; it was precisely because I knew she cared about my interests that I used this to induce her to say Tell the truth.

I should know the truth, both emotionally and rationally.

(End of this chapter)

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