i'm not a bad man

Chapter 579 Contest

Chapter 579 Contest
When I put the phone back to its original place, the auctioneer also reminded that the auction was about to begin and that everyone on site should mute their phones or turn off their phones to ensure the smooth progress of the auction.

I subconsciously held my bidding number tightly at this moment, and silently recited the key word "critical point" in my heart again; for me, the best response to Zuo Xiaowei and Guan Yubo is to let them use a distant They bid away the scenic spots at a price that far exceeds their actual value, and then find ways to cut off their capital chain, thereby defeating them in one fell swoop.

At this moment, I subconsciously looked at Yang Yiming who was not far away, and once again there was a kind of suspense in my heart that could not be accurately predicted. I was not sure what degree of cooperation there was between Yang Yiming and Guan Yubo. If it was an in-depth cooperation, For me, this is a very bad signal...

Just when I was thinking about this, there was some movement around me. I turned around and saw that it was Lu Ming sitting down next to me. He was sitting in the seat that originally belonged to Wu Luo Pavilion...

Yang Yiming spotted Lu Ming at the same time. He smiled, clasped his hands, and expressed enough kindness to Lu Ming. Lu Ming also nodded to him, and then whispered to me: "Don't care too much about the results, don't care too much As a result, it’s easy to fall into their rhythm.”

"I know, brother."

"Well, wait and see."

After saying that, Lu Ming scanned the audience again. At the moment, there were not only me and Guan Yubo, but also representatives of other companies and individuals participating in the auction. I don’t know the depth of these companies, and I’m not sure if they were hired to make up the numbers. , the only thing I can do is to tightly control my own rhythm.


After the scene quieted down, the auctioneer began to make a speech, and then explained the auction rules to everyone present: This is an auction with a reserve price, starting from 8000 million, I hold the bidding number No. 13, Guan Yubo That's number 8 over there.

After the auctioneer explained the rules, he looked around the audience and said: "The bidding is about to begin. The products participating in the auction today are the 40-year franchise rights of the Lover's Valley Scenic Area... Before the bidding begins, let me first explain this scenic spot to everyone. past and present lives for everyone’s convenience..."

After a 10-minute introduction, the auctioneer finally called out the reserve price of 8000 million. The scene was silent, including me and Guan Yubo.

Facts have proved that the other companies or individuals participating in the auction did not make up the number; so, after a brief silence, a buyer holding the bidding card No. 19 shouted loudly: "I offer 500 million."

"Eighty-five million, is there any higher bid?"

"I'll pay 9000 million."

This is the price given by buyer No. 12. Until now, Guan Yubo and I have not bid. Because we have not made a bid, the price has temporarily stagnated at the level of 9000 million, but we all know in our hearts that the bid of 9000 million , I am afraid that the reserve price has not even been touched. If no one calls out a higher price, this auction is likely to fail.

It was at this time that Zuo Xiaowei glanced at me, and then shouted: "I will offer 2000 million."

Because it was raised by 3000 million at one time, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene. This kind of exclamation is a rhythm for an auction. If I also recognize this kind of exclamation, it means that I will not bid again. If The exclamation was the mainstream, which also indirectly proved that the bid may have exceeded the original value of the goods.

For those who don’t know the Lover Valley Scenic Area, 2000 million is indeed the upper limit, because whether it is from the perspective of transportation or other hardware facilities, this scenic spot will not explode with extremely strong potential in the future...

However, for Guan Yubo, it is an indispensable part of monopolizing the small town's tourism industry and has extraordinary strategic significance; therefore, Guan Yubo has enough motivation to fight for it; I am the same, this scenic spot carries my strategy, My dream, my ambition; so, late last night, Wu Luoge and I had a careful chat. If there was a possibility of winning it all at once, we were not willing to take more detours.Based on this consensus, I finally raised the bidding card in my hand and shouted: "I offer 5000 million."

There was a louder exclamation at the scene again, which means that there will probably not be any other buyers bidding, and it will then become a competition between Zuo Xiaowei and me; of course, it is also possible that Zuo Xiaowei will stop at this.

If she was willing to stop there, it would be a good result, so I subconsciously looked over at her...

Zuo Xiaowei once again calmly raised the bidding number in her hand and said: "Two hundred million."

After reporting the bid, she didn't even turn to look at me. This contempt seemed to tell me that I was not qualified to be her competitor in this auction, because the bid of [-] million was far from approaching her. The bottom line that can be tolerated.

So, I once again called out a bid of 5000 million.

There were no more exclamations at the scene. Everyone focused their attention on Zuo Xiaowei and me, with curiosity on their faces, wondering how this irrational competition would raise the price to such incredible heights; For them, this bid is already incomprehensible, which means that they will lose money if they take over.

Zuo Xiaowei suddenly stopped shouting.

After the auctioneer paused for a moment, he said: "Two hundred and fifty million, is there any higher bid?"

Although I have never officially participated in an auction, I know in my heart that usually when the auctioneer says something like this, it means that this is the final transaction price...

I was already a little uneasy in my heart. Although the price was not outrageously high and was within the acceptable range, compared with the earliest price, it still cost a huge extra cost. I hoped in my heart that Zuo Xiaowei could shout more, if Even if she doesn't shout, I can accept it, because this is still within the upper limit of Wu Luoge and I's design.

"Two hundred and fifty million once, two hundred and fifty million twice, two hundred and fifty million..."

Just when the auctioneer was about to determine the final transaction price, Zuo Xiaowei suddenly shouted again: "I offer 6000 million."

Facing Zuo Xiaowei's bid, I was slightly shaken, because it seemed to be a price that made her feel embarrassed, otherwise she wouldn't have raised it by 1000 million with difficulty when it was about to be confirmed. If I went up again If she yells, will she give up?

Assuming she will give up, is the price of 7000 million really worth it to me?
I will think about this, although this has not reached my upper limit, but the psychological changes at the auction site are completely different from what I imagined, because every bid at the site is based on the dust settling. Once the dust settles, It means facing reality; assumptions can be infinitely broad, because you have countless opportunities to push back, but reality has only one final say...

Therefore, for many things, people must be immersed in them in order to appreciate the real emotions and complex changes.

(End of this chapter)

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