i'm not a bad man

Chapter 580 1 hammer

Chapter 580

Before the auction officially started, Lu Ming reminded me not to care too much about the results, otherwise I would be dragged into their rhythm; in fact, at this moment, I had already fallen into Zuo Xiaowei's rhythm, because I can't help but think of many things. For example, if the current bid of 6000 million is given to Zuo Xiaowei, they will feel that it is cheaper, but if I increase the price, I will feel that it is higher than the actual value.

Although I shouted "critical point" countless times in my heart, the fact is that I am increasingly unable to grasp this critical point.

Fortunately, I had Lu Ming by my side, and he whispered to me: "Wu Luoge originally planned to come with me, but in the end he chose to stay in the hospital to take care of Sister Ran... He felt that his absence would not be good for you , is not necessarily a bad thing... You can imagine yourself as him and imagine how he will face the current bid. If you solve it in your own way, you are destined to be entangled and not decisive enough."

The auctioneer on the stage had made his second inquiry, and I suddenly came to my senses. Then I raised my bidding number again and shouted loudly: "I will offer [-] million."

When I called out the bid, the scene that had been silent for a long time erupted into exclamations again. This time, I did not observe the reactions of Zuo Xiaowei and Guan Yubo because I did not want to follow their rhythm. , and before that, Wu Luoge and I had reached a consensus. This consensus is not only my bottom line, but also my rhythm.

3 million is already far beyond the actual value of this scenic spot, but Wu Luoge believes in me, and I have enough confidence in myself. Even if I step on the [-] million warning line and win the franchise right of the scenic spot, I will still have the ability to operate it well; Then, there is no need to worry about it anymore.

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard Zuo Xiaowei's voice calling out the price again: "I offer 1000 million."

It only increases by 1000 million each time. This is obviously Zuo Xiaowei who is setting the pace, but I don't think Zuo Xiaowei has such experience and field control ability, so this is probably Guan Yubo's intention.

So, this is the duel between Guan Yubo and Wu Luoge.

I suddenly felt that my brain was much clearer, because I knew Wu Luoge’s bottom line, and I also knew Guan Yubo’s bottom line, especially Guan Yubo. Once he achieved a monopoly and won the road expansion project by the way, it would be worthwhile to shout more. , so I might as well be more bold, because Wu Luoge is also a person who likes to use money to solve problems.

"I offer 5000 million."

"Three hundred and seventy million."

"Four hundred million."

"1000 million."

When Zuo Xiaowei called out the price, I fell into a pause again. I finally turned to look at Zuo Xiaowei, and Zuo Xiaowei finally turned to look at me. This was the first time since we had called out the price. The eyes met.

I couldn't shout any more, because this had already exceeded the bottom line set by Wu Luoge and I. Rationally speaking, I should stop at this time, but the moment I looked at Zuo Xiaowei, I suddenly felt Another very extreme emotion broke out, mixed with hatred...

This kind of hatred makes me irrational, and I really want to shout out a price that shocks the whole audience...

It was at this time that Lu Ming, who was sitting next to me, tapped my arm gently with his finger. This was a signal to give it up.

Based on my trust in Lu Ming, I calmed down quickly. Although the transaction price of 1000 million yuan did not meet my expectations, it was enough for Zuo Xiaowei and Guan Yubo to drink...

I didn't plan to raise the price any more, and I suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Just when I was about to look back and accept the result, I suddenly found a smile of success in Zuo Xiaowei's eyes...

I suddenly remembered that she asked me again and again. She asked me: If she got the franchise right of the scenic spot, would I leave the small town...

For her, forcing me to leave the town seemed to be the most important thing, and business considerations came second.

...No, in the end, this auction is still a competition between Zuo Xiaowei and me, because the bidding power is in the hands of both of us...

At this moment, the auctioneer has raised the auction hammer and is ready to make the final decision...

"I'll pay five hundred million."

After shouting out the price, I almost collapsed, and Lu Ming beside me also fell into silence. He never expected that I would bid again on the basis of 1000 million, and gave a full 9000 million. He no longer knew how to give me advice on the increase, or he felt that there was no need to give me any more advice, because this was a price that no one would follow again...

I used the corner of my eye to look at Zuo Xiaowei's side, and I saw Guan Yubo shaking his head at her, indicating not to bid any more.

My heart is already in my throat. If I really win the franchise right of the scenic spot for [-] million yuan, even if Wu Luoge and I have such a relationship, I am afraid it will be difficult to explain...

However, my gambling instinct was aroused. I was betting on my knowledge of Zuo Xiaowei. I was betting that Zuo Xiaowei still had her own consciousness while becoming the spokesperson of Guan Yubo. I was betting on the inner feelings of women. Obsession...

Just like Ren Ran, he had said to me and Wu Luoge more than once that even if he was selling the iron, he still had to get the franchise right of the scenic spot.Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

However, in the face of Guan Yubo's gesture, Zuo Xiaowei seemed to choose to obey, and I saw her lower her head.

Lu Ming beside me also shook his head at this time, probably because of disappointment. Disappointment that I lost my rationality on such an important occasion and became a slave to my emotions. Such a person without the overall situation, How can he be qualified to talk wildly about changing the history of tourism development in this small town?
At this moment, I also felt an extremely strong feeling of disappointment with myself. I was too conceited and believed in my own judgment too much... No, to be precise, I was emotionally dominated by Zuo Xiaowei. I extremely hated her for using such words. After attacking Ren Ran with words, this greed arose. He wanted to dig a huge hole, big enough to kill her and Guan Yubo, but he didn't realize that he was out of touch with reality.

This time, I'm probably going to take it off!Then I suddenly felt that I had been fooled by Zuo Xiaowei's false claims. She seemed to be attacking Ren Ran, but in fact she was plotting against me. In the end, she grasped that subtle critical point.

If this is true, it completely subverts my understanding of Zuo Xiaowei. She is really scheming, good at means, and good at strategy... Where is she still the innocent girl who only knew how to sing in bars?


I seemed to be sitting calmly, but in my heart I was already waiting for the final sound.

"On the 13th, the first time of [-] million... the second time of [-] million..."

"I will offer 5000 million..."

I opened my eyes suddenly, and it was Zuo Xiaowei who raised the bidding number again...

This turn of events shocked me so much that I just looked at Zuo Xiaowei. The whole place was silent, including the auctioneer who had always been very active. He was also holding the auction hammer, as if he had lost his mind...

The most incredible person was Guan Yubo. He kept looking at Zuo Xiaowei and his eyes flickered several times. It wasn't until Yang Yiming said a few words in his ear that he calmed down and then focused on the auctioneer. On the body.

After the auctioneer confirmed it three times, he made a final decision and finally sold it at a price of 5000 million. The final buyer was Pinwei Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd. headed by Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei.

(End of this chapter)

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