Chapter 58
After I finished smoking the cigarette in my hand, I didn’t want to stay in this bathing center any longer. I wanted to go out for some fresh air and walk around this long-lost city. Last time I came here, I was only busy drinking with Brother Shanhe, so I didn’t have time at all. Take time to feel the style and temperament of this city; after all, I have been to too many cities in the past, and Shenyang is just one of these hundreds of cities, so I have never treated it deliberately, but it is different now Because of Luxi, I have become curious about this city; if I walk more and see more, maybe I can feel her nostalgia for this city at a certain corner...

Thinking about it, I really don't like a city simply. The reason why I like it is just because there are people I care about in this city, right at this moment.


After getting dressed, I wandered around the street casually. When I saw interesting street scenes, I took photos and recorded them. When I met people who were as boring as me, I went over to chat for a few words.Most of the people I chatted with were small businessmen and hawkers who set up stalls along the street. Northeasterners are generally enthusiastic. As long as I have something to talk about, they can talk to me endlessly. I soon learned what Shenyang has to offer. I figured out all the places I wanted to visit, and even which bus to take to get there.

I started taking the bus and traveling through the city. This is the cheapest way to get around the city. Not only is the cost low, you can also meet all kinds of people on the bus, their status, or chat. The topic is a microscopic reflection of the city's temperament...

Compared with other provincial capital cities, Shenyang should be much more relaxed and leisurely, because the topics the passengers talk about are nothing more than bathing, drinking, and mahjong, and almost no mention of RVs or work. The only anxiety is only for those who are older. , will worry about their children, not falling in love at the age when they should fall in love, and not getting married at the age when they should get married.

Northeastern people are really chatty, so the car was never quiet. After listening for a long time, I couldn't help but feel a little tired, so I focused on the car window again...

I actually saw the "Liu Laogen Stage" across the street, and the display board in the center of the building was scrolling with the list of today's actors. I subconsciously leaned over and took a look. One was named Wang Xiaohu, the other was named Wang Long...

I am not obsessed with the Errenzhuan culture in the Northeast, but I am a loyal follower of the TV series "Liu Laogen". I watch every TV series after it comes out. So this sudden reveal of details suddenly made the city of Shenyang in my heart. It became more alive... If someone could accompany me to watch a duet show at this time, it would be quite interesting.

So, I got off the bus at the next platform and turned back to the "Liu Laogen Stage".Just when I wanted to buy a ticket to watch the show, Lu Xi suddenly sent me a message, and it was a voice message. Her voice sounded very unhappy: "Why did you tell Qiao Jiao, I'm coming Are you in Shenyang?"

I was confused, and after a while I replied: "I didn't tell her anything."

"I only told you about my coming to Shenyang. Can you please stop causing me such trouble? I really want to be quiet for a while now!"

Seeing that Lu Xi was so sure, I couldn't help but have some doubts. It wasn't until I remembered that I didn't even have Qiao Jiao's contact information that I replied firmly: "I really didn't tell her, even if I wanted to Tell her that you must at least have her contact information before this can be done... You can ask Qiao Jiao to confirm whether I have her contact information."

"Then how did she find her?"

"It's a bit weird!...Can you handle it on your own? Do you want me to go over and help?"

After a while, Lu Xi replied: "Come here... aren't you a good drinker? Let's find a bar. If you get her drunk, she won't bother me anymore."

I was a bit dumbfounded. She actually came up with such a damaging method. Not only did she lose, but she also killed two birds with one stone. If Qiao Jiao drinks well, she and I will both be hurt. By then, she will be able to completely get rid of the two of us who are following her. of people.

"How is her drinking capacity? Haven't I been injured recently? My drinking capacity has dropped a lot. I'm afraid she won't be able to cope alone."

"You are Han Erjin, how could you say such words that would destroy your prestige?"

"Don't flatter me. Anyway, I don't want to lose both sides with her."

"No, she has a very average drinking capacity, and she likes to show off her strength. If you say a few words to provoke her, she won't be able to control herself."

I lit a cigarette, curled my lips and smiled. Who wouldn't like Lu Xi who is not entangled, not easily angry, and a little bit bad and smart?
Although I had seen through her little thoughts, I still decided to go through fire and water without hesitation.


15 minutes later, I followed the location sent by Lu Xi to an open-air skating rink; I saw Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao facing each other, each standing on one side, Qiao Jiao smoking, and Lu Xi with a pair of skates at his feet. , presumably, she originally planned to come to skate.

Qiao Jiao seemed to have known that I had also come to Shenyang, so she looked at me not surprised, but full of resentment.She must have thought that she and I had robbed Luxi again. In fact, I followed her shamelessly. We were evenly matched. In fact, there was no need for anyone to be hostile to the other.

I started with a smile and said: "Sister Jiao, the three of us are here now. Tell the truth to Sister Lu. Did I reveal the news about her in Shenyang to you?... She just blamed her for this. It’s on my head.”

"That's what you told me."

"Don't kill someone with a borrowed knife. Do we have contact information now?... Show your phone to Sister Lu. If it has my contact information on it, I will jump to my death on the ice."

"Then jump quickly. I have never seen anyone fall to death on the ice."

This is a woman, unreasonable and vexatious, I can't help but feel a little speechless...

At this time, Lu Xi, who had been silent for a long time, finally said: "She uses the same ID as my mobile phone. If you use the search software, you can find my location."

I was stunned. There was actually someone more shameless than me in this world, and she was also a woman. She could do anything, even such a dirty trick.

After a long while, I said to Lu Xi: "Why can she use the same ID as you? Isn't this a very private thing?"

"I wasn't prepared for her before. She said she wanted to use my ID to buy something, so I gave it to her." I focused my attention on Qiao Jiao again. Not only was she not ashamed, she even looked at me arrogantly. As if to tell me that this is her advantage...

Of course, I would not be affected by her actions. I still kept a smile and said: "Sister Jiao, the weather in Shenyang is also very cold. Let's find a bar to is a good thing. The more you drink, the warmer you will be." By then, you won’t be as sad as you are now.”

"Where can you cool down and stay? Who wants to drink with you?"

"I do. If you don't want to go, just stay here."

After saying that, Lu Xi bent down and picked up the pair of skates on the ground, and then walked to the bar opposite before Qiao Jiao and I.Before I could react, Qiao Jiao was already chasing Lu Xi and tried to hold Lu Xi's arm, but Lu Xi dodged and avoided her.

I couldn't help but highly affirm my behavior in coming to Shenyang at this time; Qiao Jiao is like this as a woman, but as a man, of course I have to work harder!Even if I can't trap Qiao Jiao to death, I can at least trap her into doubting her life.


In the bar, Lu Xi still wore a hat and a mask, but ordered several bottles of high-strength foreign wine for Qiao Jiao and me.I pretended to pick up one of the bottles and looked at it, and then said to Qiao Jiao: "Sister Jiao, this wine has no alcohol content, so let's not mix it with drinks..."

As I spoke, I poured a cup into each of the two empty glasses, and then said, "Do you want to drink dry, or play a game?"

Qiao Jiao gave me a stern look and replied, "I don't want to drink. If you want to drink, you can drink it yourself."

"Oh! It's a shame that I thought you were a hero before... But, sitting in a bar, a place where drinking is the best, you don't even dare to drink a little... Are you still considered a great man?"

"What a big man, I'm a woman."

"Hey, now I know I'm a woman."

After saying that, I picked up the glass of wine in front of me, drank it in front of Qiao Jiao, then looked at her contemptuously, and said: "I really don't mean to compete with you, but when it comes to drinking, You really have no chance... You will probably lose face in front of Sister Lu tonight."

Qiao Jiao still wasn't fooled. She looked at me contemptuously and replied, "I've never heard that face is earned by drinking."

"Okay, let's not talk about face. Let's just say do you hate me or not?"

"I hate you so much!"

"Then you drink me out quickly. Once I'm drunk, I won't be able to bother you anymore..."

Qiao Jiao was finally moved. She cast a questioning look at Lu Xi. After Lu Xi gave her a look of affirmation, she immediately felt confident. Then she picked up her cup, drank it all in one gulp, and then drank it again. He said to me: "Okay, whoever passes out from drinking should get out."


In order to facilitate drinking, Qiao Jiao and I sat aside. I poured her wine and she poured me wine. We drank dry first, and then started playing games...

I am also the kind of person who can't control my emotions when I drink. As we drank, we actually started to hug each other and call each other brothers. Our ugly behavior was noticed by Lu Xi, but she didn't have a fit. Just watching quietly, like a hunter waiting for his prey.

In my drinking career, I have never met a woman who drinks better than Qiao Jiao. In addition, I was really injured from drinking the previous time, and my drinking capacity has not yet fully recovered. As I drank, I felt sleepy.

When I woke up, Lu Xi was no longer in the bar, and only Qiao Jiao was left beside me. She was sleeping on my lap, motionless.

This is Lu Xi's way of revenge for following the two of us, and she succeeded... But I'm not really drunk. I have a very strong ability to sober up. This level of drunkenness can only let me sleep for a while. , if Qiao Jiao, who is my brother-in-law, is still awake at this moment, I can still continue drinking with her.

I pushed Qiao Jiao away, and then went to the open-air skating rink before. My subconscious told me that Deer Creek must be there.


The next moment, I saw an extremely shocking scene. At this time, Lu Xi was flying quickly on the ice. When the speed increased, I saw her jumping back. After completing four rotations in the air, the blade teeth of her right foot When she ordered ice, a burst of ice flowers suddenly splashed on the ice, highlighting her figure like an ice and snow goddess falling from the sky...

Before I had time to sigh, she took on another difficult move. She was spinning rapidly on the ice, and her right leg was raised higher and higher as the rotation accelerated, and finally formed an upward line. Horse movements, if the movement just now made her look like a goddess of ice and snow falling from the sky, then this movement turned her into a snowdrop flower blooming proudly in the snow... worthy of peerless youth!

Just when I was expecting her next move, she gradually stopped. She seemed a little tired. She held the guardrail with both hands and looked at the stars.

Under the pink light, I couldn't see her face clearly until tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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