i'm not a bad man

Chapter 597 I don't want to give up on you

Chapter 597 I don't want to give up on you
Under the light and shadow of the street lamp that had not been completely extinguished, I seemed to see Qiao Jiao's expression when she said these words to me, and I seemed to feel her pain... I knew that she still loved me, not even because of the middle It faded away due to the separation; so, when I stood at the fork in my life, she came back again...

She said that she knew me better than the roundworms in her belly, and I admitted that, but there were still some differences between us. I felt that the time in Qingdao was the most beautiful, but she felt that the time in the small town was the most unforgettable.

After all, I am a little greedy. The reason why I think the time in Qingdao is the most beautiful is just because she and Lu Xi are there at the same time...

Ren Ran said that ours is a love triangle, and he asked me to give this love triangle a conclusion as soon as possible. However, I no longer have the ability to do so...

It wasn't until this moment that I suddenly felt that Lao Wai and I had reached the same destination by different paths, because as long as I implemented that plan, I would probably be a dying person. What kind of relationship or love triangle would there be for a dying person?

I can only regard the tenderness in my heart as catkins all over the sky, and then light a fire to burn them all and illuminate the sky.

Based on these perceptions, I finally spoke to Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone and said, "I'm really not worthy of your mental exhaustion. I'm just a pile of garbage with a stench all over my body."

"If you are a piece of garbage, I am a broom, and I will always give you a destination."

At this moment, I can feel the corners of my mouth trembling...

In my silence, Qiao Jiao said again: "Stop talking, you have a good sleep, and I will have a good sleep too, and then, see you in the evening."

"Well, see you tonight."


After I ended the call with Qiao Jiao, even though I was very sleepy, I didn't fall asleep immediately. I sat on the sofa and didn't know how long it lasted. In short, it suddenly started raining in the city where it hadn't rained just now. The sound of rain was so soft that it gave me a gentle feeling, soothing me softly.

Then I fell into a deep sleep.

However, I couldn't get rid of the cruelty of reality in my sleep. I had a nightmare. I dreamed that someone found Zou Chang's body in Malaysia, and her body was in the hotel's water tank...

I couldn't accept this extremely miserable outcome, so I teamed up with Lao Wai and killed Guan Yubo with his car while he was playing in Chengdu.

I thought I represented justice, but in the end I was judged by justice and sentenced to death...

At the moment when I was about to be executed, I suddenly woke up, my sweat had soaked the sheets, and I realized that when facing death, I was not as calm as I thought.

I hurriedly lit a cigarette to relieve the fear in my heart. When the cigarette was almost finished, I put on my clothes and walked to the window; it was already dark, and the rain was still pattering...

I picked up my phone and looked at it again. During the time I fell asleep, Qiao Jiao didn't contact me again. Most likely she hadn't woken up yet. My mentality had changed a little because of this nightmare. I kind of wanted to see Qiao Jiao. Already...


Qiao Jiao was probably a magical woman, or maybe we really had some kind of tacit understanding. Just when I was thinking this, she sent me a message asking me to send her my location.


Half an hour later, we met. She was walking toward me in the rain, carrying a heavy-looking box on her back...

I wanted to say "Long time no see" to her, but I felt a bit pretentious and cliche. In fact, it hasn't been that long since we last met in Kunming, but mentally it felt like we had been separated for several years...

Just when I didn't know how to greet her, she took the initiative to reach out to me...

I was a little unclear about her intention, so she handed her right hand to me again, and I tentatively stretched out my hand to her. The moment I stretched out my hand, she held my hand tightly. ...Her hands are soft and cold...

And these are all reasons why I want to hold her tightly. I still want to warm her and protect her as always.

She seemed to want to save me as always, so, with her clasped hands, she took our bodies to the top of the building...

The wind was blowing hard, and the rain seemed to be colder than the ground. However, we could overlook everything here, especially me, as if I had opened a God's perspective and had a thorough view of the city.

I was probably a little obsessed, and I thought to myself: If Guan Yubo were thrown from this tall building, he would be quite unaware!

I was afraid of that dream, but when I returned to reality, I still had murderous intentions...


Qiao Jiao kicked me hard, and I came to my senses. Then I looked at her and asked, "Why did you kick me?"

"What are you thinking about, your expression is so cold?"

"I was thinking, why did you bring me to such a high place? There's not even a place to shelter from the rain."

"I want to have sex with you here, okay?"

I looked at Qiao Jiao in astonishment...

"Do you think this solution is good?"

I couldn't answer, so Qiao Jiao gave me another slap and said, "What a beautiful idea. I have already worshiped our dog... I am the eldest brother, and he is the second brother. If you think worshiping the dog is the solution to the problem One way...then you will be the third child."

"You're talking nonsense, I don't even know my parents anymore!"

"You think it's nonsense too?... Then let's get down to business... Why do you want to come to Chengdu? Is the bartender named Zou Chang in Chengdu? What are you plotting?"

Guesses are just guesses and can never be equated with the truth, but I still recognize Qiao Jiao's wisdom because her guess is very close to the truth. I did come to Chengdu because of Zou Chang...

I sighed and then replied: "It would be great if she was really in Chengdu!"

"Have you determined that she died in Malaysia together with the man named Maguan?"

I'm not sure...

Qiao Jiao also sighed, and then finally placed the heavy-looking box on the ground and opened it in front of me...

There was actually a saxophone in this box; she held the saxophone, stood in front of me, and said with a slight smile: "I heard from Lu Xi that you are a musical genius, and she is a woman who can hardly tell lies... So, you must Can you also play the saxophone?"


Qiao Jiao handed over the saxophone, and I subconsciously took it from her hand. She added, "I think the saxophone is the most peaceful instrument, so I must give this instrument to you." On my hand...I want you to play a song...It doesn't matter whether I can be quiet, what's important is that you need to be quiet...You once told me that music is the best cure in the world...So , you should use music to heal yourself first... Think about your musical talent, think about the sense of fulfillment you get from being addicted to music, think about those people who admire and like you because of your talent... If, this can't be changed If you are determined to be garbage, I will still say what I said before, then I will make a broom and give you a home... If you want to return to your sparkling self, I will become a craftsman and make you a The most perfect tool... In short, I don’t want to give up on you, and I have never given up on you.”

(End of this chapter)

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