i'm not a bad man

Chapter 596 This is not my pleasure

Chapter 596 This is not my pleasure

I tried to understand Lao Wai's mood at this moment, but I am not a dying person. After leaving this state of dying, all the perceptions I get are destined to not be profound; therefore, I gave up, and then used He said to Lao Wai in a comforting tone: "Brother Wai, you don't have to be too pessimistic... I think you can try to be more honest and tell him your current actual situation... He may have a slight change in attitude... Because people You will always face up to the kindness of another person when you are about to lose it completely... Although you were wrong, after his mother left, you woke up and you were really good to him... In this world, there is no such thing as There is no one who is more sincere to him than you...Whether he wants to admit it or not, this is the truth.”

Lao Wai looked at me, and after thinking for a long time, he shook his head and replied: "Forget it, let's not tell him... If he cares about me and knows that I am dead, he will still feel uncomfortable... If he hates As for me, if I die, he won’t feel so uncomfortable...just treat it as if a pig or dog died."

I smacked my tongue, and after a while I sighed: "You are so contradictory!"

Speaking of Lao Wai's contradictions, I am not contradictory myself, and two contradictory men are destined not to have a relaxing and enjoyable night together; so, we went to a nearby barbecue stall for another drink, and kept drinking. to 01:30 late at night.

I have selfish motives. Until now, I have not sincerely advised Lao Wai to go to the hospital for treatment. If he has a desire to live, my plan may cause some obstacles.

I don't sincerely want to repair their father-son relationship, because once it is repaired, he will have more nostalgia and concern, and concern will make people unable to let go.

I have really changed. Even though I saw Lao Wai in such pain, I didn't think about saving him. I just wanted to make an equal exchange with him. If it were the Han Chao of the past, I would definitely not be like this.

I haven't fully adapted to this change, so that night, I drank a lot and lived painfully between the two Korean trends. I longed for an exit, for relief, and for giving Zou Chang a just explanation.

I think I am righteous, but I can only raise my knife and strike at evil.

Of course this makes me feel helpless, but I still have to raise the knife.


When we got back to the hotel, Zou Chang's mother wasn't asleep yet. She was sitting in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for me. But when I came back, she didn't say anything...

I just stood in front of her, not knowing what to say to her first.

After a moment of stalemate, she finally said to me: "Do you think Changchang will still be alive?"

If Ma Guan had not died, of course I would have had such luck and hope in my heart; however, evil people all have the viciousness in their hearts to eradicate the roots. There is no reason why Ma Guan and Zou Chang went to a lawless place. After killing Ma Guan, But showed mercy to Zou Chang...

In such a lawless place, disappearance means death. There are too many such cases.

This also made me wonder, why did Guan Yu Expo know that Zou Chang and Ma Guan went to Malaysia?This is also an important point that cannot be ignored. Even if Ma Guan wanted to blackmail Guan Yubo, he would not be stupid enough to expose his whereabouts to Guan Yubo, giving Guan Yubo an excellent opportunity to make a move, and Zou Chang would not...

So, who in the end leaked the wind?

Just when I was lost in thought because of this doubt, Zou Chang's mother cried bitterly and asked me: "Tell me, is Chang Chang still alive?"

My sleeve was grabbed tightly by her, and I couldn't bear it, so I could only reply against my will: "Yes, of course there is still a possibility that she is alive until there is no definite news."

"Then let's go back to Zhengzhou and wait for her, okay?... I don't want to be here. We agreed to wait for her in Zhengzhou."

"Auntie, please give me a little more patience... I have something I have to do here... If there is news about Zou Chang over there, I will take you back to Zhengzhou immediately, okay?" I'm not sure if I have any I am not sure whether I can soothe her emotions if one day, news suddenly comes that Zou Chang is dead. Therefore, I have not waited for the exact news. From now on, It's not a bad thing. At least, I still have some breathing space. At least, like Zou Chang's mother, I still have a little bit of luck left in my heart.


It was a sleepless night. Even though I drank a lot, I quickly woke up when I was alone. My mind was alternately thinking about the women who had appeared in my life. In the end, I just woke up. Qiao Jiao was the only one left in my mind. I didn't know if this was related to her coming to Chengdu.

If she really comes to Chengdu, she should be on the plane by now.

I suddenly remembered a detail when I was chatting with Qiao Jiao. She said that this was not her sixth sense, but the sixth sense of two women. Does that mean the other woman is Lu Xi? ?

Besides Lu Xi, there will be no one else.

I have another doubt in my mind: Will Lu Xi come to Chengdu with her?


I stayed up until the morning in a daze. Downstairs of the hotel, the noise caused by the city's recovery gradually began to grow; I saw the bus stopping at the platform and the students standing next to the breakfast stall, waiting for egg pancakes. , and at the intersection where traffic lights were installed, there were also vehicles waiting for the passing signal.

I suddenly felt sleepy when others started to be busy.

It was at this time that my phone vibrated again. I reached out to touch it and finally found my phone in the cracks of the sofa. Qiao Jiao did not break her promise and she really called me in the morning. .

I leaned heavily on the back of the sofa, closed my eyes, and completely let go of my emotions. Then I answered the call and asked, "Have you really arrived in Chengdu?"

"This is my first time coming to Chengdu. It's different from what I imagined. I thought the pace of this city would be fast, but this early in the morning, I saw several mahjong stalls set up on the roadside."

Qiao Jiao responded to my doubts in such a way, which made me feel very comfortable, but I don't know if this was something she did deliberately or if there were some changes that I hadn't seen in her.

"Everyone here likes to play mahjong, especially the elderly. Young people are still very busy." Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!Reply to "works" to get all book txts.

"Comparing the pace and anxiety in BJ and Shanghai, the young people here are really not very busy." After a pause, Qiao Jiao changed the subject and said to me: "I am calling you to tell you , I really came to Chengdu... But I don't plan to meet you right away, because I didn't sleep much the whole night on the plane... I guess you didn't sleep much either, so let's both get a good sleep first. Get some sleep and then see you at your best in the evening.”

"How do you know I'm not asleep?"

"Because you are a person who particularly likes mental internal friction. You will constantly question, constantly overturn, and then constantly re-establish doubts... Therefore, you must have thought about me many times this night, and you will question me and come to you. Motives, you will think of the things we have experienced, and even the city of Qingdao, you will think of it; you must feel that it was the most beautiful time between the three of us..."

"Don't be so sure."

Qiao Jiao smiled: "Why can't you be so sure?...To tell you the truth, during this time on the plane, I also thought a lot...about our relationship, your good and bad, and then persisted I wandered between giving up countless times... However, for me, the best time was not in Qingdao, but in that small town... Han Chao, even if it is a roundworm in his stomach, it is nothing more than that, but I But I can see through all your secrets... That's because I will imagine myself as you, and then I will be more mentally consumed than you, more than you think... But this is not my pleasure, it is my pain."

(End of this chapter)

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