i'm not a bad man

Chapter 604 I want you to be mine now

Chapter 604 I want you to be mine now

In the wind and rain, Qiao Jiao and I leaned together, watching the cars one after another coming in and out of this gas station; I said, in just a moment, the turnover at the gas station was about [-], Qiao Jiao said at least [-], and we had differences because of this. In fact, this difference is meaningless, because this must be a very profitable gas station.

What we should talk about more is this rain. It should stop.

I hate this feeling of moisture. It's like a rag soaked and dropped on my heart. It hurts but I can't tear it off.

This bad feeling made me subconsciously hold Qiao Jiao's hand. Her hand was very cold, colder than mine, and the rainwater dripped down between our fingers and onto the ground...

She held me tighter than ever before, as if she was afraid that I would melt into the rain.

I also held her tightly because I was more afraid of her disappearing from my side, and this might be the feeling of two people going on the run.

I finally said to Qiao Jiao: "Why didn't you bring an umbrella when you came out?"

"Yeah, why didn't you bring an umbrella?" After saying that, Qiao Jiao turned to look at me and said with a little resentment: "You are a person who doesn't like to bring an umbrella, but you still have the nerve to ask me."

I looked at Qiao Jiao in surprise, because I didn't know if this was a blame. If it was a blame, it would be too subjective, because she didn't even think of bringing an umbrella when she came out.

But this time, I accepted her subjectivity, and I was only gentle towards her, so I smiled again and said, "Okay, I will definitely remember to bring an umbrella next time it rains."

"Well... I don't want to see it anymore. Let's go back."

I nodded, and before leaving, I turned around and looked at this gas station, where even though it was already late at night, there were still big cars coming and going. Although the air was filled with the smell of gasoline and diesel, which made people feel uncomfortable, it was dreamy. Produced in these two smells, between each oil gun, there is really the most beautiful life in the world; it seems that you don’t have to do anything, don’t have to worry about anything, you have already lived a high-level life. Life.

I am probably degenerate, and I actually started to like this kind of getting something for nothing...

No, I am not depraved. What I like is that with a woman like Qiao Jiao by my side, I can still get something for nothing; just like she said, we are together every day, playing with the world while waiting for the sun to rise and set...

It was at this moment that I felt that I really fell in love with her; love is something full of longing and carrying a heavy burden, so it was not until Luan Yu died that I truly felt that I loved her; and Luxi, after that night, I began to become cold-blooded. I returned to the small town alone and fought against Chang Tianming and Guan Yubo. Not only because of the illusory ideal, but also because of the resentment of being unable to love...

My love for Lu Xi was finally put into action, but she also left my life, and she and I still could not escape the curse of regret.


Luan Yu and Lu Xi parted ways and parted. Regarding love, is there anything more tragic than this?

Now, I finally feel that I have fallen in love with Qiao Jiao, and she is by my side, never leaving me. Is this a touch of luck in a miserable life?

Count it, definitely do it!

The corners of my eyes were a little moist, and I seemed to feel a little comfort in my heart.

"What are you doing, standing still and not leaving?"

Only then did I come back to my senses, smiled at Qiao Jiao, then took her hand, stepped on the mud, and walked on the road I came from.


Back at the hotel, Qiao Jiao and I were still in the same room. She was lying on the bed using her mobile phone to catch up on dramas, while I was lying on the sofa, thinking about those heavy thoughts. Neither of us could find sleep this late at night.

There is a question that bothers me. Now that I have given up my murderous intention, what should I do with Zou Chang’s mother?
Regarding this issue, there are not many choices, either let her go back to that small town, or take her to Gejiu... But both of them are sad places, because Zou Chang is no longer there.

I really want to have a dream when I can fall asleep, dreaming about Zou Chang, just like I dreamed about Luan Yu before, and let her give me an idea in the dream...


I don’t know how much time passed, but Qiao Jiao finally put down her phone and asked me, “It’s almost two o’clock, why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

"Thinking about something, what about you? Why don't you sleep?"

"I'm wondering what you are thinking about." "You are obviously following the drama."

"When you are trying to figure out others, you have to have a cover. If you find out, you won't want to think about it anymore."

I smiled and sat up from the sofa. I wanted to ask if she was really worse than the roundworms in my stomach... Just when I was about to speak, there was a rapid vibrating sound on my phone. Came from underneath me.

Only then did I realize that my cell phone had been pressed under me, and I became a little panicked. Ever since I felt like I was on the run, I was afraid of receiving calls late at night.

No, I've always hated getting phone calls late at night because that's when all the bad news happens.

Night seems to be a breeding ground for sin and nightmares.


My body tensed up unconsciously, and then I took out my cell phone from under my body. It was an unfamiliar number. I closed my eyes and calmed down my mind. Then I answered the call, but I didn't speak immediately...

Although this was an unfamiliar number, the other party's voice was not unfamiliar. She asked me, "Are you in Chengdu now?"

Just this question made my scalp feel numb. Except for me who took the initiative to tell Qiao Jiao, no one else knew my whereabouts. How did she know?
I immediately became alert, and out of distrust of her, I denied, "I'm not in Chengdu."

She was silent for a moment and then said: "If you are in Chengdu, leave immediately...it is very dangerous!"

My whole body began to stiffen, and then I subconsciously looked at Qiao Jiao, who had been staring at me. I felt the breath of death at this moment.

"I say it again, leave Chengdu immediately. No matter where you go in the future, do not use your own ID to register for accommodation."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone very quickly, and my breathing became more and more rapid. I finally knew where the problem was. I was being targeted. It was a wave that I had no way to get rid of. The power of confrontation, I finally understood how terrifying an evil force that has been entrenched in a small town for so many years is.

Qiao Jiao finally realized it. Her eyes showed the same fear as mine, and we just looked at each other in the shadow of heavy fear.

I was the first to react. I said to her in a deep voice: "It was Zuo Xiaowei who called me just now. Guan Yubo is going to attack me. He must have bribed people inside. He even knows which hotel I am staying in." …

My breathing became more and more rapid, as if I saw the footsteps of the God of Death. I have said countless times that I am not that afraid of death, but at this moment, Qiao Jiao is by my side. I don’t want to harm her, and Zou Changhe Maguan is a lesson for us... Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!Reply to "works" to get all book txts.

When facing the threat of death, Guan Yubo was completely crazy, just like I wanted to find Lao Wai to kill him.


"Let's go, pack your things and leave quickly!"

After saying that, I picked up my luggage bag from the ground, but Qiao Jiao was stunned at this moment. I didn't know what she was thinking, and her stunnedness came at such an inappropriate time.

I increased my voice and almost shouted: "Hurry up and pack your things, we will leave Chengdu immediately, immediately, now..."

Qiao Jiao finally came to her senses. She looked at me and asked, "Are we going to die? Just like Zou Chang and Ma Guan!"

"Yes, Guan Yubo has gone crazy, completely crazy..."

After saying that, I turned around and wanted to help Qiao Jiao get the luggage she placed next to the cabinet, but she reached out and grabbed me and said: "We have already agreed before that if we both die, you will only belong to me. ...But no one knows whether there will be another world after death, so...I want you to be mine now..."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao took off her pajamas, showing off her curves, which I had never seen on her before. Not only did she take off her own clothes, she also tried to rip off the buttons on my clothes. …

I pushed her away and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't be crazy! Now is not the time to be crazy."

"Don't be afraid, don't panic... You are staying in my hotel now... No one will find you here."

This time, it was me who was stunned here. I just looked at her curves and let her pull off my top and pants...

(End of this chapter)

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