i'm not a bad man

Chapter 605 Go to XJ

Chapter 605 Go to XJ
Qiao Jiao and I fell to the ground, hugging and tearing each other wildly. At the moment when we were about to blend in, she, who had been looking confused, suddenly stopped, pushed me away, and said, "It's raining." When the time comes, you must have an umbrella..."

After saying that, she took my luggage bag and searched inside for a while...

Qiao Jiao just turned the bag mouth down and shook out all the contents. After rummaging for a while, she didn't find what she wanted, but she didn't give up and rummaged through the layers again...

Because I have been wandering outside for a long time, the duffel bag I bought is a tactical backpack. There are many compartments hidden in it that I would have ignored. I finally felt that she might really be able to find what she wanted in a certain compartment... …

If there is, it must have been left behind when he was with Luan Yu.

That was really too long ago. I suddenly thought, do condoms also have a shelf life?

There shouldn't be one, and even if there is, it will be very, very long. After all, the purpose of its existence is for safety, and it will not expire so easily.

Just when I was confused, Qiao Jiao suddenly raised her hand to me. She was holding a condom in her hand and looked at me with a half-smile...

I will probably never forget this scene for the rest of my life. A woman with no clothes, holding a condom that was still within the shelf life, looked at me with such an expression...

Is she laughing at my former dissoluteness?She still felt sorry for Luan Yu and me, or she was happy because she really found what she wanted in my bag.

It doesn't matter anymore, what matters is the next moment.

So, she put on an umbrella for me that would not get wet from the rain, and hugged each other tightly...


We started to flee. Under this huge terror, we no longer dared to waste time. We picked up Zou Chang's mother at the hotel where I stayed before...

I fell into confusion again, not knowing where to escape with Qiao Jiao and Zou Chang's mother.

It is impossible for me to go to Thailand to find Ren Ran, because wherever I am, there is danger. Moreover, it is similar to Malaysia, a place that cannot be touched by domestic laws. I will not give Guan Yubo such a good opportunity.

Zou Chang's mother seemed to sense my worries. When Qiao Jiao and I were silent, she spoke to me first: "Xiao Han, just leave me in Chengdu...he won't do anything to me. ’s... He doesn’t know that I’m with you. If I go with you, it will be a drag and give you more to worry about... What’s important is you... You must live well, only you live well, Only then can we help Changchang and her father seek justice..."

Qiao Jiao was calmer than me. She nodded and agreed: "I think what Auntie said makes sense... The location over there is based on your hotel registration information, so they definitely don't know that Auntie is with you... Why don't we just I left my aunt in Chengdu, and I have a friend who plays games with me in Chengdu. He has houses everywhere in Chengdu, so I asked him to find a house for my aunt to live in first."

I thought calmly for a moment and finally nodded; at this time, Zou Chang's mother said to me again: "In the past two days, I have been thinking about why Changchang can still be found while traveling in Malaysia... She has not broken the law. , it’s not like she’s wanted, how could anyone with such skill and eyes find her abroad... There must be something wrong with the people around her... Pay attention to a person named Guo Rui, Changchang has told me more than once , this is her best and most trusted friend... When Changchang called me that day, she specifically confessed that Guo Rui had borrowed 5 yuan from her and had not paid it back yet. If she forgets, remember to remind her that she needs to be with this Guo Rui... I am already old, and I have seen through the ways of the world. The worst people are often the people with the best relationships around me... Maybe Changchang told her about herself Traveling to Malaysia." I thought about it carefully, and then a face appeared in my mind. It was the first time I met Zou Chang. After drinking, I wanted to take her to the hotel. There was another The bartender tried to persuade her not to go with me...

Most likely, she is Guo Rui. I trust my intuition. I didn’t like that woman very much at that time. I always felt that her concern was a bit insincere. Instead, it seemed that she was afraid that Zou Chang would make more money than her because of her appearance, so she pretended to persuade her... …

I took a deep breath and nodded heavily, indicating that I remembered this matter.


After placing Zou Chang's mother in Qiao Jiao's friend's house, we had less worries and became more enlightened. Next, what we should face is ourselves. Where should we go?Or, what I should think more about is where I am going.

After a moment of silence, I finally said to Qiao Jiao: "Where do you want to go?"

Qiao Jiao seemed to have the answer in her heart, so she replied without thinking: "Go to XJ, that is the only place you have never been to. As long as we enter XJ, it means that you finally have the 297th place in your life. City."

When I heard the place name XJ, I immediately fell silent...

For me, it is of course a place that I long for in my heart, but it is also accompanied by a heaviness. For so many years, as a person who has been wandering around and having a lot of free time, I have never set foot in it. Even if I make up my mind to go, It will always be put on hold due to accidents of one kind or another. Is it really going to happen this time?

I habitually fall into a trance again when I'm silent...

"What, you don't want to go there?...Don't forget, you told me more than once that you yearn for the Duku Highway, Sailimu Lake, and the Ili Prairie there..."

"How could I forget!... Until now, these places are still my biggest yearning."

"Then why do you hesitate?"

I struggled for a while in my heart, but finally smiled and said to Qiao Jiao: "Don't hesitate, go to XJ if you say you want to go to XJ... Go walk the Duku Highway, see Sailimu Lake, and the Ili Prairie... "

After saying that, I opened the driver's door, and then said to Qiao Jiao: "You can drive... I'm still drunk."

Qiao Jiao completed the exchange with me, and then drove the Prado borrowed from her friend towards the highway leading to Gansu... Yes, it seems that Gansu is a must-stop place when going to XJ. .

(End of this chapter)

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