i'm not a bad man

Chapter 610 You must educate him well

Chapter 610 You must educate him well
Looking across the mountain, there is no longer any light in the day, replaced by the depth of night, and the diners holding wine glasses and doing their best to have fun are like moths flapping their wings. , to fight against the dullness and boredom of the night; this is probably why people like wine and barbecue so much, because with the help of wine and barbecue, you can always find a little comfort and joy in this vast late night.

But compared to them, Lao Wai and I were even more pitiful, because hiding in the rental house, we didn't even have the opportunity to drink wine or eat barbecue. So, after sitting like this for a while, Lao Wai finally couldn't hold back and spoke. He said to me: "Brother, let's get some wine to drink. I want to have a drink with you..."

I looked at Lao Wai, wondering why he suddenly became careless. For those of us who have already decided on the plan, of course, the less we walk around outside, the better, because the current monitoring system is so advanced that any oversight can lead to serious consequences. It is possible that others will find clues that we have been together.

Lao Wai lit up a cigarette, took a heavy puff, and then said to me: "This should be the last time we see each other... It may also be the last time I drink in my life... Isn't that what people are virtuous... Whenever it comes to the last time, I always want to do something and leave some thoughts... How can I say it with a word?... Let me think about it..."

Lao Wai thought about it for a long time, but couldn't say the word out. So, according to my own understanding, I said on his behalf: "You are talking about the sense of ritual, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's a sense of ceremony!"

Having said that, Lao Wai flicked the cigarette ashes from his hand, and then seemed a little absent-minded. He seemed to have remembered a lot of the past and the thoughts derived from the past...

After a while, he finally said to me again: "Actually, I'm not as rough as others seem... My biggest dream in this life is to be a painter."

I looked at Lao Wai and couldn't help but smile: "Painter?"

"I'm not lying to you... I really have a talent for painting... I inherited it from my dad... My dad was very good at ink painting... It's just that he died too early, otherwise he might have been a master-level figure!"

"How did he die?"

"You couldn't stand the persecution and committed suicide by jumping into the river?"

"What persecution?"

Lao Wai shook his head, indicating that he didn't want to talk. When he spoke again, he had already changed the subject. He said: "My destiny started to change after my father died... I remember when I was a child, my family didn't have to worry about food and drink at all... That In the [-]s, I am not exaggerating when I say that we didn’t even have enough food and clothing, but our family just didn’t have to worry about food and drink... Because my dad is a well-known painter, we can trade his paintings for rice flour and oil. Sometimes Even pork can be exchanged for it, which is more effective than food stamps... But after my father died, I no longer received this kind of treatment. Instead, I was labeled a lot and criticized by others... But I am a rebellious person, so I couldn't The ability to turn pressure into motivation... I have just fallen... There is pleasure in falling... You know? At least I won't take other people's nonsense seriously anymore... I started to join the dance club and break dance. , fight... Then, I became addicted to drugs and gambling with a so-called elder brother... In the end, I took the blame for this elder brother and was sentenced to five years... I thought that after I came out, the elder brother would give me a good life, but My eldest brother has long forgotten about me. To put it bluntly, he succeeded in clearing his name and turned into a big boss. He no longer wants to have anything to do with people like me... Since then, I have become even more fucking depraved... I began to gamble more and more, always thinking that I could turn around and regain my previous self-esteem through gambling... I have to say that the greatest luck in my life is that I met my wife. After we got married, she forced me to learn from her brother. A skill in repairing tires... But I didn't value it. I went out to gamble from time to time. I lost everything from gambling and was completely destitute... Come to think of it, my wife is quite cheap... What kind of person is she not good for? She has to follow someone like me. Scumbag, gambler..."

At this point, Lao Wai finally shed tears. He did not wipe away the tears immediately and let the tears fall down his cheeks. And for the first time, I saw a man with tears streaming down his face...

After being silent for a long time with Lao Wai, I finally said: "Love is unreasonable. Maybe you are the man she loves most in her life, or maybe she owed you something in her previous life..."

Lao Wai cried and laughed: "How many evils must she have done in her previous life to compensate me like this in this life?"

I forced a smile and replied, "I can't explain."

Only then did Lao Wai wipe away his tears. After a moment of trance, he continued: "No matter how much I say, it's useless... All my life, I have been such a coward! Such a failure!... So, every time I drink too much, I I always think of my dad and my wife... If he hadn't died so early, I wouldn't be like this; so, I hate him a little. Since he doesn't have the ability and responsibility, don't bring me into this world to suffer. ...But when I think of my wife, I only hate myself. God sent such a person to save me, but I didn't cherish it... But now it's too late to regret. I have long lost the only time in my life. An opportunity to change your own destiny..."

I didn’t know how to comfort the old man in front of me who was suffering from regret, so I kept silent...

After a long time, Lao Wai patted me on the shoulder and said again: "You don't believe that I can draw, so I'll give you a painting... Do you have a pen there?"

I fumbled around in my tactical backpack and found the pencil I used to use when doing carpentry. I asked, "Will a pencil work?" "As long as it's a pen, it will work."

After saying that, Lao Wai bent over the simple table and started drawing. After a long time, he raised the drawing notebook in front of me...

I looked at it intently, and the painting was really good. In the painting, a man and a woman were walking under the sunset. A little boy was riding on the man’s neck. The little boy’s smiling face reflected each other with the sunflowers in the distance, which made me feel infinite. Daydream...

Lao Wai tore off the page and handed it to me, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are still young, and you still have many opportunities to change yourself... I hope you can have one in the future..."

I knew what Lao Wai wanted to say was happiness, but after hesitating several times, he still couldn't say the word.

In the end, he just said to me calmly: "Don't worry, I will definitely do this for you... Don't contact me in the future, and don't look for me again... Just live a good life... "

I nodded, and Lao Wai smiled again and said, "I really want to drink. I'll go down and buy some!"

"Well, I'll drink with you." Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!Reply to "works" to get all book txts.

Lao Wai put on his hat and mask, and the moment he opened the door, he turned to look at me again...

"What's wrong, Brother Wai?"

"This matter is over, don't forget my son... you don't care if you don't give him the 30 yuan. I don't expect him to get rich and live his life in peace. Don't be like me... you We must educate him well."

After saying that, Lao Wai opened the door and walked out, but I was in a daze for a long time. Am I really qualified to educate his son well?I thought about it for a long time, and became increasingly sad; this time, I was afraid that I would let Lao Wai down, and all I could give was the remaining 30.


The night became darker and darker, and Lao Wai went out for a long time and did not come back... Feeling uneasy, I kept standing at the window and watching...

I finally waited until Lao Wai, but he didn’t come up again. He was holding an open bottle of beer in his left hand and a few skewers of barbecue in his right hand. He stood under the old street lamp and looked up at me... Suddenly, he Raised the beer bottle...

I understood what he meant, so I quickly turned back to the dining table, filled a glass of water, and wanted to drink water with him instead of wine.

But when I returned to the window again, Lao Wai had already left, and all I could see was a blurry back; so I used the binoculars to track his figure again...

It was still a figure from behind, but he could clearly see his clothes, which were jeans with holes in them and stained with motor oil, just like his life...

Gradually, gradually, even the telescope can no longer see him...

(End of this chapter)

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