i'm not a bad man

Chapter 66 Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love

Chapter 66 Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love
After eating and drinking, Ren Ran and Ba Xiaoguang's co-workers and I left the cafeteria together. Before getting on the bus, I specifically looked back at the name of the cafeteria. The name was quite relevant. It's called "In a Foreign Country", and the target is naturally Ba Xiaoguang, a group of migrant workers who are working hard outside. I can't help but wonder, can this boss really make money?
I counted them carefully. Today we only consumed 96 bottles of beer. There is no way to count the ingredients. But just for shrimps, we took about ten plates. Each plate must be full, and there are countless other ingredients. No matter how you look at it, the boss has lost money, but I heard from Ba Xiaoguang that this self-service restaurant has been in existence for almost four years. It is impossible for anyone in this world to persist in a loss-making business for four years. Therefore, this night, in my heart Another question arises: How does this self-service restaurant make a profit when facing such a group of customers? Is it possible that the boss is a legendary business wizard?


After watching Ba Xiaoguang and his co-workers leave, Renran walked up to me and urged me: "Let's go quickly..."

"What are you doing in such a hurry? There is a beach next to it. Let's go for a walk. Why don't we eat up?"

"I feel sick to my stomach. I have to find a bathroom in the mall."

I looked at Ren Ran, and she didn't look good. She probably had a bad stomach after eating here, so I said to her, "Isn't there a bathroom in the hotel? Why choose something far away?"

"It's too dirty. Stop talking and leave quickly."

After saying that, Ren Ran didn't ask for my opinion anymore and got into the car first. Looking at her eager look, if I dared to say any more nonsense, she would definitely leave me here to fend for myself.


One class really has to make sacrifices to move closer to another class. Even if Ren Ren doesn't care about anything when eating, her stomach, which is used to eating fine food, can't match her thoughts. She is so free and easy, and some living habits cannot be changed so easily, so she is not used to using the toilet there; I can really feel that this meal is all about her compromise and patience.

After waiting in the mall for a while, Ren Ran finally solved her problem. She walked up to me, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said: "You know, all the beers we drank just now were for the last year... and There are a few bottles that have expired.”

"Are you still paying attention to this?"

"The bottle was so dirty, so I took another look... Do they always eat in a restaurant like that?"

"It's not always the case. They only wait for a project to be completed, or someone's birthday or something, before they are willing to come here for a gathering... Originally, I didn't know why this boss could make money, but as soon as you mentioned the impending beer, I I understand...this really reduces costs to the point where they can’t be reduced any more!”

Ren Ran nodded, and then said with some emotion: "If you don't experience it yourself, you really don't know what the world below is like."

"I'm really in trouble for you today."

"It's not embarrassing at all. Even seeing them eating so happily, I can't bear to spoil the fun... But I really don't want to eat in a restaurant like this again."

"I'm afraid there will be a next time... After our project is completed, they will have dinner together as usual. As the boss, don't you have to do it again?"

"Why do they have to come to a place like this? They can also walk to higher places and have a look... When the project is completed, I will treat them to a buffet in a five-star hotel... Let them eat and drink as much as they can That’s enough.”

"Sister Ran, after staying in Qingdao for so long, you are really the most generous person I have ever seen...So, as long as this project makes money, you will not treat them badly."

"Even if I can't make money, I won't treat them badly... Speaking of Xiaoguang and the others, I think of my experience as a host on a TV station. Before doing a financial program, I actually did Social news... About eight years ago, a migrant worker, who failed to ask for his salary, jumped from a building while we were doing the interview... Eight years have passed, and I have never forgotten that he was jumping. The moment I came down, my eyes were so desperate... It was only after that incident that I switched to doing financial programs... My character really can't see too many sufferings in the world. I believe too much that this is a beautiful world. !”

I nodded, and then fell into silence. I am different from Ren Ran. I have always felt that pain is the theme of life. I will not change this understanding easily, but when I am with Ren Ran, I will Some changes happened subtly. At least, I never had the heart to use my decadence and muddle along to change her mind. She was like a light in my heart, always on, always bringing warmth... I like this one I believe in her beauty, and I am willing to use my own efforts to fulfill her beauty.

Just when I was in a trance, Ren Ran suddenly reached into my bag and pulled out the book titled "How to Make a Rich Woman Fall in Love with You". She took a look at it first. Then Yang said in front of me: "This is what you said, how is steel made?" "Well... I just think it's interesting, and the vulgarity is also the elegance. This book actually has something worth studying and studying."

Ren Ran smiled, and then took out a book from her handbag. I took a closer look, and it turned out to be the book "Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love" that she had read before.

"I brought this book with my boss's permission... What's wrong with your book? Sister Ran, this is stealing, it's of a bad nature!"

"I also asked my boss for permission, just when you were going to the bathroom."

"Okay, even if you have no problem with the origin of this book... why are you taking such an extremely vulgar book?"

"The vulgar is the elegance. I also think there are things in this book that are worthy of study and research... I can think in reverse. When I study this book thoroughly, I can identify who is a bad man and who is a good man. , to avoid stepping on thunder later... After all, I am a woman who still has some expectations for love."

"In this way, this book is really a treasure book. You should keep it."

"Put your copy away too. Maybe one day you want to lie down, and there is a rich woman who is willing to give you a soft meal."

Who would really pin their future on a book, and it was such an extremely unreliable book, so I responded to Ren Ran with a laugh. At this time, Ren Ran put the book back again Put it back in my bag... It seems that this really became a harvest for me in that buffet restaurant.

Even if it's a gain, I don't want to go to that buffet restaurant anymore because my stomach started to hurt at this time!Who would really struggle with their stomach and intestines when there are better restaurants to choose from?

If I must go, then I will take Qiao Jiao, because we are enemies, and out of hostility, I want her stomach to experience a torture. So, thinking about it this way, this buffet restaurant is in my heart. It has no special meaning, it is just a weapon used to attack.


After I separated from Ren Ran, I returned to the RV where I lived. After making a pot of tea as usual, I called Qiao Jiao. Her tone was very unfriendly: "What are you doing?"

"It's not because I care about you anyway. How is Lu Xi doing now?"

"Don't you all know that she has agreed to undergo surgery?"

"I know this. I just care about her emotions."

"Don't worry about things that shouldn't concern you..." (Follow the author's WeChat public account: ***, reply to Qiao Jiao, and view photos!)
I was a little speechless, and Qiao Jiao took advantage of the momentum and said: "Han Chao, let me tell you, the person who understands women best in this world will always be a woman... Therefore, the person who stays with Lu Xi in the end must be me... you It's best to retreat when faced with difficulties, and don't make trouble between us... I really do it for your own good, and I'm afraid you'll fall into too deep a trap in the future."

"Yes, the person who understands women best in this world must be a woman... That's why my friend wants to be a woman for you... Let's do this, I will let my friend find you now... She will also be able to be like you I gave you the same meticulous care as you did to Lu Xi..."

Before I finished speaking, Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone yelled, "Get lost" and then hung up on me. When I called again, she had already put me on the blacklist. .

(End of this chapter)

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