i'm not a bad man

Chapter 65 How to make a rich woman fall in love with you

Chapter 65 How to make a rich woman fall in love with you
When Ren Ran talks about her future love life, there is a hint of hope in her eyes, but also full of confusion; this shows that she is not yet sure of victory in her heart, and she is frantically testing and wandering on the edge of pain...

But Ren Ran is a mature woman after all. Even if she is in pain, she still smiles; at least, that is the case in front of our friends.

Sure enough, in just a short moment, Ren Ran patted the steering wheel with his hand, as if to encourage himself, and said to me: "If life is a dish, feelings are just the ingredients in the dish." , whether it tastes good or not, ultimately depends on the ingredients.”

"Then what do you think corresponds to the ingredients in life?"

"Of course it's a career... So, now I just want to make money and turn myself into a real rich woman, instead of living in the corrupt life given by others and becoming more and more depraved... Han Chao, I really feel Now is a good start. I have never been as motivated to live as I am now. Don’t think I’m naive when I say it. Now every day before I go to bed and get up, I shout loudly to myself... Come on, don’t you? Just a simple slogan, when you have that impulse in your heart, it can really rekindle your desire for life."

I smiled, and then after a short silence, I replied: "Looking at how hard you work in life, I feel embarrassed to be passive and slow down."

"We are not allowed to be passive and slack in our work. This is our common cause. From now on, we are all in the same boat."

"Okay, Sister Ran...I will definitely not be passive and slow down in my work, and I will try my best to be your strongest support."

After cheering each other up, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became much more relaxed. When I looked up and looked out the window again, the "Jiaozhou Bay Bridge" was already in front of me. It won't be long before we drive past this building. The bridge on the sea, and then integrate itself into the lights of the city again, and these shining lights will definitely help us get rid of the loneliness and loneliness in our hearts, and regain vigorous vitality.


Regarding where to eat, I asked Ba Xiaoguang for his opinion. In the end, Ba Xiaoguang chose a self-service restaurant. For 68 yuan per person, you can eat a lot of frozen seafood, and you can also take drinks and snacks at your own leisure.Ba Xiaoguang told me that this is the buffet restaurant where he and his co-workers have eaten many times. Especially after a project is completed, they must come here to get together because it is affordable and full of food.

After I paid the fee, I walked into this self-service restaurant with Ba Xiaoguang and his co-workers. It can be seen that this is a self-service restaurant that faces low-end consumer groups and relies on volume to survive. , most of their ingredients are mainly frozen, and the layout of tables and chairs is also crowded, which is a manifestation of cost-saving; the only commendable thing is that a bookshelf is placed between the dining tables with zero food on it. There are some books scattered here and there. Although I don’t know if anyone will actually read them while eating the buffet, this design at least proves that the boss had the original intention to promote culture.

In this restaurant, Ba Xiaoguang and the others seemed to be at home like a fish in water. In just a moment, the table was filled with food. In addition to the food, there was also beer. Laoshan, who only cost three yuan a bottle, had already formed a circle around the table. Damn, if I hadn’t been on a construction site and knew that after doing physical work, I could eat and drink, I really wouldn’t believe they could eat this table of food.

At this time, I paid special attention to Ren Ran's performance. It must be her first time contacting the group of migrant workers. I don't know if she can adapt to such a relationship. In my opinion, this is the collision and integration of the two classes.

Ren Ran was not very uncomfortable. She opened a bottle of beer first, poured a full glass, then raised it and said to everyone: "Brothers, we are gathered together today not only to drink and chat, but also to interact with everyone." Let’s get to know each other... The acquaintance I am talking about is not just a casual acquaintance, because we will cooperate for the next four months. If this cooperation is pleasant, it will become a long-term cooperation... Let me introduce myself first. Well, my name is Ren Ran. Brothers younger than me can call me Sister Ran. Brothers older than me can just call me Xiao Ren... As for me, I started a decoration company. I set the starting point of this company. It's very high. We just want to be the best and largest decoration company in Qingdao... Because we haven't cooperated with each other yet, we don't have many promises to the brothers, but there is one promise that I can give to you now... ...As long as the brothers can complete the work at hand with quality and quantity, I will not owe you a penny of salary, and it is not just a simple salary. After the project is completed, I will give you [-]% of the profit, Extra points will be given to everyone. As for how much each person can get, it depends on everyone’s usual performance.”

The workers except Ba Xiaoguang all looked suspicious; this is normal. It is really difficult for those who do hard work to meet such a generous boss. I don’t know what is the reason for this, but It is true that every year there are many news about disputes between migrant workers and employers, and in the end they even put their lives at risk. The problem of migrant workers' difficulty in asking for wages has become a pain point in this society. Based on such experiences, it is reasonable for them to doubt Ren Ran. of.

At this time, Ba Xiaoguang, who had always been taciturn, actually stood up and said to his co-workers: "I believe Sister Ran, my life was given to me by her. In the future, as long as she needs it, I will never give up!" Ren Ran smiled and replied: "Xiaoguang, it is a very happy thing for everyone to work together. There is no need to make the atmosphere so serious... In fact, people and people Trust between people really requires everyone to experience a lot together to develop slowly; I don't dare to tell you a lot of big words when we meet for the first time... Just one thing, as long as everyone does a good job of distinguishing themselves Regarding the internal affairs, no matter what happens, I will not owe everyone your hard-earned money... In the following time, we will experience together, grow together, and make money together..."

After saying that, Ren Ran poured another glass of beer and drank it with everyone. At this time, I also opened my mouth and said to Ba Xiaoguang: "Xiaoguang, please introduce these fellow countrymen of yours to me and Sister Ran." Let's go back... I'll set up a WeChat group, you invite everyone in, I'll send red envelopes to everyone, and wish us a good start."

Ba Xiaoguang nodded and introduced everyone in turn. Among them were Chaozi who was a carpenter like him, Uncle Gen who was a bricklayer, Sister Zhao and Bingge and his wife who were painters, and Qin Ling and Qin Qin who were doing water and electricity. brother……

They are all capable of contracting a project alone, because they have other workers who can adjust and adapt at any time depending on the size of the project. And they are the core people that Sister Ran and I want to include in the decoration company. We can The projects were split up and given to their respective responsibilities.

After this drinking session, the prototype of the company's engineering department was born.


When the meal was almost finished, I finally had time to look at the books on the bookshelf. I picked up one at random. The title was actually "How to Make a Rich Woman Fall in Love with You". I felt dumbfounded. It seems that I really overestimated the literary accomplishment of this boss, but because I like funny things and I am really curious, I still opened this book to see what kind of methods were used to name the book. So explicit and arrogant...

Are rich women so easily tempted?
At this time, Ren Ran also came over and asked, "What are you reading?"

"How steel is made."

"let me see."

"There are so many books on the bookshelf, why do you want to read this one of mine?"

As soon as I finished speaking, Ren Ran picked up a book from the bookshelf. The title was "Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love Me." She only turned one page, then frowned and said to me, "Are you really here?" See how steel is made?”

I laughed loudly, and then called the boss and wanted to buy this book. The boss was really a decent person, and he offered to give it to me. I didn’t refuse, so I gave the book "How to Make a Rich Woman Love" "Fuck You" was put into his own pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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