i'm not a bad man

Chapter 95: The Sorrow of Empty Hands

Chapter 95 The sadness of empty hands

Listening to the conversation between Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao's father from far away, I unconsciously sat up straight, and then stared motionlessly in the direction where they were about to appear. Although I was a little panicked, I still couldn't stop. I stopped thinking about the scenes that might appear later and Lu Xi's reaction; it wasn't until Qiao Jiao kicked me under the table that I came back to my senses and looked at Qiao Jiao. She didn't speak, but her eyes were full of warning. , thinking of the way she drew the knife in the car, I couldn't help but shudder again.

It was at this time that Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao's father walked into the private room one after another. If possible, I wish I could become a transparent person and watch Qiao Jiao direct and act...

Unfortunately, I don’t have such a special power, so I could only look at Lu Xi restlessly, and then I witnessed the smile condense on Lu Xi’s face little by little, and then turned into surprise; I didn’t need to think about it, but I also knew that Qiao Jiao’s father I already told her on the way that Qiao Jiao has a boyfriend...

I stood up with an embarrassed look on my face; Qiao Jiao's father didn't seem to be a thoughtful person. He didn't even notice the difference between the three of us. He stood in the middle and said happily: " Ever since Xiaoxi became a star, it has been difficult to meet her. Today, the family can finally have a meal together... Just order whatever you like, and I will treat you to seafood today."

I was in a daze. Sometimes I wasn’t sure whether I was friends with Lu Xi and Qiao Jiao, but today I got it right, and suddenly I became a family with them. I really don’t know whether I should cry or laugh... …

I couldn't laugh anymore, because the next moment Lu Xi looked at Qiao Jiao and me and asked, "Are you really together?"

When it comes to submitting propositions, my attitude has always been to hide when I can, so of course I chose to remain silent, but Qiao Jiao was as aggressive as ever. She leaned close to me and asked Lu Xi, "Can this matter still be done?" Are there any fake ones?"

Lu Xi smiled and replied: "Don't worry too much, I don't mean anything else, it just feels a bit too sudden..."

After saying that, Lu Xi looked at me again full of doubts. This time, she only looked at me and not at Qiao Jiao. It was only then that Qiao Jiao's father realized what he was doing and asked, "After a long time, Do you all know each other?"

My strategy was not to speak, but Qiao Jiao kicked me under the table again, signaling me to accept what her father said.

Forced by Qiao Jiao's power, I finally replied: "Uncle Qiao, we all know each other, and I met Lu Xi first, and then I met Qiao Jiao through Lu Xi."

"So, Xiaoxi has indirectly led the way for you two?"


I was extremely uncomfortable, so I lost my previous habit of talking freely anytime and anywhere. I just looked at Lu Xi, and she didn't have any special emotional changes.This should be her reaction when she knows Qiao Jiao is with me. She doesn't know what Qiao Jiao's mood is at this moment. Is she unwilling or satisfied?
She was unwilling to give in, so Qiao Jiao took the initiative to take over the words and said, "Dad, when you say that, it seems that I really have to thank Lu Xi." After saying that, she turned to Lu Xi and said, "Wait until Han Chao and I get married. Then, will you be my bridesmaid?"

"Okay...but before that, can you tell me why you like Han Chao?"

Qiao Jiao seemed to have never thought about this problem. She only saw a look of hesitation on her face... Of course she would hesitate, because every lie requires imagination and space. As long as imagination is used, it will be sure. There will be delays.

In order to make this lie appear true, Qiao Jiao looked at me specially. After hesitating for a while, she finally replied: "Before, when we were with you in Shenyang, something happened that you didn't know about... That night, Han Chao and I were sitting on a bench on the street chatting. Suddenly, the wind blew the lampshade off the street lamp. Just when it was about to hit me on the head, Han Chao hugged me and protected me. Under him...I was injured by the lampshade..."

As she said that, Qiao Jiao held my hand, and after making sure Lu Xi saw it, she said, "Look, the scar on my hand has not completely healed yet... At that time, I was particularly touched. There are people in this world who can speak sweet words." There are too many men, but there are only a few men who are really willing to fight for women... I am lucky enough to meet them, and of course I have to catch them... Dad, let me tell you the truth, Han Chao has nothing, not even a I don’t even have a complete family, but I just want to be with him, and I won’t say more than that, just one word, can you support me?”

After Qiao Jiao finished speaking, she looked at her father with a completely non-negotiable look...

There was absolutely no room for what Qiao Jiao said, so much so that her dad looked at me with an extremely complicated look... If Qiao Jiao didn't lie to me, then her dad shouldn't interfere with her feelings, but this This kind of emotional choice is a major matter related to lifelong happiness, so it cannot be trivial, but all kinds of information show that Qiao Jiao and I have no emotional basis. She just said this based on a whim. talk.

If Qiao Jiao's father blindly follows me without knowing anything about me, wouldn't that be more childish than Qiao Jiao's?This is definitely not something that a successful person with enough social experience can do.

No matter what her father thought, I felt that Qiao Jiao's scene was a little over-acted; that day, when I protected her, she didn't look as moved as she does now. She just acted a little nervous and then didn't let go. She has taken it to heart, and now she is bringing up the old thing again, just to get emotional recognition in front of Lu Xi and her father, so that she can act out the drama more realistically.After a period of silence, Qiao Jiao's father actually replied to Qiao Jiao in a laissez-faire tone: "You have already let this kid get into your closet, how can I still say no?... To say the least, I definitely want you to If you can find me a son-in-law who is a good match for our family, I am not rigid either. As long as you really like him and there is no problem with the young man's character, I won't refuse... As for financial ability, you can cultivate it the day after tomorrow. You just study together and improve together... As for me, I will be responsible for guarding the home front for you, and we will support this family together... Jiaojiao, can you feel at ease when your father says this?"

I was completely confused. Qiao Jiao’s father really didn’t hide it. He even told me about me getting into Qiao Jiao’s closet. In fact, I don’t care about it, but because of the deer With Xi present, I felt a little flustered, because this undoubtedly made it more difficult to explain clearly to Lu Xi later.

I subconsciously looked at Lu Xi with my peripheral vision, but she seemed to have fallen into a state of trance. She just looked out the window and never participated in our conversation again... In her heart, she probably thought that I had already Had a male-female relationship with Qiao Jiao.

I don’t know if I have overestimated my position in her heart. It’s okay to overestimate. When you like someone, isn’t it such a state of worrying about gains and losses?Sometimes I feel that she also has a crush on him, and sometimes I am afraid that she is being sentimental.

The feeling between people is really wonderful. I have to say that any woman around me, even Qiao Jiao, has experienced more than Lu Xi, but I just have a spontaneous feeling for Lu Xi. The good feeling in my heart...

Perhaps, it is really because her appearance is just right for my aesthetic taste, so when we first meet, I will feel that her beauty is like a ray of light. This ray of light has a penetrating power and will penetrate My heart gives me a sense of unreachable distance, because this beam of light comes from the starry sky and the world!

If this is the only reason to like her, then I am willing to admit that I am an extremely superficial man.


After dinner, Lu Xi found a hotel nearby to stay, while Qiao Jiao and her father were picked up by the driver. Only Qiao Jiao and I were left standing at the door of the hotel. Just when I wanted to talk to her about what happened today. When it was clear, she spoke to me first: "Don't tell me anything now. I'm tired. I want to go back to sleep."

"Didn't you promise me that you would explain the relationship between us to Lu Xi?"

"Is it just one night?"

I replied angrily: "Your dad told me all about me getting into the closet. Do you think I missed this whole night?"

"Can you please stop being so sentimental! Didn't you notice that Lu Xi acted like a normal person the whole night? She doesn't care at all. This kind of indifference is not only directed at me, but also at you..."

Qiao Jiao became increasingly impatient and said to me: "If you really think this matter will affect her mood, go and explain to her yourself. Don't you know which hotel she is staying in?"

After saying that, Qiao Jiao waved her hand and stopped a taxi that happened to be passing by. Watching her quickly disappear into the night of the city, I suddenly felt that I had been tricked by her again, and she herself felt uncomfortable because of this Everything that happened seemed less than satisfactory.


Lighting a cigarette, I looked up at the height of the hotel where Lu Xi was staying, and couldn't help but wonder: Does she really not care at all?

When I was about to finish smoking a cigarette, I finally took out my mobile phone from my pocket and made a voice call to her...

The next moment, she refused to answer.

I was at a loss and suddenly, my heart was filled with a feeling of empty-handed sadness!

(End of this chapter)

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