i'm not a bad man

Chapter 96 Search

Chapter 96 Search
Lu Xi refused to accept my voice request. Of course, I could also choose to send her a text message to explain the matter, but it seemed very rash. Because the text lacked interactivity, I could only explain bluntly, but it was not like In face-to-face communication, I can test her mood and thoughts first, and then determine whether an explanation is necessary.

This kind of thing is indeed very delicate. If it is not handled well, it will look very sentimental as Qiao Jiao said. So, after I stood there sadly for a while, I drove back to my residence.


Standing on your favorite balcony, lighting a cigarette and looking into the distance habitually, it is just after nine o'clock. For those who like to spend the night, this is just the beginning of the day, so those who like to spend the night The accelerator was turned on, and the luxury cars speeding down the street looked somewhat restless, but their purpose was clear; coincidentally, wherever you looked, there was a bar street, which was already getting lively. Men must have female companions by their side. Most of them look like young men, drive luxury cars, wear famous watches, and have stylish hair; the women are all young and beautiful, but they also dress strangely. They often wear a thick fur or down jacket on their upper body, but their lower body is All wearing shorts and leather boots... Although we can't see what they will do after a while, we can imagine them dancing and commotion in the nightclub.

In my opinion, the so-called nightlife is just a hunting process, but until now I have not figured out who is the hunter and who is the prey, men and women; this does not seem to matter, as long as this group of people is there, The city will have a kind of evil vitality, which makes people not want to fall asleep, and then sink, become confused and fantasize!
I tried to find Qiao Jiao's villa among the high and low buildings. Unfortunately, even though the lights were bright at night, the view was still not as good as during the day. I could only roughly see the villa group, but I couldn't accurately see it. Locate the pretty building.

Looking at the group of villas occupying the most precious piece of land in the city center with extremely extravagant gestures, I suddenly had a strange feeling in my heart. I have been wandering in this city for so long, and I actually have a girlfriend. !

She is said to be my "girlfriend", but she likes women, and she also likes the same woman as me, so she always plots against me. Sometimes, I can get along with her, but most of the time , I am always the one who cannot resist, because she will always easily discover my weaknesses and take advantage of them, which makes the relationship between us more and more absurd. This absurdity is reflected in the fact that when I think of her, I will He immediately thought of the four missing chariot wheels and the way she looked when she drew the sword, but never thought about what kind of woman she was.


In my daze, my phone rang again. I thought I already understood Lu Xi's character, so I didn't expect a reply from her; as expected, the call came from the agency boy Liu Chuang.

After I got through, I asked with gratitude, "Is something okay, brother?"

"I want to have a drink at your place, don't you bother me?"



"Okay, that's what I asked for. What kind of wine do you want to drink? I'll buy it right now."

"Beer bar, if you want to have something to eat, I'll bring it over."

"Duck neck, spicy chicken feet, and peanuts."

Liu Chuang responded and hung up the phone, and I was not idle either. I immediately went to the convenience store downstairs to move two boxes of Tsingtao beer.I think this is a very lucky night, because finally someone helped me get back into the nightlife through drinking, and I am also a person who really likes chatting with strangers, no matter how happy they are in their lives. , or a complete tragedy, I can always find yearning and resonance in it, because I am a person with a strong ability to empathize, I am never indifferent, and I never look on coldly.


Liu Chuang seemed to live nearby. After waiting for a while, he came to my residence with drinks and food.We abandoned the comfortable glass room and made a simple folding table. We put down the beer and appetizers. We sat on each side and started drinking. The city shrouded in night was still blurry and profound. It makes people feel lonely, but on this balcony, there is a touch of warmth, because there is wine that gets warmer the more you drink it.

Liu Chuang and I directly touched the bottles. After each drank one bottle, we leaned on the guardrail and each lit a cigarette. I asked him first: "Are you not a local?"

"Well, my hometown is in Langfang. What about you, brother?" "We can be considered half fellow villagers. My hometown is in Tianjin."

I am not calling myself a fellow countryman, because Langfang is only a hundred kilometers away from Tianjin, and the food and culture are very close. When we met in Qingdao, we certainly qualified to be called half fellow countrymen.

Because of this relationship, we suddenly had more topics to talk about, and I also learned during the conversation that he is 25 years old, came to Qingdao three years ago, and has been working as an agency, and he is already a senior agency; He said that he knew Qingdao even better than Langfang, where he had lived for 20 years. In this city, wherever there are houses, there are his footprints.

We drank another bottle of beer, and this time, he spoke first: "Brother Chao, you know, even though renting a house is a trivial matter, I can see through a person through this trivial matter... So, I think you are special."

After saying that, Liu Chuang looked at me. He seemed to want to find a word to describe me, but his thinking was a little stuck. After a moment, he nodded and said to me: "I see a see-through temperament in you. , Although you are very young, you have not set too many constraints in your life..." At this point, Liu Chuang looked back at my newly rented house, and then said to me: "I can see that. , your financial ability does not match this house at all, but because you like it, you rent it without caring. You must not have considered what impact it will have on your life tomorrow after renting it... Many young people nowadays They don’t have the courage, because they have to think about the future, save money on renting a house, buy a house, get married, have a wedding, and have the next generation.”

He was right. When I rented this house, I never thought about how I would face my future life after spending all the money from selling the RV. I have always been like this. I enjoy it when I have money, but when I have no money, I will enjoy it. Then think of ways to make money.

I raised the bottle and motioned for him to touch one. After drinking half the bottle in one breath, I asked him again: "What about you, living in this city, like most people, you have many ties of one kind or another?" ?"

Liu Chuang shook his head, and then drank the remaining half of the bottle in one breath. I don't know how much he drinks, but judging from his performance at the moment, he is stronger than me.

After letting out a heavy breath, Liu Chuang stood up and lay on the guardrail. He lost consciousness at first. After a long time, he lit a cigarette and said to me: "I don't have so many ties. I already had them when I was 18." Having a baby.”

I was a little surprised, but I didn't interrupt him. I just looked at him, and he already had a look of pain on his face: "When I was a freshman, I had a girlfriend. She was a nightclub woman, and we were together. It didn’t take long for her to get pregnant... I don’t know what she was thinking. She insisted on giving birth to this child and caused trouble in our school. I was expelled from school because of this incident... Ten months later, she When I gave birth to the child, I was too young and she was speechless. So, my parents took over the child and opened a restaurant for us, hoping that we would have a way to make a living... Actually, this is not the case. She was able to survive... But not long after she opened this restaurant, she started hanging out with some unscrupulous people and became addicted to drugs. In the end, she was sentenced to 20 years for assisting in drug trafficking. .”

Having said this, Liu Chuang took another deep breath of cigarette, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "My parents brought the child back to me when he was two years old because of physical problems... I didn't know how to take care of the child at all, so I asked Even though I had a nanny, I was still confused, gambling or going to bars every day... If I had had any sense of responsibility as a father at that time, I would not have reached this stage today."

"What happened to the child?"

"...The child was abducted by traffickers due to the negligence of the nanny... I have been looking for the child for these years. It was not until three years ago that someone said that they saw a child who looked very similar to my son at Qingdao Railway Station. When I came to Qingdao... The reason why I found a job as a real estate agency was so that I could run outside every day... Brother, you know, a three and a half year old child understands almost everything. At that time, he always Asked me, Dad, how big is the sea? I told him that the sea is not much bigger than your washbasin. He then said, Dad, you are lying. When I grow up, you must take me to see the sea... ...Actually, I'm not lying to him, I just don't want him to yearn for the outside world, and I don't want him to have too many temptations in his heart. His mother was ruined by this, and so was I..."

Liu Chuang burst into tears: "Whenever I have nothing to do, I like to come to this rooftop station... Looking at the sea view here, I think of my son. I always imagine that he is somewhere in this city. Corner, as long as I stand high enough, I might be able to see him one day... This building is really high enough, 56 floors... However, I have stood here countless times and I have seen people coming to Bar Street. On the way, I saw someone drunk at the door of the bar street, and saw the taxi driver standing guard at the door of the bar, smoking, chatting and spanking, but I never saw a seven-year-old child... But I don't want to give up, so you say, wait After you rent this house, I can come here at any time, and suddenly I feel less desperate... When it comes to finding a child, I am just waiting for a miracle. Maybe if I persist a little longer, a miracle will appear!"

It seemed that Liu Chuang didn't have a close friend in this city, so after telling me this, his suppressed emotions were released. He shouted the child's nickname loudly until he was exhausted, and then fell into it again. In silence.

I have no children, and I have never even gotten any woman pregnant, but I can understand his feelings better than anyone else... because like him, I have also fallen into the curse of looking for someone. A few years ago, I was looking for someone in Qingdao. Luan Yu, in the future, I will look for my parents again. Not only will I look for my parents, I also promised Lu Xi that I will help her find that skating boy in XJ...

They say waiting for someone is hard, but finding someone is even more desperate!Because you have no idea where he is, you have no purpose, no time limit, and no hope...

(End of this chapter)

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