The end of the universe: get the ultimate sublimation at the beginning

The end of the universe: get the ultimate sublimation at the beginning


250 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu He gained exclusive skills when evil invaded the entire universe:
【Sublimation】(no grade)
Category: Exclusive skills
Effect: Consuming a certain amount of evil spirits can permanently upgrade certain items and skills by


Chu He gained exclusive skills when evil invaded the entire universe:
【Sublimation】(no grade)
Category: Exclusive skills
Effect: Consuming a certain amount of evil spirits can permanently upgrade certain items and skills by one level. The same item cannot be used repeatedly.
Such a magical skill, of course Chuhe used this sublimation skill on himself backhand, and it suddenly became:
[Ultimate Sublimation] (???)
[Category: Exclusive skills
Effect [-]: [Sublimation] Consume a certain amount of evil spirits to permanently upgrade a certain thing by two levels. The same thing cannot be used repeatedly.
Effect [-]: [Simplification] Give up the sublimation level and simplify it. The same thing cannot be simplified repeatedly.
Note: The exclusive skill is unique and is the only one in the universe. Please make good use of this skill. I hope you can become the strongest person in the universe and contribute some power to eliminate evil. 〕
(The world structure of this book refers to Tomato's peak work "Swallowing the Stars")

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