As Xu Zhinian's hands danced dexterously, a magic circle covering the front of the car gradually took shape.

After the magic array was formed, all Xu Zhinian needed to do was over.Next, we have to see whether the magic circle she created with all her strength can really work.

After waiting for about half a minute, the light transformed by the magic circle reached its peak, and then it suddenly attacked the zombie group with lightning speed.

Although the brightness is not as bright as the sun during the day, it is still extremely dazzling.

Even Xu Zhinian himself closed his eyes instantly after seeing the dazzling light.Although she was protected by a magic barrier, she didn't want to delay her vision because of such a simple thing.

When Xu Zhinian felt the light disappear in front of her eyes, she slowly opened her eyes and looked ahead.

There were only five or six zombie corpses left in front of the off-road vehicle. The corpses of those zombies all started with green blood flowing out of their eye sockets.

Xu Zhinian shook his head helplessly and continued to purse his lips and observe.Except for the corpses of those few zombies, all the other zombies were gone.

Green blood stains were flowing on the ground, extending to the left and right sides along the blood stains. Xu Zhinian could even rely on the traces to determine the direction in which the zombies were escaping.But at this moment, that doesn't matter.

For her, it was enough to drive away the zombies and give the off-road vehicle the ability to continue driving.

Xu Zhinian waved her hand and took back the magic circle she had set up, restoring the view in front of the car to its original state.

The light also dissipated. After everything was over, Xu Zhinian called to the other five people in the car: "Okay, everyone can open your eyes. The crisis is over."

"Wow, wow, wow! Let me just say, Sister Xu takes action, one can stand up to the other two!"

"What do you mean, one person can defeat two people? Can two people deal with those zombies? Sister Xu, that's not two people, but a group of people!"

"Yeah! I've never seen a zombie that Sister Xu can't deal with!"

"I just didn't expect that the magic circle had just been formed this time, and the zombies ran away without even fighting!"

"Upstairs, do you know what will happen if you don't run away? No, it will be the same as those corpses! (laughing)"


As soon as these words came out, the five people in the car took a sharp breath and let it out in a long breath.

Their hanging hearts finally felt at ease at this moment.After opening their eyes, each other stretched out their hands and looked at their fingers carefully. Some of them murmured: "I can still see, I can still see!"

After seeing that nothing happened, Wen Tu in the driver's seat quickly turned his back to the direction and continued to face the front.This time I went over and saw the corpses of only a few zombies in front of me, and I was shocked.

Wen Tu was so shocked that he didn't know what to say for a moment. He thought for a long time before saying: "This, this, those zombies are gone? Are only the corpses of these zombies left?"

Listening to Wen Tu's words, Sidney, who was sitting behind him, once again failed to restrain his temper and stuck out his neck and head to see what was going on.

After he saw it clearly, he was stunned for a while: "Damn it! They are really gone! There are only a few corpses left in that group of zombies! Look, the green blood stains of the zombies are spreading to both sides. By extension, it should be their escape trajectory!”

Xu Zhinian smiled at them, but felt that it was unnecessary.

Now that everything has been resolved, what's the point of thinking about it anymore?I just feel that I want to say something in my heart, so I just say it?Thinking about it, it was of no practical significance. Xu Zhinian clicked his tongue, it would be better not to say anything, it would be a waste of time.

After smacking her tongue, she said: "Stop talking about this, Wentu, just keep driving forward! Those zombies are gone now, who knows if they will come back soon? While those zombies are not here, drive away from here quickly . We don’t have much time, don’t waste it on such insignificant things.” Wen Tu heard this, nodded slightly, and responded: “Okay!”

After he answered, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and restarted the off-road vehicle.It was snowing heavily outside the car, and the air conditioner inside the car continued to blow out weak warm air.

In contrast, the off-road vehicle gradually accelerated on the road, heading in the direction of the corpses of the zombies in front.

When approaching the corpses of the zombies, Wentu himself deliberately turned the steering wheel and adjusted the direction of the off-road vehicle in time to prevent the off-road vehicle from running over the corpses of the zombies.

Soon, the off-road vehicle drove away from the place where the zombies appeared.

Xu Zhinian looked at the snow falling outside the window and suddenly felt a little hungry.She glanced at Zhu Si, who was also making a gurgling sound from his stomach.

Xu Zhinian smiled slightly, it seemed that he was hungry too.

Both of them are hungry, so that's easy to say.

Xu Zhinian made a prompt decision and took out two boxes of self-heating rice and the required mineral water, and handed one of the boxes of self-heating rice and a bottle of water to Zhu Si.

Zhu Si said "thank you" and opened the self-heating rice almost simultaneously with Xu Zhinian.Following the instructions, the two of them did everything step by step, and soon they saw steam rising from the box of self-heating rice in their hands.

"I laughed so hard. Look at the other people's eyes. They are giggling!"

"That's not true! They must be hungry too, but I don't know what kind of food they got in the supplies. It's probably not delicious, otherwise I wouldn't see Sister Xu and Zhu Si getting greedy after eating self-heating rice! "

"Don't talk about them. Now I see Sister Xu eating self-heating rice. I'm greedy too! Really, really greedy!"

"Who wouldn't be greedy! In such a cold winter, it's really delicious to have a mouthful of hot rice!"

"So, Sister Xu is really foresighted! When she and Zhu Si were looking for supplies, they had already thought about eating hot meals in the cold weather! Otherwise, how could Sister Xu and the others eat hot food now? Woolen cloth!"


After about ten minutes, the self-heating rice no longer steamed out fiercely.

Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si looked at each other, then opened the lid of the self-heating rice box.In an instant, a scent of fragrance hit my nostrils and swept through the entire car.

It's winter outside the car, and the air conditioner in the car is on but the temperature is really not high, but it's great to have such a hot meal!
Seeing Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si eating one bite at a time, except for Wen Tu who was driving and couldn't eat, the others couldn't bear it anymore and each rummaged through the supplies they had collected.

Sidney took a big bite of the big bread. It was dry and he chewed it for a long time before swallowing it.

Eliade is dry crispy noodles, which is slightly better than Sidney. At least it is crispy, has some flavor, and is more delicious, although it is also dry.

Balu was even worse than them. Sidney and Eliade at least found decent food, while Balu only had compressed biscuits.Eating that biscuit was as unpleasant as chewing a mouthful of sand.

Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si smiled knowingly and continued to eat the hot self-heating rice they held in their hands.

Although it can't be called nutritious, at least it is well-combined, not dry, and warm.


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