As the off-road vehicle continued to drive south, it didn't take long before it arrived at the destination decided by Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si's discussion - Yancheng.

As expected, contrary to what Xu Zhinian expected, this city called "Fire City" was not warm at all.

In contrast, with the heavy snow falling all over the sky, this flaming city should be called "Cold City" or "Cold City".In short, the temperature is getting lower and lower.

Wentu continued to drive the off-road vehicle along the road into Yancheng, while gently applying the brakes to slow down the off-road vehicle.

He didn't turn his head, looked ahead and asked Xu Zhinian behind him in a loud voice: "Sister Xu, should we find a gas station this time and stop next to the gas station?"

Xu Zhinian didn't even nod, because he knew that the text on the driver's seat could not be seen without looking back, so he directly replied: "Well, just find a gas station and stop. We don't need to find any supplies this time, just fill up the gas. good."

Wen Tu sat in the driver's seat, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay! I'll stop at a gas station right now."

After saying that, he continued to drive slowly on various roads in Yancheng, looking for gas stations on the road.

After driving along the road for about ten minutes, Wentu felt strange. Could it be that he had been going in circles?Not only did he not see a gas station, he even felt that he had driven the same section of road three times in an off-road vehicle.

Wentu was not the only one to feel this way. Xu Zhinian, who was sitting in his car seat, was naturally paying attention to these situations all the time.

The ten minutes or so of driving felt like it was going round and round.What does it mean to have walked for such a long time, with twists and turns, and the same sceneries as the surrounding scenery?
Xu Zhinian didn't even need to use her brain to think. She just looked ahead and noticed the clues.Someone set up a large magic circle in the center of Yancheng.

The center of Yancheng is the center of the formation. Now that their off-road vehicle has entered the magic formation, they have become members of the formation.

But as for this magic circle, I'm afraid the person who set up this magic circle didn't want Xu Zhinian to be involved in it.After all, other people who enter the magic circle can only be manipulated to die, but Xu Zhinian cannot.

As a great magician in her original world, even if she entered the magic circle, she would follow the traces of magic and follow those clues to destroy the magic circle.

After Xu Zhinian thought about it, he immediately called Wentu in the driver's seat: "Stop! Wentu, stop the car!"

Wentu was stunned for a moment. After he calmed down a little, he raised his voice and asked doubtfully: "Ah? Stop... just stop here?"

"Anywhere," Xu Zhinian's entire attention was now on the magic circle in Yancheng, and he had no time to talk to Wen Tu.Later, I felt that this would make Wentu and other people in the car panic, so I added: "If you don't stop, you are taking a detour and wasting gas. It is better to stop casually and save some gas."

With this said, Wentu in the driver's seat naturally understood.He answered "Yes" very quickly, then immediately stepped on the brakes and parked the off-road vehicle aside.

But a strange scene happened. The off-road vehicle had obviously stopped, but continued to rush forward when Wen Tu stepped on the brakes.

That's not slow!What's even weirder is that the off-road vehicle not only rushes forward, but also veers slightly to the left.As if being drawn into a vortex, the off-road vehicle drove along the "preset" track at a slow speed.

Wentu looked surprised and stepped on the brakes harder, even lifting the handbrake.

But no matter what he did, it didn't help. The off-road vehicle continued to drive forward, shifting inward little by little as it moved forward.Seeing this scene, Wen Tu was frightened.While lifting the handbrake, he turned around and called Xu Zhinian: "Sister Xu! Something big happened! The brakes and handbrakes on our off-road vehicle seem to have failed..."


Before Xu Zhinian could answer anything, Sidney, the most impatient person in the car, couldn't sit still.He started yelling: "What failure? Brake failure? Does that mean we have to keep driving on the road until the car's fuel runs out?"

Eliade always had the feeling of watching the excitement without being afraid of trouble. He muttered beside Sidney: "That's it! There are no brakes, which means we can't stop actively. If we stop passively, of course we will only run out of gas. . Oh yes, if it directly hits something that cannot be pushed, maybe it will work?"

Xu Zhinian pursed his lips helplessly and glanced sideways at him with disdain.

She didn't even bother to pay attention to them. After snorting a few times, she directly told Wen Tu: "Stop pressing the brakes, and you don't have to lift the handbrake by yourself. Since you are not allowed to brake, there is a reason for the car, and there is a road." It makes sense. Wentu, you have to learn to accept it."

Wentu was stunned and asked doubtfully: "Ah? Can we learn to accept this?"

Xu Zhinian laughed softly and answered him gently: "Why not? No matter good times or bad times, what can you do if you don't accept it? Learn to accept it. First, lift your feet up, and then let go of your hands. ."

Wentu still felt it was outrageous, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided to listen to Xu Zhinian's words.He lifted his foot off the brake and released his hand from the handbrake.

Although he thought that this should not be done, he also believed that Xu Zhinian had his own reasons for letting him do that.Even if it was wrong in the end, it was Xu Zhinian's fault and had nothing to do with him.He himself just trusted her.

Xu Zhinian looked at him, he finally had someone who knew not to ask why and was obedient.

If you're not smart enough, don't ask why. What can you do if you know the reason?She can solve this magic circle that spans the entire Yan City, can Wen Tu do the same?
None of them can do it, so don’t be smart and ask around.Not only was it a waste of time, but it also made Xu Zhinian feel extremely speechless.After being bored, the only people affected in the end are those five people who are nothing!
She paused slightly and said nothing else.He just raised his eyes and looked ahead.

Seeing the trend of the off-road vehicle moving forward, Xu Zhinian was not just watching indifferently. After all, this was also a matter of his own concern.

Once people stay in the formation for a long time, they will be affected by certain rules in the formation.In the end, it will be bad if it affects your own health or something else.Therefore, Xu Zhinian needs to break the formation as soon as possible.

Every part of the rules in the formation is also related to each other.

Therefore, Xu Zhinian only needs to look at the direction of the off-road vehicle, its deflection angle and direction, and he can deduce the so-called rules of the entire magic circle based on these.

Perhaps, it would be difficult to calculate for those who don’t understand.But for Xu Zhinian, the great magician of the original world, all this is too simple.

Such a type of magic circle didn't even require Xu Zhinian's painstaking calculations.

She only glanced twice and immediately knew how to act.He couldn't help but laugh in his heart: It was such a low-level magic circle. Fortunately, he would be involved in it, and the news would make people laugh!

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