Is it snowing again? Xu Zhinian listened to Zhu Si's words and turned his head to look out the car window.

There was another thin layer of fog on the car window, and she couldn't see clearly, especially in the dark sky. Just with the feeling in her heart, she could also feel that the dark clouds above her head were once again dense, blocking the bright moon that was about to become full.

It doesn't matter, she smiled softly and told Wen Tu in the driver's seat: "You come to the back, and then, Sidney, you drive."

Wen Tu responded and unbuckled his seat belt. Then he curled up and crawled through the middle.

Before Sidney could climb over, Wen Tu had already reached the back seat of the car, making the back seat a little crowded.

Sidney was suddenly mentioned like this by Xu Zhinian. He was still whispering to Eliade beside him, but when he suddenly heard this sentence, he was stunned: "Huh? Me? Next... I'm going to drive?"

"Why is he still stunned? Didn't he hear Sister Xu calling him? Logically speaking, he has the most impatient temper, so he should be the first to ask questions!"

"Yeah, I'm still wondering! Sidney is usually impatient and can't control himself at all. Why didn't he say anything or ask for a long time this time?"

"Yes, yes, I am depressed too! Did Sister Xu mention it again and he heard it?"

"Sister Xu: What's going on? Did I speak too quietly? Didn't you hear me? Or did you pretend not to hear me on purpose?"

"But I think it's not because of Sister Xu, right? Sister Xu's voice was loud enough that Sidney thought it wasn't him, and he didn't want to drive."

"Tch! If Sister Xu couldn't drive, do you think it would be their turn to drive? If Sister Xu could drive, she would have done it herself."

"Eh? That's weird. I remember that the data showed that Sister Xu can drive? She should have a driver's license. How could she not be able to drive?"

"Brother, having a driver's license and being able to drive are two different things... Uh-huh, I also have a driver's license, but with my level of roadkill, I'd better not say that I can drive~"


Xu Zhinian glanced at him and replied calmly: "Yes, you, Sidney. What? Is there another person named Sidney in this car? Or is it because I asked you to drive?"

Sidney shook his head hurriedly: "No, it's nothing. I just, I just didn't react for a moment. Wasn't Wentu driving all the time? I thought, if you need to change someone, you can't change it so early!"

Xu Zhinian showed no mercy and directly rejected Sidney's conjecture: "Then you are wrong. The replacement is so early. But since you said so, then you can drive for a while longer and we will be later. Replacement."

Sidney knew that he would only suffer more if he continued to speak, so he simply did not answer a word. He walked forward, passed Wen Tu, and climbed into the driver's seat just like when he got over.

After Wentu waited for him to pass by, he walked to the back of the car and sat in Sidney's seat just now.

Immediately, he yawned and covered his wide-open mouth with his hands. One is because he doesn’t want others to see his ugly appearance, and the other is that he covers his mouth just to tell others that he doesn’t want to say anything.

Eliade is also a sensible person. When he saw Wentu sitting over, he originally wanted to talk to him and exchange anger.

Later, when I saw him acting like that, I knew that Wen Tu was unwilling to communicate, so I didn't even mention it. Because he had a clear mind, even if he mentioned these words, Wentu would not say a word or two to him.

When he was trying to convince himself that not contacting him was the best option, Wentu closed his eyes, put his hands on his hips and fell asleep.

This made Eliade laugh angrily.

" can you sleep like this?" Xu Zhinian had a sharp ear. She heard Eliade muttering this sentence, so she turned her head and looked over. As soon as she turned her head to the side, she saw Wentu sleeping with his eyes closed and Eliade mumbling to himself.

Xu Zhinian stretched out his hand and made a silent gesture: "Don't disturb him. He also drove in the middle of the night. After a few hours, he was tired after not sleeping for long. If you are sleepy, you can also sleep for a while. Anyway, we are so far away now It’s still early morning.”

Eliade cupped his hands and answered Xu Zhinian: "Okay, I...I'll rest."

Xu Zhinian smiled at him again, a gentle smile from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, Sidney had already sat in the driver's seat. He fastened his seat belt and turned to Xu Zhinian: "Sister Xu, I'm ready, but where should our destination be?"

Xu Zhinian had been paying attention to the trivial matters between Wentu and Eliade, but Xu Zhinian had forgotten that there was still serious business to talk about. There is nothing they need in Yancheng right now. After filling up the tank, it’s time to head towards the next city.

Xu Zhinian first said to Sidney, "Wait a moment, I'll look at the atlas." Then he pushed Zhu Si aside and started discussing with him. The two discussed the next few cities they would pass through, and finally decided on the next destination - Mengguan.

After confirming the destination, Xu Zhinian took the atlas directly to the front this time and explained to Sidney how to walk to the next destination - Mengguan.

Although Sidney listened to Xu Zhinian's words and watched Xu Zhinian's fingers crossing the map, he still had only a half-understanding. However, he didn't show that he didn't know.

Anyway, there are only a few options, either go straight, turn left, or turn right.

Seeing him like this, Xu Zhinian didn't say anything in detail. He took the atlas back and put it back in his arms.

No matter what? In short, Xu Zhinian knew very well that no matter how he took the road to Mengguan, he would always follow the same path - always heading south.

It was still night, but within a few hours of driving it would be daylight. She looked at the fog on the car window and cleared it with a wave of her hand.

The night is so dark.

There was almost nothing visible except where the off-road vehicle's headlights illuminated it.

Xu Zhinian could not see anything, except for the two intersecting magic traces on the ground. One blue and one red.

Perhaps this is the saying that if the water is clear, there will be no fish.

If the presence of blue magic power represents vitality and the absence of red magic power represents danger, then why would people feel afraid?

It is precisely because of danger that vitality becomes an important force. Otherwise, there is no danger at all, just live a normal life, and who would have the time to provoke life?

After Sidney understood the road, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the off-road vehicle forward.

During the long night, heavy snow fell from the sky, and the wiper on the front window of the off-road vehicle was turned on. He wasn't driving slowly, but he wasn't driving fast either.

Along this only visible road, the off-road vehicle quickly left Yancheng and headed towards Mengguan.

The snow fell heavily, and soon it covered the ruts behind me. It seemed like it had never happened, quietly, without any trace.

Xu Zhinian sat in the car and thought: Mengguan should be a good place.

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