Mengguan, the pass in dreams, should be a good place.

This was Xu Zhinian's first reaction when she saw this place name in the atlas. But then she thought of Yancheng's name, and she suddenly shuddered slightly, feeling that she couldn't judge whether it was good or bad based on the name alone.

After thinking about it, I decided to give up these ideas. Regardless of whether his name is good or bad, he is just a passerby after all.

But when Xu Zhinian arrived at Meng Pass, he suddenly realized that it was ridiculous as if he was waking up from a dream.

Mengguan, not only has a good name, but it is also a really good place.

It is a good place that all six people on the off-road vehicle think is good, a good place in a geographical sense and a practical sense.

The off-road vehicle continued to drive south, and about two hours later, the sky in the east became hazy again.

At this time, the morning light tried to penetrate the dark clouds, but the clouds, which had been snowing for days, were so thick that the sunlight could not penetrate.

So much so that on this day, after the sky was completely bright, the eastern sky was still gray. It's like being unable to open your eyes, making you look sleepy.

After it was completely light, Xu Zhinian could finally see how thick the snow was on the ground.

It has been snowing all day and all night, and it seems that half of the wheels are covered in snow. There were no other vehicles passing in front, which caused the off-road vehicle to drive slower and slower.

Until a few minutes before the off-road vehicle was about to arrive at Mengguan, the tires of the off-road vehicle could no longer crush the snow in front of the road, and the vehicle stopped on the side of the road.

Sidney's impatience led him to act in a fickle manner. When he saw the off-road vehicle stop, the first thing he did was not to say anything to other people in the same vehicle, nor to look for the internal reason, but to press the accelerator and push forward without asking or saying anything.

Unfortunately, the snow ahead was too thick. The tire wants to roll forward, but I don’t know where to put the force.

The snow has not stopped, which means that now they are neither in front nor behind.

But the only good thing is that this place already belongs to Mengguan's territory. Because where the off-road vehicle stopped, there was a blue sign hanging on the side, with white letters clearly written on it: Mengguan.

Sidney tried several more times, but to no avail. Until this moment, he panicked and said to the other people in the car: "It's over! It's not good! The car, the car seems to have broken down... No matter how hard you step on the accelerator, it can't move forward!"

"Ah?" Eliade's eyes widened in fright: "How could a good car break down while driving? How on earth do you drive? Sidney, you, you... the car broke down , we all have to freeze to death here!"

"Open your mouth and shut up, why don't you freeze to death..." Xu Zhinian felt extremely vulgar as he listened to Eliade talking about Sidney.

Yes, the car cannot move forward now, and that is definitely not the so-called "breakdown"! There are naturally other reasons why the vehicle cannot move forward.

She looked at Sidney, who was anxious in the driver's seat, and then glanced at Eliad and the other people in the back seat of the car, and said slowly: "Things haven't reached that difficult level yet! At least, we are there now. Mengguan, isn't it? It's better than stopping halfway, right?"

"But...but the off-road vehicle can't move forward any further!" Eliade seemed to have caught a mistake and pulled hard, for fear of letting it go: "What will happen when we get to Mengguan? We still haven't found refuge. So, or short, the off-road vehicle can't move forward, and it's all Sidney's fault!"

Sidney turned around in a hurry and quarreled with Eliad: "Yes, it's all my fault! I was driving normally on the road, and I wasn't messing around. I wasn't even going too fast. I was just driving at a normal speed. The car couldn't move." You moved, you blame me? Let me see, you blame me if you can’t poop every day!”

Eliade's face turned pale with anger: "You... what are you talking about! If I can't poop, what does it have to do with you? No, you... now it's about the parking of the off-road vehicle, what are you talking about!"

Xu Zhinian listened to the two of them arguing loudly, and shouted angrily: "That's enough! Stop arguing! It's useless to listen to the chatter. If you two argue, you can solve the problem, and then you won't be able to solve the problem in the future." Don't think of other ways. When something happens, you two just quarrel! Do you need me to put you together? If the quarrel is not enough, let's fight again?" After hearing this, the two of them lowered their heads and turned their heads to each other in shame. He snorted: "Humph!"

Xu Zhinian was helpless: "The off-road vehicle can't move forward, and it's no wonder Sidney. I have to say this. Otherwise, who can drive with ease in the future? The off-road vehicle cannot move because the snow on the road is too thick. The wheels can no longer roll over it.”

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent. Because I don’t know what to say, I want to blame people, but it turns out it’s not the person’s problem.

If you want to complain about off-road vehicles, complaining will turn into complaining about Xu Zhinian's choice of car. However, when it comes to choosing a car, Xu Zhinian doesn't just choose it by himself. It was one person versus a group of people, and no one could choose a better car, so they had to choose.

In the end, who is to blame, and what is to blame? I'm afraid that I can only break my front teeth to activate the blood and swallow it, and I have to swallow the pain by myself.

Xu Zhinian paused, and then said: "But fortunately, we stopped next to Mengguan, and we have reached the boundary of Mengguan, not halfway."

"What's so good about this?"

"Yeah, it doesn't make any difference. When the gas runs out, we will all freeze to death... The snow is so thick and it keeps falling, we can't walk at all!"

Xu Zhinian nodded: "Yes, it doesn't seem to be any different. But don't forget, we are alive. Are all of us disabled? We can only sit in the car and wait to die?"

"If the car can't move, then people will move! We are now in Mengguan territory. When the gasoline in the car is about to be burned out, in order to maintain the fuel level, which one of us can't take the gasoline can to the gas station inside Mengguan to refuel?"

"Unless you think that you will never use the air conditioner again after running out of gas. I'm not cold. At worst, when the snow covers the off-road vehicle, I teleport away from here and I can still find a refuge. I don't believe it, you guys Can you still remain indifferent then?"


With this explanation, it seems that something bad has become a good thing.

They understood that at least now in the Mengguan realm, if something happened, they could always survive by abandoning the car. It's better than being halfway there, with no village in front of you and no store behind you.

Even if you have to walk a long way, in the cold winter with heavy snow, it is still less than stopping halfway.

After no longer driving, Sidney simply put on the handbrake and unbuckled his seat belt.

Xu Zhinian ignored him and couldn't move forward anyway.

But even though she said that to make others feel at ease, she was not at ease herself. You know, the snow has no tendency to stop, which means they may not be able to drive for a long time.

Time is running out now. If we can't find a shelter, the mission will fail.

In the memory of the original owner, failing to complete the mission of Kaidan Paradise is not an easy task.

That was the strange arrival of the entire country!
Terror spreads throughout the body.

Xu Zhinian chuckled lightly. Anyway, it was not the time to die that day.

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