Xu Zhinian knew that when she asked this question, no one would be willing to answer her question.

After all, no one wants to leave an easy break and choose to wash the dishes instead.

Xu Zhinian had actually known for a long time that for that group of people, they would only choose to act after being moved by their own interests, but she still felt that maybe someone could break away from her first impression and show a kind side.

However, the truth is always cruel.

Xu Zhinian thought that this time someone would finally stand up and feel that his own interests were nothing compared to the overall interests, so he would be willing to reach out and wash the dishes.

But the result always made her lament that the world was unfair, everyone always thought of themselves, and no one was willing to help others.

Xu Zhinian smiled slightly and asked again tentatively: "So, is it true that no one is willing to take the initiative to wash the dishes?"

Still no one answered, everyone remained silent. Especially the impatient Sidney and Eliad buried their heads directly after hearing Xu Zhinian's question.

Xu Zhinian looked at this group of people, and the anger in his heart reached its peak at this moment. She almost turned the table over, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt it was pointless.

Simply, she didn't bother to delve into the indifference of human nature, and directly arranged it: "Since no one is willing to take the initiative, I will arrange it directly. Eliade, you will clean the plate for this meal."

Eliade was stunned after hearing this. How could he be willing to do this? But before he could speak and ask Xu Zhinian "Why did you choose him?" Xu Zhinian opened his mouth again and blocked his mouth.

Xu Zhinian said: "I know, Eliad, you will definitely want to ask me why I chose you directly. It's not because you lowered your head, or for other reasons. It's just that we sit in rows one after another in the order of our seats. You sit On the far side, naturally the first one is you."

After saying that, she turned to look at the expressions of the other people, and continued: "Don't think that others have nothing to do with you. If we are determined to be stationed in the shelter of this white castle, the plates of the next few meals will be Someone also has to wash the dishes. Just follow the order in which you sit at the table today, and one person will wash the dishes after each meal. In this way, there is no need for anyone to be more noble than the other, and there is no need to ask who is willing to take the initiative to help clean the dishes. "

"Oh, yes, one more thing. When Balu cooks, he can't always cook alone. It just so happens that he is sitting over there today, and in counterclockwise order, the next Wentu will cook. A meal If you do it alone, just follow this order.”

After saying this this time, Xu Zhinian remained silent for a few seconds and continued to look at the expressions of the other five people.

After hearing no objections from the other five people, Xu Zhinian smiled slightly and then said: "Since everyone has no problem, let's do it. Eliade, you will be responsible for washing the dishes. Others, it doesn't matter where they go. . Let’s have a good rest today. Balu, come with me, I’ll take you to your room.”

She didn't care about what other people did. Xu Zhinian didn't even care whether Eliade would wash the dishes. Anyway, she knew the inventory here and could get new dishes to use.

As for what other people think, Xu Zhinian doesn't care even more. She thought about it and felt that she had been too nosy in the past. If you become more selfish, you might be better off with certain things.

She told Balu to hurry up, and after hearing Balu reply "Okay", she quickly followed her. Xu Zhinian led the way, following the previous path, along the corridor back to the front of the kitchen, and then continued walking deeper along the corridor, leading Balu to the door of his room. Xu Zhinian stretched out his hand, pointed at the door, and told Balu beside him: "Did you see it? This room is your room. The others have a room each, and I have reserved the outermost room for you. Open the door Go in and take a look, rest and so on is up to you. The structure of each room is the same, and there will be no distinction between high and low."

When Balu heard what Xu Zhinian said, he nodded and replied: "Well, I'll go to the room first. If anything happens, I may trouble you again, Sister Xu."

When Xu Zhinian heard the words, he just smiled gently: "It doesn't matter. If you have anything, come to me at any time! I'm in the innermost room. If you have anything, come to me. Then you can rest, goodbye."

After Xu Zhinian finished speaking, he waited quietly for Balu to enter the room and closed the door.

After Balu entered the room, Xu Zhinian did not continue to stand in the corridor. He walked back to his room and closed the door.

She sat back on the bed in her room and waited quietly for time to pass. After thinking about it, I felt that I really should take a good rest, so I took off my shoes and got into bed again.

She looked out of the window along the window lattice, but ignored that it turned out that this window did not lead to the outside, but to a flower garden indoors.

I don't know if the snow is still falling outside now. If it keeps snowing and doesn't stop, I'm afraid the off-road vehicle should be completely covered in snow at this moment.

I don’t know if this white castle is really a refuge. Can the mission of Monster Paradise really be completed so easily? Xu Zhinian was thinking about this, and suddenly he felt sleepy again. He didn't know how to fall asleep at all.

She climbed up from the bed, sat up straight and looked at the window lattice. I couldn't see whether it was snowing outside the window, so I could only look at the flowerbed.

At this moment, a wisp of fragrance entered her room along the window lattice, and Xu Zhinian discovered that the flower blooming outside the window was jasmine.

Earlier in the original world, Xu Zhinian liked jasmine the most. The fragrant and sweet smell flows down the nose and enters the sense of smell. It smells really good. She originally thought that after entering the Doomsday Crisis instance, she would no longer be able to smell this fragrance, but she did not expect that there was still the fragrance of jasmine in the sanctuary of the white castle.

Xu Zhinian looked at the window lattice and the flower garden outside the window. For a moment, she wanted to run to the flower garden to see how it was doing.

Look at the jasmine flowers in the flowerbed, how bright they are blooming. But then I thought about it, this was not the time to really relax. She knew very well that for the mission of Kaidan Paradise, could this refuge be considered a refuge?
  Thinking about it carefully, Xu Zhinian felt more and more dizzy. At this moment, I heard the sound of people talking outside. The rooms in this shelter were not soundproof. I could hear the footsteps of Eliad and the others coming back and the voices of each other talking to each other.

After a brief pause, Xu Zhinian didn't mean to eavesdrop. However, the group of people spoke too loudly, and the room was not soundproof, so it all reached their ears.

Xu Zhinian didn't pay attention at first, until she heard Eliade starting to complain about her.

Eliade said: "I'm really annoyed. Xu Zhinian doesn't do anything himself. Why does he always arrange for us to do this and that?"

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