Xu Zhinian originally wanted to think about his next actions, but inadvertently, he heard Eliade complaining about himself.

So, at this moment, Xu Zhinian himself didn't know what to do. According to her previous temper, she would have rushed out as soon as possible and then asked why Eliad was blaming her behind her back.

But now she no longer wants to care about these bad things. Regarding Eliade and the other four people, Xu Zhinian no longer wanted to care about what they said, whether it was sarcasm or curse.

For Xu Zhinian, there are some things that no longer need to be fussed over. She doesn't care about other people's opinions, because no matter how much they curse, how much they mock, how much they complain behind their backs, when they actually face each other, they have to stay humble again.

This kind of thing always happens around her. The more Xu Zhinian has experienced, the more he understands the indifference of human nature. Therefore, if someone talks behind her back and says something bad about her, she doesn't think it's okay.

Anyway, if they scolded Xu Zhinian, it would not be an extremely bad behavior for him. Of course, she is not a person who can tolerate Xu Zhinian's physical problems or other more serious problems.

When Xu Zhinian thought about this, he felt that he didn't really need to rush out and question Eliade.

Once he really rushed out, Xu Zhinian could even imagine how embarrassing the consequences would be. There is still some time before the mission in Kaidan Paradise is over, and during this period of time, I always look up but never look down.

If she really showed that she heard Eliade's words sarcastically complaining about herself, and Eliade himself knew about it. It didn't matter to Xu Zhinian, but I was afraid that Eliade himself would be scared to death.

Even if you don't get scared to death, you still have to feel embarrassed. At least when he sees Xu Zhinian again in the future, he will definitely not feel very comfortable.

It's like saying bad things about someone in front of others, and having them listen carefully. Xu Zhinian felt embarrassed just thinking about it. After thinking about it, she decided not to go out.

To save Eliade from embarrassment, and from the embarrassment of others traveling with Eliade. It was herself who was so angry. Obviously everything he did was for this group of people, but he was not understood and was complained behind his back. Who else could accept this scenario with peace of mind?
  After waiting for a while, the footsteps and complaints outside stopped. Xu Zhinian listened carefully and felt that the people outside had gone back to their own rooms.

In other words, there is no one outside right now. In order to avoid being overheard gossiping, Xu Zhinian waited until no one was outside before he dared to go outside.

In fact, Xu Zhinian could have used teleportation magic just now to leave his room. But that would also consume a lot of energy and magic power. Why waste energy on something of little use when you can move around?

Xu Zhinian thought as he walked to the bed and put on two shoes. She stepped off the bed with her feet on the floor.

After listening carefully and confirming that there was no one else in the corridor outside at this moment, Xu Zhinian walked to the door and opened the door to the room.

The door is pulled inward, so even if there is someone outside, it cannot be immediately recognized that someone is coming out of the room. Because they don't see the door open, it goes inward. Unless someone happens to be standing in front of the door, it is impossible to notice that the door is opened in the first place.

After opening the door, Xu Zhinian did not go out immediately. She first stopped in front of the door and looked outside. After making sure there was no one else outside, Xu Zhinian closed the door and walked out.

To actually perform this action is like being a thief. But for Xu Zhinian, she wasn't too afraid of being seen. On the contrary, she was worried that when those people saw her coming out, what if she felt that she heard their complaints?

Although she doesn't want to pursue those now, because it is completely meaningless. But those people didn’t know what she was thinking! If you don’t know, you will naturally have random thoughts. In the end, it was revealed that Xu Zhinian did not have that kind of thoughts.

As the words were passed around, Xu Zhinian felt his head grow bigger. In short, there is no one outside now, so she can walk freely. Walking along the corridor towards the kitchen, Xu Zhinian just smelled the fragrance of jasmine and wanted to see the flower garden that could be seen through the window.

Follow the way you came and walk behind the kitchen. Xu Zhinian walked forward for another ten steps, then turned left and entered another corridor. She walked along the other corridor again, and soon she saw the flower garden through the window.

Looking at the flower garden from a distance, it seems that the area of ​​the flower garden is not very large. Above is a transparent glass curtain wall, which on the one hand can keep the heat in, and on the other hand, can allow the outside sunlight to penetrate directly into the flower garden through the glass, bringing the raw material - sunlight - to the photosynthesis of the plants in the flower garden.

After getting closer, Xu Zhinian discovered that it didn't look like a very big flower garden, but the actual area was not that small either. After getting closer, Xu Zhinian always felt that the garden area could even be said to occupy the entire White Castle shelter, but for some reason, the flower garden did not occupy the entire White Castle.

It didn't matter, anyway, Xu Zhinian came here not to measure the size of the flower garden, but to appreciate the plants in the flower garden and smell the fragrance of the jasmine flowers.

Taking advantage of the break of smelling the fragrance of flowers, Xu Zhinian might also think about what to do next.

After all, the mission of Kaitan Paradise is always hanging in her mind, like a sharp sword that will pierce her skin and body if it is not handled properly.

So Xu Zhinian had to think more than others. Even if she was selfish in the end, no one would care. She had to determine in advance whether this place could be regarded as a refuge.

Maybe Xu Zhinian doesn’t know what a real refuge looks like? It cannot be called a real refuge, but should be called what the refuge specified in the Kaidan Paradise mission is like.

She doesn't know, so she needs to think. When she walked under the jasmine flowers, she saw a chair next to her and sat on it.

After sitting on it, Xu Zhinian began to describe the so-called plan and the shelter.

She thought a lot, and finally came to a conclusion with only one sentence:

Since Kaidan Paradise’s definition of a refuge is unclear, we have to find a way to let Kaidan Paradise define a refuge in advance.

However, Xu Zhinian also knows that Kaidan Paradise itself is a system, a game, and a space. It cannot speak, so it is necessary to find a way for Kaidan Paradise to speak.

For example, the NPCs in Monster Paradise.

Xu Zhinian quickly thought of Zhu Si. Since he was not a passer, he was an aboriginal in the Ghost Story Paradise. At the beginning of the creation of this copy, Kaitan Paradise must have entered certain rules into him.

So, if she asks Zhu Si what a refuge is, as long as she gets an affirmative answer from him, she's done.

Even if Kaitan Paradise says that this place is not the place, Xu Zhinian can use this reason to have a good battle with Kaitan Paradise.

(End of this chapter)

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