"Who do you ladies think you are?" Fan Ruoruo snorted coldly, "You are just a vixen who became a spirit and climbed up to the city lord to gain a place in the palace."

The fox maid's face turned pale. She didn't expect that the other party would speak so harshly.

"Miss Ruo Ruo, this is no longer the former City Lord's Mansion, and you are not the master of the City Lord's Mansion, our young lady is."

"Tell that bitch Chen Ruyi to come and invite me in person before I go!" Fan Ruoruo's almond-shaped eyes widened with anger.

Yun Li gently squeezed her shoulder with his little hand, and heard the maid continue, "Our young lady is not something you can just meet, she has to serve the Lord of the City, how can she be as free as Miss Ruo Ruo. "

"Miss Ruo, don't be angry." Yun Li whispered in her ear, "Can Yun Jiang accompany you to take a look?"

The handsome and gentle young man breathed into his ear like a orchid.

Fan Ruoruo's mood surprisingly calmed down. She stretched out her hand and pinched Yun Li's cheek, and said with a raised lip, "You're a good young man."

Yun Li: Are you being teased?

She quickly came to her senses, but the fox maid glanced at Yun Li and was slightly shocked. Where did this handsome young man come from? It would be bad if the city lord took notice of him.

She kept an eye out, and when she returned, she saw Chen Ruyi transforming into a little fox ghost, approaching the city lord, trying to please her. The city lord only glanced at her occasionally, and then continued to lower his eyes.

The fox maid was even more scared.

After Chen Ruyi walked out, she lowered her head and talked about Fan Ruoruo.

"Of course I don't take that idiot woman seriously, but it's those foxy women who came to steal men from me."

Chen Ruyi is a six-tailed fox who was beaten to death for stealing tributes during his lifetime. Later, he became a ghost in the underworld. What he likes to do most all day long is hook up with handsome men.

Fan Ruoruo's father had been seduced by her before. Until the new city lord came to power, she tried her best to get close to the new city lord, but found that he was indifferent.

The only thing I like most is watching those foxy girls dancing, which makes the people below want to please the city lord and offer beauties in various ways.

Others offer handsome men.

He was even more disdainful towards beauties, and he would occasionally ask a few questions about men.

When Chen Ruyi thought about it, she felt unwilling to do so. Why would a normal man turn a blind eye to a woman? Is she not sexy enough?She is a vixen!What kind of vixen is not beautiful and graceful?

"Another man?"

Chen Ruo gritted her teeth angrily, "This Fan Ruoruo also found a handsome attendant? Does she want to take my position?"

"Young lady is happy and angry, Fan Ruoruo can't make any waves."

"You're right." Chen Ruyi calmed down, "I don't believe he can like anyone, he doesn't like anyone." It was the city lord who was talking about.

Chen Ruyi turned into a little fox and nestled at the feet of the city lord. She deliberately shrunk into a small ball, exposing her soft belly and tempting others to touch her.

The city lord didn't even raise his eyebrows, his cold face was full of indifference.

Don't even care.

Chen Ruyi had no choice but to stretch out her claws, trying to hook the city lord's outer robe, but was kicked directly to the ground.

"Chen Ruyi, the vixen, is waiting closely inside again?" When Fan Ruoruo came over, she found that all the seats were full, and the city lord was not even there, and the vixen was not there either.It can be seen that... the vixen is entangled with the city lord again. She was not convinced in her heart and said to Yun Li, "You can steal that bitch's limelight from me later."

"That bitch isn't as handsome as you."

As she said that, she began to look at Yun Li a little bit, with a hint of admiration in her eyes. If she had such a face, would she still worry about being unpopular?
It's a pity that he is a man. If he were a woman, where would there be the place for that vixen?
However, Yun Li pursed his thin lips and said, "Vixen? What kind of vixen?"

"Oh, you don't know." Fan Ruoruo came back to her senses, "It's just a fox spirit with a beautiful appearance. My father used to keep it as a pet. After my father left, it hooked up with the current city lord and wanted him to keep it. Hold her."

Yun Li has never seen a vixen before, but he is a little curious, what does this vixen look like?
How beautiful is it?She was looking forward to it, and the corners of her lips also turned up a bit.

This smile made Fan Ruoruo even more elated.

This young man is really beautiful in his prime, with red lips and almond-shaped eyes, he is indeed charming.

Yun Li saw Song Sinan mixed in the crowd. He was staring straight ahead. The withered grave around his waist was emitting a light green light, as if he was about to draw his sword in the next second.

Why is this man so nervous?Is it possible that Shen Si would still eat souls in front of him?

The next second he saw an extremely powerful pressure coming from him. Yun Li subconsciously raised his eyes and faced the familiar figure.

With black eyes and long hair, and a simple robe covering her body, she looks like the beautiful creator in mythology.

The beauty is breathtaking.

Such Shen Si was strange and terrifying.

Shen Si seemed to notice something. His cold eyes swept over the people kneeling below, and finally landed on Yun Li.

Chen Ruyi, who was beside her, thought that Shen Si was looking at Fan Ruoruo, and her alarm immediately rang in her heart, and she quickly said, "Lord City Lord, the performance is about to begin, please take a seat."

After saying that, Shen Si converged his gaze and took a seat.

He raised his hand and gently played with the valuable emerald ring on his finger. There was a gem like dove's blood on the ring. This was the symbol of the king, and he was the master of Jidu.

Chen Ruyi served him tea and water with an attentive attitude, which made the group of female ghosts below him even more disdainful. Fan Ruoruo was surrounded by several beautiful female ghosts, all of whom were beauties left by the former city lord. They wanted to follow the current ones. The city lord and Que were all sent to work as maids, and in the end they could only rely on Fan Ruoruo to survive.

They looked at Yun Li curiously, with deep coveting in their eyes.

"Where did this handsome young man come from? You are so lucky, young lady."

Yun Li's eyes were fixed on Shen Si, and then he looked at the gigolo dancing gracefully on the stage.

Shen Si had no interest. He didn't seem to like watching these gigolos at all. Instead, he found it boring. He just played with the things in his hands until a vixen came close to him and wanted to rub his fingers. He reluctantly raised his head. After touching it with his hand, the fox turned its belly excitedly.


Yun Li could finally understand that in the old Mary Sue dramas that she had watched before, the scene where the main wife met the mistress was really unpleasant, and she wanted to skin the vixen.

Yun Li felt that the fox's fur was very warm and would definitely make a good fur coat.

But the mistress was really seductive. She used her tail to tease Shen Si, and her whole body was as white as snow. However, the people around her seemed even more uncontrollable. Fan Ruoruo couldn't help but stand up and said to Shen Si, "City Lord, Ruo Ruo Here’s to you.”

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