Fan Ruoruo is quite prestigious in the City Lord's Mansion. She is the daughter of the previous City Lord and the most likely to inherit the City Lord's Mansion in the future. However, Shen Si came out halfway and took her position.

The ghosts and ghosts below all speculated that Fan Ruoruo endured the humiliation and stayed with Shen Si just to wait for an opportunity to strike a fatal blow to Shen Si.

In addition, Fan Ruoruo is indeed beautiful, with a very bright and generous appearance, and is the most beautiful woman in Jidu.

Until their eyes averted and fell on the appearance of the man behind Fan Ruoruo, a group of ghosts and monsters were frightening. Where did this sign of Xiao Langjun come from?
She has raw almond eyes and red lips, and her slender waist is a bit more flexible than a woman's. As for her face, she has the look of an immortal from a fairy tale.

No matter how elegant and otherworldly the immortal is, he should just look like this.

Shen Si's black eyes raised slightly, then his eyes narrowed.

The hand that touched the little fox's tail paused, and a bad premonition emerged from Chen Ruyi's heart.

Chen Ruyi followed the city lord's line of sight and saw the face that shocked everyone. It was the man that her maid had said was Fan Ruoruo's new acquisition.

That man... why is he so good-looking? !

Chen Ruyi, who was surrounded by a vixen, was a bit doubtful at this moment whether the other person was a male vixen of the same race.

Fan Ruoruo was secretly proud. Everyone was looking at Yun Jiang, including the city lord. She reluctantly glanced at Yun Jiang and said, "City lord, Ruo Ruo came here today and specially prepared a small gift for the city lord." She said Then he vacated the seat behind him and gave it to Yun Jiang.

Yun Jiang appeared in front of everyone, her amber golden eyes raised slightly, her palm-sized face as white and delicate as jade, just like a fine, round white jade bead.

Shen Si's palms felt itchy, maybe he wanted to fiddle with something.

This was the first time that he had no intention of killing someone, and that person stared directly at him, just like the fox.

"Come here." A low voice sounded.

Yun Jiang came back to her senses, pointed at herself, and saw Fan Ruoruo nodding towards him and urging, "The city lord is calling you."

She then walked to Shen Si obediently, and everyone held their breath. In the past, the city lord had killed countless ghosts, and no matter what kind of ghost it was, if he took three steps closer, his head would fall off.

Most people were waiting to see the excitement of this handsome man, and wanted to see if the city lord would chop him down. It would be a pity if such a beautiful face died in anger.

Chen Ruyi's eyes widened. She followed Shen Si closely without seeing any trace of disgust on this man's face. Could this be an exception?
When she was in human form, Shen Si didn't even look at her. When she turned into a fox, she could barely touch her. How could this man get past him?
"I've met the city lord." Yun Jiang lowered her eyes, looking like a shy little daughter.

Chen Ruyi cursed in her heart, "A good man, why are you such a bitch?"Could it be that he really wanted to seduce the city lord with a man's body?

She was secretly angry, but she didn't dare to interrupt, lest she be the next one to be beheaded.

"Come closer." Shen Si's voice was low. As Yun Jiang approached step by step, staring at his face, Shen Si noticed the familiar aura on her body, and that there was his aura in her body. Although it is shallow, it is definitely not nothing.

Until the two of them were very close, Yun Jiang's feet suddenly crooked when she took two steps closer to Shen Si, and she jumped directly into Shen Si's arms. Everyone present felt that her acting skills were very poor, and the city lord would soon kill her. Throw it out.

Shen Si did think so until a familiar fragrance poured into his nostrils. Shen Si put his arms around the narrow and soft waist and pinched it gently. The person underneath him frowned in pain and let out a whimper.The itching in his palm suddenly disappeared, and he pinched the round bead with satisfaction, pinching it twice with admiration, which made Yun Li bite his lip secretly, and greeted the eighteenth generation of Shen Si's ancestors from the bottom of his heart.

Is it okay to touch a woman's waist casually?

Shen Si calmed down inexplicably, and the violence in his eyes lessened a little. The delicious fragrance of her body was hundreds of times better than those soothing incense, and could soothe his emotions.

However, the little fox started to howl, and Chen Ruyi went up and bit Yun Li's trouser leg, biting it carefully, with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

This man actually stole a man from her. He was a man himself, how could he be with another man?Although she had heard that the city lord was kind to men, she never thought that he would actually fall in love with a man.

"This fox is cute and tight." Yun Li whispered, his eyes looking at the fox with a look, and his smile was as bright as a flower. "It seems good to make a scarf."

Chen Ruyi froze and looked at Yun Li almost in disbelief. She could tell such nonsense. What is a scarf? Doesn't it mean skinning?

Vicious man, she continued to scream, and the city lord echoed, "If you like it, take it as soon as possible."

Send her away so easily?

And Fan Ruoruo smiled like a flower underneath. She knew that men would be fascinated by sex, and this Yun Jiangsheng was really beautiful, with pitiful eyes. If he wasn't really a man, she would have doubted her. It's a woman.

If it were really a woman, the most beautiful woman in Jidu would be given up to someone else.

Fan Ruoruo didn't care about this. She just wanted that vixen to die a good death. When her father was still alive, the vixen seduced her father, and then became even more unscrupulous. When her father died, she seduced the current city lord Na Mingming. It was her father who considered him as her husband before he died.

This bitch is so arrogant, she will kill everything, and just let everyone suffer together.

It would be best if no one could get the current city lord.

However, this person named Yun Jiang is indeed on the right track. She goes up to the city lord and seduces her. She has some tricks, and she also does it very skillfully. She must have been prepared early. If she were the city lord, she would stare at that face. Enough, who calls her beautiful?

Beautiful?It's the same thing in the underworld.

Seeing that Shen Si was losing interest, he hugged Yun Li and left, still rubbing her small waist with his hands. His movements were extremely ambiguous. Just such movements made Yun Li twitch the corners of his lips. If she guessed correctly, , Shen Si's memory is lacking at the moment, he doesn't remember himself at all.

In the end, he did something to himself, which was extremely ambiguous, so this is, am I greening myself?

Unexpectedly, this kind of ghost thing would happen to him. Yun Li frowned and finally pretended that he didn't remember it.

She also plays dumb.

"City Lord, where are you taking the slave family?" She deliberately used that disgusting tone to see if Shen Si would be a bender. If he chose her, he should know that his sexual orientation is for men. right.

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