Both the left and right are the same person. Chen Ruyi doesn't care about this. She is a naturally charming girl, and her eyes can enchant people. For a young ghost like Song Sinan who has just come to the underworld, she has no resistance at all. The look in her eyes A love heart appeared, and then the black heart faced Song Sinan's eyes. She reached out to hold the man's face, and laughed affectionately.

Then he waited quietly for the man to abandon his armor and offer his loyalty.

However, to Chen Ruyi's expectation, Song Sinan's eyes were still clear and clear. He even raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a contemptuous arc, "Vixen?"

Chen Ruyi became furious. This man actually called himself a vixen?Why call her a vixen?

Is it because her ability is charm?Forget it if an ugly man calls you a vixen, but if you are called a vixen by a handsome man, Chen Ruyi's face is full of dissatisfaction, "Who are you, and why is my charm useless to you?"

She suddenly doubted this man's identity.

"Are you an assassin? You and the man who dared to approach the Lord of the City are both assassins!" She finally understood that this man must hide his strength, otherwise she would never miss.

Song Sinan frowned, afraid that if she continued to yell, she would be surrounded by guards in three circles outside. He was not a brainless person, so he naturally knew what to do. The top priority was to hide his identity first.

He took the initiative to put down the blade and said in a dull tone, "I'm not an assassin, I'm from Zui Feng Tower."

Zuifeng Tower is the largest brothel in Jidu. It is full of beautiful male servants, all of whom are kept as playthings by the nobles without exception.

This man is actually from Zuifeng Tower. Chen Ruyi sneered, "Are you really from Zuifeng Tower? I don't believe you are. You must be pretending. That person named Yun Jiang must have been arranged by you. I will definitely tell the city lord about it.”

Still kill it.

Song Sinan suddenly felt itchy in the palm of his hand. He wanted to cut off the fox's head and make it into a coat. Maybe it would be more useful.

Seeing the killing intent in the other person's eyes, Chen Ruyi swallowed, took two steps back and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

The fox maid hurriedly walked in. Her face was anxious, and her tone revealed a bit of urgency.

"Miss, Mr. Yun Jiang has called for help and asked you to send him there."

Mr. Yun Jiang?

Chen Ruyi bit her lip and glared at Song Sinan fiercely. This man must have ulterior motives. Just like Yun Jiang, he wanted to attack the city lord. How could she send the enemy to the city lord's bed?
A wave of dissatisfaction emerged, and she said in a cold voice, "What kind of dignity does she have to order me around? I am the mistress of the city lord's palace. How can a little servant be insulted at will!"

She decided that Yun Jiang was that kind of man, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone. These were all strange in Song Sinan's eyes. This woman was crazy, just like an abnormal person.

Ever since I came to the underworld, it seems that there have been no normal people here. These three words exist.

The fox maid reminded, "Miss, let's endure the calm for a while, the adults will dislike her sooner or later."

Disgusted?A flash of pride flashed in Chen Ruyi's eyes, and she might really be disgusted with it. Men are the kind of people who fall in love with each other when they see her. Yun Jiang is indeed a good girl, so she can get into the eyes of the city lord, but it will not be so simple later.

"You're right, just send him there." She said kindly, but Chen Ruyi knew in her heart that the other party's identity must not be as simple as a young boy, he must have other identities, but as long as he can be used , she doesn't mind using any small tricks.

Song Sinan was taken to a courtyard, and he saw Yun Li, who was wearing a men's robe, rushing over. When he saw him, he was slightly relieved. Why was he relieved?
Song Sinan raised his eyebrows slightly, "What do you want me to do?"

He spoke as soon as he opened his mouth.

Yun Li still wanted to argue, but found that the other party seemed to have seen through her thoughts a long time ago. She was just here to ask Song Sinan to do something. If Song Sinan stayed in Zuifeng Tower all the time, it would be a real waste of time.

"You think of a way to seduce the city lord and make him interested in you, then pack it up and take it out of the underworld."

Yun Li opened her mouth and said, she hadn't even thought it through yet, but in Song Sinan's eyes, was there any difference between this and nonsense?

What exactly was going on in this woman's head? He sneered, "Aren't you a better choice?"

When did he have to sell his body to help others?

Yun Li was a little hesitant, "As you know, Shen Si doesn't like women now. He likes men. Maybe after losing his memory, the gender of his mate has changed."

What nonsense is this?
Song Sinan was obviously stunned for a few seconds, "Are you sure this is the case?"

Yun Li was not sure, so she still felt a little guilty, but she still insisted, "You are more suitable than me. I am a woman, and all the people around him are men. Except for that fox, without exception, do you think Why did I ask you to come here?"

Isn't it just because Song Sinan is a genuine man that it is possible for such a man to not be discovered and then get close to Shen Si and get what they both want.

A cold look flashed across Song Ainan's eyes. If he hadn't been entrusted by Cheng Yan, he wouldn't have accompanied Yun Li to the underworld to cause mischief. Not to mention that the underworld was different from the realm of underworld. The ghosts and monsters here were also very docile, but if it was true, Meeting such a powerful guy is not something he can do.

In addition, Yun Li's strength is also a bit unclear. A few powerful general-level ghosts can make them unable to return. The possibility of completing the mission is not high. Song Sinan reminded Yun Li, "If the mission fails, it will really fail." If you want to take him back again, you have to wait for another year, maybe four or five years, not all ghost festivals have the opportunity." This sentence was considered a consolation, but Yun Li knew it well.

Shen Si lost his memory because she was irritating.

Even Shen Si's sexual orientation has changed, and that's because she was the one who got in the way. She was the one who caused Shen Si to become like this. She didn't want to admit it in her heart, but she had to admit it in the end, didn't she?
Yun Li asked himself repeatedly, and finally sighed, "I know what you mean."

She decided to take the risk on her own. Maybe Shen Si would regain his memory one day and really come back to her and follow her back obediently. This possibility was not ruled out.

"Senior Brother Song, I will ask you to protect me when the time comes." This was the first time she called Senior Brother Song Sinan. In the territory of Huangquan, Song Sinan was the senior, and he was responsible for the two words "Senior Brother", but these words came from the cloud. When it came out of Li's mouth, Song Sinan felt an unrealistic sense of reality.

The kind that appears rashly and disappears quickly.

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