"It's good that you know." Song Sinan looked away. The woman's gaze was very hot. She stared at him closely and recognized what she said. Even if Song Sinan was a stone, it should have melted away by now.

Those gray eyes followed Yun Li closely, and finally landed on her pink and white face. She was born young, and with her petite figure, she was indeed famous in the underworld. The beauty with the nickname is even more beautiful than the vixen just now, and the aura of "man" all over his body shows that Shen Si won't like it.

So why did Shen Si choose Yun Li, who is a man?His eyes suddenly fell on Yun Li with doubts, thinking about the possibility of her being exposed.

I saw several guards suddenly rushed in and carried Yun Li out directly. How exactly was she carried the chair along with her? One of the guards was older and exposed a A ghost with the appearance of a man with a long beard.

He murmured, "My lord wants to see you, my lord wants to see you."

It's like a repeater.

Yun Li didn't know how to describe it. He always felt that everyone around Shen Si was obedient.

A man in white pajamas is sitting in the palace. The palace of the Lord of the Capital City is extremely luxurious, and his taste is completely different from his sedulousness in the world. Is he serious?

Yun Li twitched the corners of his lips and heard the man's low and hoarse voice, "Come here."

Whenever Shen Si said such words, Yun Li knew that he was interested.

Interested in the body of a man like her, Yun Li wanted to pry open Shen Si's head and take a closer look. Is he actually gay? How could a young person say such things to a man and do such things?
He didn't say anything about that kind of thing, and Yun Li had already sentenced him to death.

Hugging the soft body in his arms, Shen Si sighed and narrowed his black eyes. It was a relaxing emotion. He was like a big cat who couldn't put it down when he touched his beloved wool.

Yun Li was itched all over from being rubbed, and he said coquettishly, "What do you want to do, sir?"

"What do you want to do?" Shen Si asked directly.

It is indeed Shen Si's style to give her all the problems.

"How about I want the Lord of the City to accompany me to the human world and have some fun?" She hooked Shen Si's neck, a slight smile appeared on her lips, and her appearance was even more provocative.

"Do you want to go to the human world?" Shen Si glanced at Yun Li a few times with cold eyes, "The solar energy in the human world will burn you to dust."

"What about your lord? Will your lord be burned to ashes?"

"I'm different from those ghosts." His voice was still cold, and he seemed to have a little memory left. He could say accurately, "I am not a dead soul, I should be a living person."

"And you have been dead for a long time, and your body is very cold."

This is like saying, you are a corpse, but you are not. Your body is very cold and you are dead.

Isn't it just a curse?Yun Li's face was full of sorrow. She glared at Shen Si, but she dared not say anything in anger, "Sir, can that slave be a human being?"

The topic between the two was very strange, even Yun Li himself had it
What can't she do?Be a beast?

A hint of joking flashed across Shen Si's eyes, "You are a little ghost, but you also want to be a human?"

"Who doesn't want to be a human being?" Yun Li said with a smile, "At least you don't have to watch the people around you grow old, sick, and die in pain."

These words touched Shen Si slightly. There was a different emotion in his eyes when he looked at the woman, even mixed with a trace of regret. Yun Li's words made sense. He had indeed experienced that, so he was used to it, but she was not. Even if Que can say these words even though he has experienced the same thing, it shows that his xinxing is very high.

"You're quite interesting." He played with the broken hair behind Yun Li's earlobe, picked up a section and kneaded it carefully, with a bit of fondness for it.Yun Li subconsciously thought of the little fox being petted, and suddenly exploded.

"Don't touch." Her tone was low, her eyes filled with vigilance and resistance.

"Who told you to touch this place?"

"Your hair is also a sensitive area?"

Two voices sounded at the same time, the former was calm and gentle, but the latter's face was as red as a cooked shrimp.

Yun Li turned his head away immediately, a burst of embarrassment emerged. He didn't expect that Shen Si would be like this when he lost his memory. He was still as bad-tempered as ever, always trying to get her to do something she didn't want. Unfortunately, Shen Si was now facing a man. She treats all men equally, isn't it possible that all her behavior towards her is just an act?
The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, so she simply bit down on the man's shoulder. A muffled sound of pain came out, and Yun Li bit her teeth harder.

"Hiss, so hard." She whispered, raising her red eyes as if she was accusing something.

Shen Si looked puzzled, "You bit me, why are you crying?"

Yun Li bit his lip and glared at Shen Si, "Did you hide some branding iron on your body? Why did it become so hard when you bit it down?"

"That's been strengthened." Shen Si said softly, "From the moment I arrived in Jidu, my body absorbed all the Yin Qi nearby, and it became like this later."

"You seem to know me?" He said this with some hesitation.

Absorb it all...

Yun Li was stunned. This was the Underworld, the place with the strongest Yin Qi. But what Shen Si said, saying that he would absorb it all, she knew why Jin Ji didn't feel cold at all. The love was all on him, and he wasn't afraid. Push yourself to death?

"Do you still remember how you got here?" Yun Li pursed his lips and said solemnly.

"I can't control it." He whispered, "There's something coming out of my body that I can't suppress at all."

Thinking that Shen Si, the omitted person, was able to hold on not to hurt others, and did not even turn into a dead soul. He persisted until now, but because of his angry words, he lost control directly.

She raised her hand and touched Shen Si's slightly red eyes, her tone pious and self-reproaching.

"It's my fault for leaving you here alone."

"Do you still remember a woman named Yun Li?"

When she mentioned herself, she wanted to see Shen Si's reaction. As a result, Shen Si's expression was very strange. He even glanced at her a few times and said with a slight hesitation, "A woman like you?"

Same as you...

Yun Li was completely frozen in place, waiting for what nonsense he was talking about, and opened his eyes to see, she was obviously a man, how could she be a woman?
"Are you mistaken?"

"Aren't you a woman?" A low mocking voice sounded, and Shen Si's troublesome hand had already reached into her clothes, groped twice, and then said calmly, "You really don't look like a woman."

Yun Li: "..." She seriously suspected that she had been humiliated.

Chi Guoguo's humiliation!

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