Chapter 17 Reading to Him

Cheng Jiacheng looked at his wife and asked, "Do you object?"

Su Mei replied in the same cold tone, "I respect your decision."

Cheng Shishi jumped, "I object..."

"invalid objection."

Cheng Jiacheng interrupted her coldly, and with such a cold tone, Cheng Shishi did not dare to say anything more. She just stared at Gu Xinyue, mother and son, as if they were looking at the enemy who killed their father.

Gu Xinyue lowered her head in fear, and held her son in her arms. She wished she could dig a hole in the ground and get in, so as to reduce the presence of mother and son.

Seeing her trembling and pitiful appearance, Cheng Shishi cursed.

"You're pretending to be pitiful again to gain sympathy. Your acting skills are so good, why don't you become an actor?"

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Cheng Jiacheng frowned, but he couldn't reprimand his wife in front of her, so he said to Gu Xinyue.

"Remember what I told you when you moved in?"

Gu Xinyue looked up. Cheng Jiacheng said several words at that time. Which one was he going to ask?
Cheng Jiacheng didn't need her to answer and went on talking.

"When you moved in, I told you to treat this place as your own home, and I would treat you like a daughter. I'm not just saying this."

Cheng Jiacheng said to the housekeeper: "From today on, Gu Xinyue's pocket money will be the same as Cheng Shishi's. Whoever dares to disrespect mother and son in the family just doesn't take me seriously. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly." The butler responded respectfully.

Others have mixed reactions.

Su Mei and others knew very well that Cheng Jiacheng's words were not meant for the housekeeper, but for them.

He was supporting Gu Xinyue and her son!
Gu Xinyue naturally understood Cheng Jiacheng's intentions, but he knew better that he was not standing up for her, but for the little guy, and she was just incidentally there.

However, Gu Xinyue didn't care, as long as he was good to his son.

"Wait a moment, you and my wife will discuss which guests will be entertained and what specific preparations will be made, and you can take care of it."

Cheng Jiacheng didn't ask Su Mei for her opinion. He just got up and went back to his room.

The housekeeper glanced at Su Mei, who was expressionless, and felt the smell of a storm coming, and chased Cheng Jiacheng alertly.

Gu Xinyue was not stupid. She hugged her son and followed closely behind her to leave the restaurant.

She didn't need to stay and listen, she could imagine how angry Cheng Shishi and the others were.

"Mommy, what are you laughing at?"

Upon hearing her son's question, Gu Xinyue lowered her head to meet her son's confused eyes, and raised a light smile.

"Is it because grandpa just said that he wanted me to recognize my ancestor and return to the clan, and mommy feels very happy?" the little guy said in a soft voice.

Gu Xinyue asked back: "Do you know what it means to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan?"

The little guy's dark eyes rolled around, "Does grandpa mean to introduce me to others as his grandson?"

Gu Xinyue lowered her head and pressed her forehead against her son's, "That's pretty much it. Lang Lang is so smart. Do you like this?"

The little guy said obediently: "If mommy likes it, I like it too."

After listening to her son's words, Gu Xinyue felt her heart softening. She kissed her son happily, making him giggle.

After sending her son to school, Gu Xinyue went to the hospital to see Gong Ye as usual.

As usual, she sat by the bed, picked up a thick novel and started reading to Gong Ye.

She got into the habit of reading novels to Gong Ye when she came to visit him for the third time.Gong Ye's ward is a single room. The whole room is decorated like an ordinary hotel business room. There are some instruments in the room. At first glance, you can't tell that it is a ward.

That day, Gu Xinyue noticed several novels on the bedside table. When she picked them up, she saw that they were all original foreign novels.

Gu Xinyue also asked the nurse who owned these novels. It couldn't have been read by the nurse herself, right?
Of course, the books did not belong to the nurse, but were read by Gong Ye before, because the doctor said that reading him some books that he had read before and listening to some of his favorite music would help him wake up as soon as possible.

Gu Xinyue had heard the doctor's statement before. She didn't know if it was effective, but from that day on, she read novels to Gong Ye.

Until today, Gu Xinyue had finished reading "Middlemarch" and "To the Lighthouse" to Gong Ye. She picked up "Mrs. Dalloway" and sat down on the chair to read.

After reading the first page, she closed the book and looked at Gong Ye as if remembering something, with a playful look in her eyes.

"By the way, I have some good news to tell you."

"This morning, Mr. Cheng announced the guests he will invite this weekend and plans to disclose Lang Lang's identity."

“You weren’t there at the time, and you didn’t see that your cheap sister was so angry that she wanted to kill someone after hearing the news.

Su Mei's reaction was quite in line with her personality. She pretended to be generous and decent, but she was actually furious.

You said that now that your father recognizes my and Lang Lang's identities, in order to protect their interests, will he pay for the murder?

You've been asleep for almost a month. Wake up quickly. If you don't wake up, Lang Lang and I may be silenced.

Although you may not be willing to admit that I am a wife, Lang Lang is your flesh and blood, so you won't be so cruel to see him in danger. "

After checking the time, it was almost time to go back. Gu Xinyue put the novel back in its place, took her bag, turned around and walked out of the ward.

When the door closed, the man lying on the bed with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

His handsome face flashed thoughtfully, he sat up and took out a mobile phone from the drawer.

"It's me, do something for me."

After leaving the hospital, Gu Xinyue did not go home immediately. Instead, she went to the mall to buy some gifts and then went to visit Xu Xi.

"Why are you back? Were you bullied at the Cheng family?"

When Gu Xinyue came suddenly, Xu Xi was happy at first, and then worried.

Seeing her reaction in his eyes, Gu Xinyue lamented that the original owner was really blessed with such a mother who always cared about her, but in her heart she only had that scumbag who didn't love her.

"No, I just came to see you." Gu Xinyue said as she typed the things she bought and handed them to the other party.

Seeing the blueberries that Gu Xinyue bought worth tens of yuan a pound and some precious medicinal materials, Xu Xi's first reaction was that it was a waste of money.

"Why is giving you food a waste of money? I will be angry if you don't eat."

Afraid that Xu Xi would be reluctant to eat, Gu Xinyue threatened with a straight face.

"Mom, who's here?"

At this time, a familiar voice came from the kitchen.

Gu Xinyue looked up and saw a young man about 30 years old, wearing an old man's shirt, who looked somewhat similar to the original owner, walking out of the kitchen.

"It's Lele who's back."

Afraid that her son would say something that would make Gu Xinyue unhappy, Xu Xi immediately pointed to the pile of expensive gifts she brought on the table.

"Lele brought these. I'll stew them for you and your wife to eat later."

(End of this chapter)

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