After rebirth, she took Zaizai to flirt with her ex

Chapter 18: Brothers and sisters who will never leave each other even if they are beaten to death

Chapter 18: Brothers and sisters who will never leave each other even if they are beaten to death

Glancing at the things worth tens of thousands of yuan on the table, Su Jie looked at Gu Xinyue with a somewhat complicated look. This sister had been worrying about her family since she was a child. She had good looks, but lacked the wisdom to match. , the relationship with the family is not good either.

In Su Jie's opinion, this sister is an extremely selfish person who always only thinks about herself and does not think about her family at all.

When she was imprisoned for her ex-boyfriend's crime, Su Jie felt that there was no way she could be saved, so he decided to treat her as a sister.

But her mother refused to give up on her, believing that she would change her ways after she came out. In order to take care of her son, she even moved out of her home.

The facts were just as he had guessed. When she came out and learned that her ex-boyfriend had married Bai Fumei, she went to their wedding to make trouble.

As a result, he fell from a building. He didn't fall to death but hit an innocent passerby. Well, he ended up with no one to pass by.

Thinking about the development afterwards, I can only describe it as bloody.

This sister, who was worthless in his mind, turned from a pheasant into a phoenix. The mother is more valuable than the son, and she suddenly became the daughter-in-law of the richest man in Rongcheng.

Looking at Gu Xinyue who looked like a human now, Su Jie had to sigh: things in the world are unpredictable.

Gu Xinyue didn't have the ability to read minds, so she naturally didn't know Su Jie's thoughts and wasn't interested in understanding his struggles.

After Su Mei entered the kitchen with the medicinal materials, Gu Xinyue raised her chin towards Su Jie and motioned for him to sit down.

"I heard from mom that you were laid off from your company. Have you found a new job?"

Thinking that Gu Xinyue came today just to see his jokes, Su Jie said coldly: "Don't think that marrying into a rich family is great. It's not your turn to take care of my affairs."

Feeling his hostility, Gu Xinyue was a little confused, but after thinking about it, she understood his mood a little bit.

In the past, Su Jie was in the sky and the original owner was on the ground. Now that the situation is reversed, it is natural for him to feel unbalanced.

Gu Xinyue smiled nonchalantly, "Don't be nervous, I didn't mean to laugh at you."

"You are my biological brother. I am living well now, so naturally I want you to live well too."

"Today, I'm here to introduce you to a job. I want to open a company. I wonder if you are interested in managing it for me?"

Su Jie's eyes widened, "Are you kidding?"

If she had known that he would react like this, Gu Xinyue sent him the prepared information.

"I've seen your resume. You studied financial accounting and worked in a foreign company for five years. You were laid off not because you made any mistakes, but because of the bad environment."

"Just because the general environment is not good, it is not impossible for you to find another job like before, but the chances are relatively low."

"As long as you agree to help me, I will give you twice the salary as before. In addition, I will also give you shares in the company. Please consider it."

He thought that Gu Xinyue was taking the opportunity to humiliate him, but she didn't expect that she gave him such a big surprise. Su Jie's brain went crazy.

After a while, rationality returned, Su Jie cleared his throat and asked, "Are you really not kidding me?"

Gu Xinyue: "I never joke about this kind of thing."

Seeing that Su Jie finally faced her words, Gu Xinyue explained her situation in getting married in a concise and concise manner.

"The male protagonist is the illegitimate son of Cheng Jiacheng. If nothing happens to him, he will inherit the Cheng family. Now that he is unconscious, Lang Lang is very likely to become the next heir."

"You also know that Cheng Jiacheng also has a daughter and several illegitimate children outside, and they are not willing to see Lang Lang become the heir."

Upon hearing this, Su Jie quickly pointed out the current situation of Gu Xinyue's mother and son.

"In other words, your enemies are Cheng Jiacheng's wife and daughter, as well as his illegitimate children. Your situation is very dangerous."

"If the male protagonist is here, he can still protect you, but he is still unconscious. You have no support at all in the Cheng family." Gu Xinyue shook her finger, "You are half right, we have many enemies , but I am not completely without backers in the Cheng family, Su Mei and Cheng Jiacheng are my biggest backers."

Su Jie: "You and Su Mei are on the same front, and she will naturally protect you, but she doesn't live with you now, and distant water cannot save a close fire.

As for Cheng Jiacheng, he can protect you, his wife and children, and I don't think he has deeper feelings for you. "

Listening to his analysis, Gu Xinyue smiled. It seemed that he was right to come to Su Jie.

"Since escaping from death, I have figured it out. I no longer want to live in such a hazy state like before, let alone be looked down upon by others all day long.

The ancients said that those who survive a catastrophe will be blessed later in life. I think this sentence is correct. Brother, our good days are yet to come. "

“I was ignorant and did a lot of stupid things in the past. I will never make the same mistakes again in the future.

Brother and sister, brother, you will help me, right? "

Meeting Gu Xinyue's expectant gaze, Su Jie nodded as if he was bewitched. After he realized what he had promised, it was already too late to talk back.

Gu Xinyue showed a bright smile and transferred 20 to Su Jie on the spot.

"You use this 20 to open a company."

Su Jie stared, "20 to start a company?"

20 yuan is not enough to open a convenience store, so what kind of company should I open?

Renting an office, decorating it, recruiting staff, and the handling fees for opening a company, etc., are all money.

Gu Xinyue said calmly: "This 20 is enough for the handling fee. Don't worry about the rest. Let's start the company first."

Su Jie: "You want to open a shell company? That's illegal."

Gu Xinyue: "What kind of law is it breaking? I didn't ask you to do anything illegal or disciplinary. Besides, when did I say I would open a shell company?"

Then, she told Su Jie her plan.

"If my guess is correct, Su Mei will either prevent Cheng Jiacheng from publicly recognizing my and Lang Lang's identities, or she will find ways to eliminate us later."

"I guess Su Mei will choose the latter, which will give us room to operate."

"I will find a way to enter the Cheng family, and then I will find a way to hand over some projects to you..."

After hearing her plan, Su Jie remained silent.

Gu Xinyue asked: "You think it's not feasible?"

Su Jie: "It's not impossible, but are you really sure you can enter the Cheng family?"

In fact, what he wanted to say was, could Gu Xinyue really hand over the project to him without anyone noticing?
Gu Xinyue said confidently: "I'm [-]% sure I can get in."

"Actually, the main purpose of asking you to start a company is not to receive a private grant, but to make investments in the name of the company."

Due to limited time, Gu Xinyue and Su Jie simply discussed and decided on the intention to cooperate. The specific operations were left to be discussed later.

"Where's Lele?"

Xu Xi finished cooking and came out, but Gu Xinyue was no longer there.

(End of this chapter)

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