After rebirth, she took Zaizai to flirt with her ex

Chapter 26 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 26 Lost the wife and lost the army

Tonight, Cheng Jiacheng asked her to go to work in the subsidiary company. Gong Linlin received the news so quickly and gave her such important materials.

It seems that Gong Linlin not only understands the Cheng family better than the rest of the Cheng family, but even Cheng Jiacheng does not understand her as well as she does.

However, this is also easy to understand. After all, Cheng Jiacheng is the big boss and the helmsman of the entire ship. He only needs to grasp the general direction of the company's development and ensure the company's healthy and stable development.

Judging from the information given by Gong Linlin, she is so familiar with the Cheng family's personnel structure. It seems that she has been plotting against the Cheng family's property for a long time.

Gu Xinyue had just looked through the information when Gong Linlin called.

"You have been wronged tonight. Cheng Shishi's treatment of you is too much. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely teach her a lesson for you. However, there are mistakes. I asked you to go to Meili because I wanted to cultivate you. .

"Read the information carefully. If you find anything that doesn't make sense, you can ask me. The most important thing is the list on the last page. Those are all my people. You can reuse them after you arrive in Meili."

After listening to Gong Linlin's instructions, Gu Xinyue responded respectfully, but she didn't think so in her heart.

It is naturally a good thing to have your own people in a new company, but it is hard to say who your so-called own people are.

Now, we still have to rely on Gong Linlin's power to not make her suspicious. Use those people if they can.

Anyway, who is not using it?

In order to appease Gu Xinyue's fright tonight, Gong Linlin specially sent her a red envelope worth [-] yuan and asked her to buy some clothes and so on.

Looking at the 10 yuan red envelope, Gu Xinyue curled her lips.

She is really stingy. If she had to win over people, especially important chess pieces, she would not be so stingy and only give 10 yuan.

In her previous life, in order to win against those mistresses, she bribed the people around them, and she didn't spend millions of dollars.

Gu Xinyue didn't like to fight uncertain battles. She would go to work in Meili tomorrow, so she stayed up all night to familiarize herself with the relevant information.

The next morning, Gu Xinyue, who had woken up after less than three hours of sleep, appeared in the restaurant on time at 07:30.

She glanced at the others and noticed that everyone seemed to be in a bad mood, especially Cheng Shishi, who was going to a new job like her today. She looked sleepy, obviously having had insomnia last night.

Gu Xinyue's mood suddenly became better.

When she picked up the coffee and was about to drink it, she found Gu Xinyue staring at her with a look of gloating on her misfortune. Cheng Shishi couldn't help but get angry for no reason, and at the same time, her cheek suddenly hurt.

Last night in the banquet hall, the scene of being slapped again by Gu Xinyue suddenly came to mind.

At that time, Cheng Shishi didn't know whether she was stunned or the situation was unfavorable to her, so she forgot to settle the score with Gu Xinyue.

When she thought that starting from today, she would be exiled to a store to work as a salesperson, all thanks to Gu Xinyue, old and new hatreds suddenly emerged.

Feeling the killing intent from Cheng Shishi, Gu Xinyue picked up the coffee without fear of death and silently said to her provocatively: If you don't accept it, come and beat me.

Cheng Shishi's eyes were burning, and she clenched the cup tightly. If she hadn't been sane, she would have poured the coffee in her hand.

Seeing that she was not fooled, Gu Xinyue was a little disappointed, it was really boring.

After Cheng Jiacheng finished breakfast, picked up Su Zilang and left the restaurant, Cheng Shishi couldn't help but jumped up and rushed towards Gu Xinyue.

"Bitch, I've tolerated you for a long time. You slapped me last night, and now I'm giving it back to you!"

When there were only two people in the restaurant, Cheng Shishi rushed towards Gu Xinyue with an unstoppable momentum, vowing to tear the other person to pieces. When her hand touched Gu Xinyue's cheek, a stream of hot liquid was poured into her face.

"Ah! My face hurts!"

Cheng Shishi covered her face with her hands and screamed. The shrill voice resounded throughout the room. Even Cheng Jiacheng who had walked away heard it and rushed back with Su Zilang. "What happened?"

When Cheng Shishi saw her father coming back, she immediately rushed over and cried to him.

"Dad, I was disfigured by her!"

Seeing that his daughter's pretty face was burnt by coffee, Cheng Jiacheng did not bother to hold Gu Xinyue responsible and immediately asked the housekeeper to call the family doctor to come over and treat her.

The family doctor came quickly. After examining Cheng Shishi's wound, he determined that it was just a first-degree burn and no plastic surgery was needed. He only needed to apply medicine.

Cheng Jiacheng breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that his daughter was not disfigured, and then he was in the mood to investigate what happened before.

Gu Xinyue never defended herself from the beginning until now.

"After you left, she suddenly rushed towards me like crazy and wanted to beat me. She said that I asked her to be transferred to be a salesperson. She also said that sir, you are partial and turned your arms outward. She also said that I confused you and wanted to ruin my appearance."

After a pause, Gu Xinyue shuddered as if remembering the scene at that time.

"At that time, there were only two of us. She picked up the knife and was about to stab her. I was so scared that I touched the coffee on the table to block the knife. I didn't know why I burned her. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. "

Cheng Shishi was so angry that she fired on the spot. She had seen green tea before, but she had never seen a bitch as green as Gu Xinyue!

"You are talking nonsense. When did I stab you with a knife? You deliberately poured coffee on me. Now you dare to quibble. Let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart!"

With that said, Cheng Shishi was about to rush forward and beat Gu Xinyue.

Gu Xinyue was so frightened that she ducked aside and ran behind Cheng Jiacheng for some reason.

"That's enough, you've had enough nonsense!"

Seeing Cheng Shishi rushing towards Gu Xinyue, Cheng Jiacheng's face turned dark.

"You are simply stubborn. You treated Xinyue like that last night. She no longer cares about you. You still have the nerve to cause trouble for her. Now you are doing this in front of me and behind my back. You don't even know what's going on. What's going on?"

"Okay, if you don't want to be a salesperson, then don't be one. From today on, you don't have to go back to the company. You can go wherever you like."

When Cheng Shishi heard that she no longer had to be a salesperson, she was happy at first, but when she realized that her father meant to drive her out of the company, she realized she was afraid.

"Dad, I am your biological daughter, how could you treat me like this for an outsider!"

"I am the one who is hurt now. You don't listen to me, but you believe her. Are you old and confused?"

Seeing that she spoke freely and had no idea of ​​repentance, Cheng Jiacheng ran out of patience and walked away.

Gu Xinyue looked pitiful in front of Cheng Jiacheng just now, but now she smiled like a fox, and that smile once again angered Cheng Shishi.

"stop laughing!"

Gu Xinyue: "I'm happy, why can't I laugh?"

Seeing that Cheng Shishi still wanted to pounce on her, Gu Xinyue reminded her coolly.

"I advise you to calm down. You are no match for me. I will not be merciful this time."

Meeting her cold gaze, Cheng Shishi subconsciously took a step back.

"Don't worry, there is plenty of time, let's take our time and play." Gu Xinyue said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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