After rebirth, she took Zaizai to flirt with her ex

Chapter 27 The last place is eliminated

Chapter 27 The last place is eliminated

Cheng Shishi stared at Gu Xinyue warily, "What tricks do you want to play?"

Gu Xinyue smiled kindly, "Do you know what it means when your dad lets you no longer have to go to work?"

Of course I knew that it meant that her father was extremely disappointed with her and wanted to kick her out of the core scope of power.

Although she knew in her heart, how could Cheng Shishi admit defeat in front of Gu Xinyue and said sternly: "It means I don't have to do anything. Unlike you, poor people work hard and will starve to death if they don't do anything."

"I know you are envious. Why don't you have a rich father?"

After being laughed at, Gu Xinyue not only didn't get angry, but agreed: "That's right, I wasn't born with a golden key in my mouth like you. Everything I got was earned through hard work with my hands."

"But I don't envy you, because my value does not come from others' charity. Life is so long. Do you dare to guarantee that you will have smooth sailing throughout your life and always be so rich?"

"Life is unpredictable, you can't guarantee it, not even your dad can. If I were your dad, I would train you well from now on, lest you won't be able to become a beggar after he is gone."

Cheng Shishi felt that both herself and her father were being connoted, and she was so angry that she wanted to curse, but found that her father had left and returned, standing at the door. She felt happy and immediately complained.

"Dad, you heard it with your own ears. She actually cursed you to die early and said that I would become a beggar in the future!"

Cheng Jiacheng was not as angry as she imagined. Instead, he looked at the two of them with complicated expressions. Before he could speak, Gu Xinyue explained first.

"Sir, I didn't mean that. I was just worried about her."

Cheng Shishi snorted coldly, "The explanation is just sophistry. You have such good intentions. Do you want me to be unlucky? No matter how sweet you talk, Dad will never believe you again."

After several fights with this bitch, she almost always ended up at a loss. Now she finally found a chance to win the game.

Ignoring Cheng Shishi's sour words, Gu Xinyue continued: "Sir, although you just said you were disappointed in her, I know that your love for her has not diminished one bit. There is no disappointment if you have no expectations."

"I believe that you said not to let her leave the company, just out of anger, and to give me an explanation. I am very happy that my husband can treat me and her fairly, and does not favor her just because she is your daughter. You are so fair, I How can I hurt your father-daughter relationship because of myself?"

"You asked her to be a salesperson because you wanted to train her and make her more independent. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to realize your intentions. I have a suggestion that I hope you can consider."

Although he knew Gu Xinyue was being arrogant, Cheng Jiacheng felt very comfortable hearing her words, "What's your proposal?"

Gu Xinyue said: "If you want to train her, why not give her to me and let her work with me in Meili. Let me supervise her and let her start from a low level."

Hearing this, Cheng Shishi's eyebrows suddenly stood up and she cursed fiercely: "You vicious bitch, if you want to climb on top of me and dominate me, if you want to make me look bad, there is no way!"

Gu Xinyue sighed, "I just feel that with your status, others will not dare to tell you to do things. In this case, the purpose of training you will be lost. Besides, if you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, for the sake of Mr. On the other hand, I won’t do anything to you.”

Cheng Shishi felt that Gu Xinyue was quibbling, but Cheng Jiacheng felt that her words were true and nodded.

"Your suggestion is very good, Shishi. I'll give you two choices. Either you stay at home from now on and don't have to go to work in the company, or you can go and help Xinyue."

Cheng Shishi looked in disbelief, "Dad, you asked me to attack her? Why!"

Cheng Jiacheng said coldly: "Just because what you eat and drink now is all my money, just because I am your father!" Then he said to Gu Xinyue: "I will hand her over to you, you don't have to worry about it. If she does something wrong, I will punish her accordingly."

Gu Xinyue couldn't understand the implication of Cheng Jiacheng's words. Unless Cheng Shishi did something wrong, she couldn't be embarrassed.

"Thank you sir for trusting me, but I'm afraid she won't listen to me and will go against me."

Cheng Jiacheng said: "If she doesn't obey your instructions, tell me and I will deduct her pocket money."

I have to say that deducting pocket money is definitely a cruel move. Cheng Shishi was still shouting that he refused to go. When he heard Cheng Jiacheng's words, he immediately didn't dare to say anything.

With the Shangfang Sword given by Cheng Jiacheng, Gu Xinyue showed a satisfied smile and said sincerely to Cheng Shishi: "From now on, we will be colleagues, let us live in harmony."

"Sir, it's almost time. I'll go back to my room and get ready before going to work."

Cheng Jiacheng nodded. Seeing that Cheng Shishi was still there, he felt a little resentful and said: "If you haven't gone back to your room to change clothes and go to work, do you want to be late for work on the first day?"

When Gu Xinyue left the house, Cheng Shishi was still lingering in the room, so she went back to the company alone without waiting for her.

Like Cheng Shishi, Gu Xinyue was also reluctant to go with the other person. The only difference was that one showed her thoughts on her face and the other hid it in her heart.

Today is Gu Xinyue's first day at work. Gong Linlin specially called the general manager of the branch and asked him to take care of her.

Chen Sicong, the general manager of the Meili branch, is a man in his 50s who has worked for the company for most of his life. He seems to be a very kind person.

Gu Xinyue read the information given by Gong Linlin and knew that Chen Sicong was Gong Linlin's person. She didn't take it to heart at first. When she arrived at the company and saw him coming to greet her in person, she understood what it meant to have a good person in court. work.

Chen Sicong personally took Gu Xinyue to the sales department, ostensibly to introduce her colleagues, but in reality to support her.

"Hello everyone, starting from today, Miss Su will become the manager of the sales department. Today is her first day at work and she doesn't know much about the company. You must help her."

Gu Xinyue glanced at the expressions of the employees in the office and found that on the surface they were very cooperative, but in fact they didn't have much respect for her, an airborne supervisor.

Smiling lightly, Gu Xinyue said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen. Let me talk about my principles first."

"I don't like to interfere too much in employees' work, and I won't set too complicated rules for everyone. I only have one rule: to help the company make money."

"I know about the last-place elimination system implemented by the sales department. In principle, this system can encourage everyone to work hard and create more profits for the company, but I don't like it very much."

After hearing this, a female colleague raised her hand and asked: "Manager Su, are you going to cancel the last-place elimination system?"

Gu Xinyue nodded, "That's right."

Everyone looked happy when they heard that this evil last-place elimination system was cancelled.

(End of this chapter)

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