After rebirth, she took Zaizai to flirt with her ex

Chapter 5 Intimate little padded jacket

Chapter 5 Intimate little padded jacket

The corner of Gu Yueyu's mouth twitched. The child was very smart and should have been happy. Why couldn't she be happy?
"Yeah, Mommy is too useless. Daddy doesn't like Mommy. If they didn't know about Xiaolang's existence, they wouldn't recognize me as their wife. If you don't want to move in with Mommy, Mommy won't I force you, but mommy doesn’t want to cause Xiaolang to be looked down upon.”

Gu Yueyu deliberately acted miserably, and the little guy fell for it.

"Forget it, you are so stupid. Without me by your side, you will definitely be bullied. I will move here with you." Su Zilang said like a young adult.

Seeing Su Zilang's expression of not praising me, Gu Yueyu couldn't help laughing and said: "You are so kind. Mommy will rely on you to protect her from now on."

Su Zilang puffed up his chest and snorted arrogantly.

Seeing his arrogant little appearance, Gu Yueyu's hands became itchy and she couldn't help pinching his chubby little face.

"My dear son, why are you so cute? Mommy will love you very much in the future."

Gu Yueyu and the little guy laughed and played for a while before taking a bath and going to bed at Xu Xi's urging.

After coming out of the bathroom, Gu Yueyu struggled to sit on the bed from the wheelchair. She felt a little thirsty. She just looked at the distance between the water cups and was discouraged.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Su Zilang walked in holding a small pillow.

"Grandma asked me to stay and take care of you tonight."

Seeing Su Zilang come in, Gu Yueyu's eyes lit up. If he was really sleepy, someone would give him a pillow.

"I'm thirsty, help mommy get a glass of water."

Hearing this, Su Zilang nodded obediently, put the small pillow in his hand on the bed, and then walked on his short legs to pour boiling water for Gu Yueyu.

"It's so sweet." Gu Yueyu sighed after drinking down the boiled water Su Zilang handed over in one breath.

Su Zilang tilted his little head, "This is not sugar water, how can it be sweet?"

Gu Yueyu handed the empty cup to her son, "Because it's the water you poured for me, honey, so it's sweet."

He had long been accustomed to his mother's sarcastic remarks to him, but now that Gu Yueyu was so enthusiastic, Su Zilang was a little uncomfortable and pretended not to care and walked away with the cup.

Gu Yueyu placed Su Zilang's small pillow next to her own pillow and patted the place next to her.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed."

Su Zilang clambered onto the bed, covered Gu Yueyu with a sheet first, and then lay down next to her.

Seeing Su Zilang taking care of her like a little grown-up, Gu Yueyu felt warm in her heart and leaned over to give him a kiss on his chubby face.

"Good night."

Su Zilang's body stiffened. His mother had never kissed him since he could remember. It turned out that his mother's kiss was so warm.

Seeing that he was still staring with big round eyes, Gu Yueyu also tucked the sheets for him, "Go to sleep."

In her last life, Gu Yueyu liked to sleep with a pillow in her arms. At this moment, she subconsciously reached out and hugged Su Zilang into her arms.

The child's body temperature is relatively high. Holding Su Zilang was like holding a small heater. Gu Yueyu fell into a contented sleep.

Infected by her sleepiness, Su Zilang, who was still a little embarrassed, soon fell asleep in Gu Yueyu's arms.

Hearing Su Zilang's regular snoring, Gu Yueyu, who was supposed to be asleep, slowly opened his eyes, with compassion shining in his eyes.

This poor kid is so painful.Although she only spent a short time with the child, she could feel the child's complicated feelings of love and hate for her mother.

From the memory of the original owner, Gu Yueyu felt that he did not pay much attention to this Su Zilang.

Not only did he not pay attention to it, he even felt that Su Zilang was a burden and it would be better without him.

Feelings are two-way. Even though Su Zilang is young, he can still feel the original owner's disgust towards him. Therefore, when they first met, Gu Yueyu felt Su Zilang's hostility towards him.

But children are naturally concerned about their mothers. When Su Zilang saw his mother being bullied, he still stepped forward to help her.

Such a smart and sensible child made Gu Yueyu feel pity from the bottom of her heart.

She kissed Su Zilang's forehead with pity. Gu Yueyu regretted not having children in her previous life. She didn't expect that God wouldn't make up for her in this way.

Baby, you are a gift from God to me. I will give you the best things in the world and compensate you for the love that the original owner owes you.

Because Gu Yueyu had difficulty moving, she discussed with Gong Linlin that she would move there after she recovered, and Gong Linlin agreed.

Xu Xi was overjoyed to learn that her daughter and grandson would stay at home for a longer period of time, and fed Gu Yueyu in different ways every day.

What makes Xu Xi most happy is that her daughter has really changed a lot since returning home this time, and her relationship with her grandson has grown by leaps and bounds, just like a prodigal son returning home.

During this period of recuperation at home, Gu Yueyu had no time to spare. In addition to actively doing rehabilitation work every day, she also actively investigated Gong Ye's details.

It turns out that Gong Ye is the boss of an entertainment company. He has guest-starred in several big-budget movies. Although he is only a supporting role, he is more stunning than the protagonist in each movie.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet that if Gong Ye's company does not do well, he will go to work as an actor and a big star.

When Gong Ye was in college, he started a company in partnership with his friends, and he was well-known as the boss of an entertainment company.

In fact, he has more than one company under his name.

Gu Yueyu found out that Gong Ye had invested in more than a dozen companies, large and small. In addition to post-production companies related to the entertainment industry, it also involved real estate, catering industries, and express delivery companies.

Of course, there are also some less well-known small companies that are still in development. According to Gu Yueyu's understanding, these companies have great development potential.

This information was all found by Gu Yueyu on the Internet, but some of the more personal and secret information, such as the secret that he was the illegitimate son of Cheng's parents, could not be found online.

Cheng family, one of the four major families, Cheng Jiacheng was once the richest man in the country.

According to public information, Cheng Jiacheng has a son and a daughter. Su Zilang is about the same age as Gong Ye and is now the general manager of the Cheng family.

There are rumors that he will be the successor of the Cheng family, but there are also many rumors that Cheng Jiacheng has other illegitimate children. It is still unknown whether he will inherit the company in the future.

Reaching out to pick up the potato chips and stuffing them into his mouth, Gu Yueyu looked away from the computer screen, a thoughtful look on his face.

In her previous life, Gu Yueyu had interacted with many heads of large companies and knew a little about their thoughts.

Cheng Jiacheng is still in his prime, and it is too early to talk about his successor. Take the real estate magnate, for example, he is already over 90 years old, and he still occupies that position and refuses to step down. He is still under 60. He wants to start from It's too early to tell if he's taking over the baton.

Gong Linlin would bring her and Gong Ye together, just to make Su Zilang recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, and to give Gong Ye more chips to fight for the heir.

However, Gu Yueyu always felt that something was wrong with Gong Linlin being so anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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