6 The Plan Has Changed
Gu Yueyu rested at home for more than two weeks, and finally the plaster was removed.

Gu Yueyu originally wanted to spend more time with Xu Xi at home with Su Zilang, but thanks to the other's care during this period, she gained almost 10 pounds.

Gu Yueyu had already made plans to take Xu Xi out for fun. She learned from Su Zilang that Xu Xi had never been to other provinces in so many years, and had never even taken a high-speed train, let alone a plane.

"This is such a waste of money. If you have money, save it. Su Zilang will spend a lot of money studying in the future."

When he heard that Gu Yueyu wanted to take him on a trip, Xu Xi's first reaction was to refuse, fearing to waste money rather than not wanting to go.

"You don't have to worry about Su Zilang's tuition. Gong Linlin has plenty of money, so we don't need to worry about it at all. While we still have time, let's go out and have fun as a family."

After moving to the Gong family, their mother and son would not have many opportunities to see Xu Xi, let alone travel with her.

Xu Xi knew in her heart that what Gu Yueyu said was true, and after a moment of hesitation, she agreed to Gu Yueyu's proposal.

"Great, I can go see the waterfalls and the Forbidden City with my grandma." Su Zilang clapped his little hands happily.

"Then you have to help pack your luggage."

Just as they packed their luggage and prepared to travel on the second day, Gong Linlin called, abruptly shattering their dream.

"I heard that your plaster has been removed. Get ready. I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow."

"Can we go there two days later? I think..."

Before Gu Yueyu could finish her words, Gong Linlin interrupted her sternly.

"Do you want to go back on your agreement with me?"

"Before, you said that you had difficulty moving and needed to stay at home to recuperate, but I gave in and made you waste more than half a month."

"At that time, you promised that after you recovered, you would fulfill your agreement and bring you Su Zilang to move here. Now you say you will wait for a while longer. Are you kidding me?"

"No." Gu Yueyu said in a deep voice that she would fulfill the agreement.

"Then I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow morning."

Su Zilang, who had been eavesdropping on her phone call, blinked his big dark eyes.

"Mommy, did that old woman bully you?"

Although he didn't hear clearly what the old woman said on the other end of the phone, looking at Mommy's face, he knew it was definitely not a good thing.

Gu Yueyu stretched out her hand and rubbed Su Zilang's little head, "I've agreed here, you can't call him an old woman in front of her, you have to call him grandma, do you understand?"

The little guy flattened his mouth and agreed reluctantly.

"Just now, your grandma asked us to move there tomorrow, so we can't travel tomorrow."

Gu Yueyu said the last sentence to Xu Xi.

"If we can't go this time, let's do it next time." Xu Xi said quickly.

"But I want to travel with my grandma and mommy. I don't want to move to that old woman's house. I hate her!" Su Zilang said angrily.

Su Zilang, who was usually very sensible, now showed the childishness of his age.

Gu Yueyu reached out to hold him in her arms, then reached out to pinch his chubby little face.

"Didn't you promise to protect Mommy? Do you really have the heart to let Mommy move here alone and then be bullied by that old woman?"

Su Zilang had a struggling look on his face and spoke reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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