Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 100 You despise those stupid people!

Chapter 100 You despise those stupid people!
Xia Lan looked at him in surprise and said, "Are you all here?"

Yes, Dashan is the leader of the minority.Their minority leaders have all come to the Lingye tribe, how can they stay there?
Okay, you should pay attention to safety along the way, or let the mountains pick you up.

No need, we were in so many dangers last time someone made a mistake.This time no one made a mistake, they flew in again and will arrive safely.If we don't have that ability, there's no use keeping those people.

The journey was not short, and even with a male escort to the end, there were still old orcs and young orcs.

Don't worry, they're not that weak
Well, he can rest assured.What else is there to worry about?
Speaking of which, there are already bosses as cold as him.Why did Dashan and others want to rob her?

Hey, I wanted to ask, are you short of females in your Blackhawk family?
Qing glanced at her, probably thinking of something, and said with a smile: "No tribe is short of females. At that time, Dashan and his team went to catch you. They wanted to add another female to the tribe, but they were deceived. .You should see that Dashan and his team are stupid

Well, they really want to be your little brother and you despise those stupid people!

After listening to this, Dashan will definitely eat blue skinny mushrooms.

But honestly, they are stupid.This is a narrow-minded person who is easily incited by others.

So I am also in the Qingshan Tribe. Aren’t they afraid of offending the Qingshan Tribe?
If we only caught a female and had no owner, we wouldn't make a big fuss.Moreover, there are more people in the Qingshan tribe than us.Except for Cheng Hao and a few of their warrior positions, no one else was afraid.Not to mention there are a lot of selfish guys among them
Xia Lan also frowned when thinking of the people from the Qingshan Tribe.Generally speaking, the people of the Qingshan tribe are not as united and friendly as the Rare Earth tribe.

Is this a management issue?
This is a fundamental problem.The Qingshan tribe was not originally established by one ethnic group, but by the merger of several ethnic groups.

When we first gathered together, we had to compete for the position of leader until Cheng Hao's father became the leader of the tribe with absolute power.

He spent ten years turning the Qingshan Tribe into one of the major tribes in the Beast World.Unfortunately, some people are just selfish and cannot change.The tribe was only strong for a few years, and some began to consider leaders
Therefore, the death of Cheng Hao's father is indeed a problem!

You know what?

I'm not from the Qingshan Tribe anymore, so I don't know the specific situation.However, I once met Cheng Hao's mother twice in the wild and colluded with the witch doctor Cang Rong.

Aunt Ai also raised this issue.

In fact, Chenghao's mother-in-law also wanted more men, but unfortunately, she initially chose the patriarch for Lin's position.Generally speaking, patriarchs do not share their mates with other males.Cheng Hao's father should not have chosen that female in the first place

Oh, history can't be changed.However, sooner or later we will have to look into this matter.Give justice to Chenghao's father
Arrest the witch doctor privately and ask him why I didn't catch him here
Xia Lan was speechless. The road was long and long, and it was not worth it.

Don't worry, we will find the right opportunity to go back in the future
Anyway, no matter what the truth is now, the person is dead, and there is no rush to investigate the truth at this time.

Why don't you ask them to relax and let their guard down?
After finishing writing Hao's father's topic, Xia Lan continued writing on the desk.Now she has recorded important things with animal skin. Of course, the ink is a special ink bought from the flying mall and will not melt in water.

Ordinary things are carved on bamboo slips with large bone needles as thick as your fingers.

Aren’t you teaching everyone how to read?When does it begin?
In winter, no one can go hunting anymore.I will teach together.Look at that big bamboo shed, I want to study for you there
A few days ago, Xia Lan repeatedly asked everyone to bring back a lot of wood, bamboo, and iron fan blades from outside, and then put a lot of wood blocks inside to make a bamboo shed.Making large numbers of chairs is too time consuming.Xia Lan asked Cheng Hao and their companions to prepare hundreds of wooden blocks as seats, and then distributed 100 A4 paper-sized wooden boards to teach the tribesmen how to practice calligraphy.

As for pens and ink, she discovered a grass juice that, when crushed and mixed with boiling water, turned into a purple liquid.Write it on a wooden board, rinse it with water, and wash it again to make it a great recycling treasure.

Pens, Xia Lan has prepared many feather pens, which are very fashionable and commonly used pens in ancient times.

She won't learn anything like calligraphy for the time being.

How to save materials and convenience first.

The Lingye tribe has a large population, and Xia Lan does not plan to teach everyone personally.She wanted to first select some smart female churches and let them teach in batches, which would be more efficient.

By the way, Mo Qing, can you read and write? "I know a little bit."

"How about you teach a group of people too?"

Mo Qing immediately refused: "I'm not interested. You can find someone else to teach you and let them teach you."


it's too cold.

Alright alright

After Xia Lan memorized daily events on bamboo slips, she began to write lesson plans.

She plans to teach everyone some simple math problems first, such as how to write numbers and how to add, subtract, and multiply.

This is more practical, and then it teaches you how to recognize common characters.You must learn to write your own name, and then you must also teach painting skills.

During lunch, Xia Lan just picked up the bowl when she heard someone knocking on the door again.

Aunt Ai was surprised and said, "Let me see. You can eat first."

After Aunt Ai opened the door, she saw a strange female appear, and another man she had seen several times, a member of the Lingye tribe.

Auntie, we are looking for a witch doctor.Is she busy?

Why are you looking for a witch doctor?She was having dinner at this time.You can come back later

Aunt Ai, that's it.Your legs are a little sore.I want to ask the witch doctor if there is any way to relieve the pain

Aunt Ai looked at the injury on the other person's leg and frowned: "Isn't this the medicine given by the witch doctor?"

The witch doctor prescribed medicine this morning, but it still hurts a lot
The injured curtain hurts, how could it not hurt?If there is no bleeding, the wound can heal slowly.If you don’t want to, it’s like you’re not hurt. How is that possible?
This is also very reasonable!
The men from the Lingye tribe looked at the female named Yu awkwardly.

Feather smelled the fragrance in the room and wanted to go in and have a taste. "Let's meet the witch doctor, shall we?"

Aunt Ai sighed and said: "Come in
After Yuta came in, he saw Xia Lan, Ai Ye, and Qing eating on the stone table, and the aroma came from the table.

Witch doctor, you are eating

Xia Lan looked up at them and said: "It's lunch time. Of course we need to eat, otherwise how can we have the energy to do things

yes, I--

The leg injury is like this, it's impossible not to hurt.Once the wound heals, it won't hurt.If there is bleeding or pus, come back to me to change the dressing.Go to the witch doctor.The medicine is on his side.

Can I have something to eat with you?I am so hungry.

This guy is so thick-skinned.He didn't come here to eat or drink on purpose, did he?
(End of this chapter)

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