Chapter 99 Can you resist?
Xia Lan thought about it several times and finally decided to name it - Qing Clan!
The implication is that everyone in the tribe hopes that their life will be sunny, happy, comfortable and full of hope.

After hearing the name of this new tribe, Mo Qing nodded and said: "Of course, that's good. But no one can be happy, there will always be times when things go wrong

Hey, isn’t this hoping for you?This amounts to a blessing.Life is inherently full of ups and downs, ups and downs, and saltiness.How can it be happy and sweet

Now that you all understand, it doesn't get any better than this.

Mo Qing continued to lie on the hammock, rocking back and forth, feeling very comfortable.

Xia Lan really wanted that chair to be made for her by Cheng Hao, but she felt that it was not good to be too angry and let others use it.

Let Chenghao prepare another one next time.

Qing, if you feel bored, why don't you go hunting?
This is impossible, Chenghao and I must have someone stay with you for protection.Or next time we can find two people who are strong enough to take turns, I'd rather hunt than be bored

Alas, how can this lazy eagle still talk diligently?

Xia Lan put aside her distracting thoughts and began to carefully record the recent meaningful events.For example, how many followers she has and how much the tribe has gained from hunting recently.

Witch doctor, come and save your life

A worried orc voice came from outside the yard.

Qing frowned, walked over to open the door, and saw a man from the Japanese tribe rushing in, with a female missing from his face.

Witch doctor, please help her stop the bleeding. She is injured.

Xia Lan took a look and found scratches on the legs of the female soldier who was sent away, and there were three shocking blood stains.

Back in the room, he kicked over the medicine box and asked Qing to get warm water from the pot to the kitchen, clean the wound, and then apply medicine.After applying the herbal medicine, the bleeding stopped quickly.

Xia Lan bandaged her with a leaf and said, "Okay, the injury is not serious. After the bleeding stops, we have to wait for the wound to recover slowly."
Is this okay?The man who sent him was still a little uneasy.

Xia Lan smiled and said: "Don't worry, her injury is not serious, you can take care of her."

Great, she was supported just to save me.Witch doctor, you must help me cure her
Qing looked at the man impatiently and said, "What are you doing here? The witch doctor is fine. Take someone back to your home to raise them."
This Xiongqing is still very afraid of Xiongqing's power.Seeing that he was unhappy, he quickly hugged the female bear and wanted to leave.

The female bear refused to be hugged and looked at everyone shyly. "After applying medicine on my legs, I feel better and I just have to walk slowly on my own
No, your legs will hurt
The male protagonist couldn't help but help the other person up. Xia Lan glanced casually, but found a flash of anger in the female protagonist's eyes, as if she was dissatisfied with the male protagonist's behavior.

Hey, who is this lady?Why haven't I seen her before?
Witch Doctor, this is a female I rescued from the wild.She was in danger, but I saved her, and later she also protected me once

People rescued from the wilderness are strangers.

Xia Lan smiled silently: "Then, remember to report the situation to the leader in the future and take good care of her.

I know, it's hard for the witch doctor
With that, the man gave the man a strong hug and left.

The female gave a green look and left the yard, saying, "I want to stay at the witch doctor's house to recuperate. I'm not your partner, so I can't live in your house."
The man paused and frowned.

Green said lazily: "In the wild, whoever finds a female bird belongs to him. This is the rule of the Beast World.
Yes, this is the rule.You will become my daughter in the future!I will also ask the leader to preside over the companionship ceremony as soon as possible

Strutting home, despite the females' protests.

Xia Lan was speechless.If he encounters danger in the wild and has no companions to protect him, wouldn't it be dangerous to be rescued by others?
Witch doctor, people with partners don’t need this rule, but people without partners do

Well, leave them alone
Witch doctor, that female is from the fox tribe.keep away

Fox tribe?

What happened to the Fox Tribe?Cunning?Xia Lan was a little confused.She didn't like the female very much now, but she had no prejudice against the fox race.In the orc world, there were all kinds of orcs, and there was no way she could kill an entire ship with a stick.

The fox tribe is cunning and ruthless, while the females are more greedy.Of all races, the females of the fox and snake tribes are the most greedy and have the most males around them.Generally speaking, females will choose two to three males, not too many.
Really impressive.Can you resist?

Xia Lan is very curious, but she can't ask this question!


When Artoo and his team come back, you can help them handle this matter


Coincidentally, a female was suddenly rescued at this time, and Qing suspected that the other party was someone sent by another tribe to inquire about information.

After all, Helan must have returned to the Blue Sea Tribe at this time, and the temperament of their mother and daughter will definitely have an impact on this.

Witch doctor, if you meet a witch doctor from the Nalanhai tribe in the future, be careful and stay away from her.

From this tone, it seemed that they had known each other for a long time.

Have you dealt with them before?

I spent some time in the Blue Ocean Tribe.That female is the most disgusting!As a tribal witch doctor, I wonder how many people have been falsely accused
Isn’t the Blue Sea Tribe the largest tribe on the Zodiac Continent?Is there only one witch doctor there?
There were originally two or three, but the other two had an accident.An accident occurred while picking grass in the mountains.If my suspicions are correct, she should instruct her man to hurt Rao

No!What about ruthlessness?
Xia Lan frowned and asked if the medical conditions in mainland China were too poor, that is, the most primitive conditions.

In this case, it is normal for medicine to fall behind.

At first, our medical technology was not very good and we didn't work together yet.It's selfish enough to kill everyone in the same industry for the sake of your own status.

Xia Lan does not like Helan and her Amden.

If it's just a good man, no one else can find fault with anything in this social situation.

But it is inappropriate to harm others for personal gain, and problems of bad character cannot be tolerated.

Then why did you leave the Blue Sea Tribe?
Isn't it common for people to rely on large tribes for greater security and stability?

I didn't like it there, so I left.I used to live in the Black Eagle Tribe, but my father made me move around
This is a father with vision and courage!

How dare he believe that his son would travel to such a dangerous place as the Beast World Continent?
When I was ten years old, I started traveling to other places.My father told me not to land if I wasn't sure the forest was dangerous, and then to run away if I couldn't escape.Anyway, if I want to go back alive, he'll tell me everything I need to know

Hey, this is also a person with a story!

where have you been

I've been to all five major tribes, and some of the minorities have been there too.I went to about ten places but I didn't find it interesting so I came back

After the trip, will you still choose your own tribe?

This nostalgic temperament is also acceptable!
By the way, how are the rest of the Blackhawk family doing?

I'll join you here soon.


(End of this chapter)

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