Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

How many materials and treasures are needed in Chapter 109?

How many materials and treasures are needed in Chapter 109?

Ayu slowly walked to the door of the yard and took a look.It seemed that all the members of the Lingye tribe had gone out, and only scattered old orcs and cubs were seen sitting in a few yards.

There was also a family living opposite the wooden tower's adobe house, with only an old orc and a cub.

The old orc should be looking after the cubs, which are no more than thigh high, playing happily in the yard.

Feather felt that he was bored and wanted to find someone to chat, but after leaving several houses, there was no young female in the house.They were either old orcs or nothing at all.

Isn’t this the female of the Muta family?
Half an hour in the morning, Aunt Ai took Master Ai to Xia Lan's place to help prepare lunch. On the way, she saw Yu walking slowly.

Yu smiled when he saw her and said: "Hello, Aunt Ai, I want to find someone to talk to, but there are not many females at home."

Of course, all the females who could help collect food did so.Who would waste time at home?All the old beasts are here, it's going to snow soon.If we don't stock up on the snow, who knows how long it will last
Feather's face tightened a little. She knew the witch doctor's ability and instinctively did not dare to be so willful to the people around the witch doctor.

Hey, your girl leg hurts bad.Stop running around and go home and rest.

Aunt Ai, I'm so bored.Why don't we go to the witch doctor's house to talk together?
Aunt Ai immediately became alert and said: "No, the witch doctor needs to rest. Don't disturb her. You can go home and rest by yourself, so that Muta and others will not be anxious when they come back to see you."
Then, Aunt Ai hugged her daughter and left quickly without waiting for Yu to say anything.

Just kidding, she didn't want to let that vixen take advantage of the witch doctor.

She just breathed a sigh of relief, stopped, and went straight to Xia Lan's home.

Xia Lan opened the door and couldn't help but ask: "Aunt Ai, why are you running so fast?
Hey, bye.I haven't met the vixen yet, she wants to go to your house with me
The one in the wooden tower house

Yes, you are thick-skinned.I won't let her go with you

Xia Lan jokingly rubbed Master Ai's head and said, "Aunt Ai, come in, don't be angry.

The Chenghaos are going on a long journey today, and they want to bring back more food before it snows.We no longer need to prepare lunch for them.Prepare more dinner.what would you like to eat for lunch

Let's make bone broth and then I'll get some meat
Aunt Ai naturally has no objection. She can't wait for Xia Lan to eat more and give birth to a good child.

"Auntie, there are some wild vegetables in the nearby mountains and forests that you can collect. You can also go this afternoon. You don't have to stay at home with me. I will take care of the children at school."

Aunt Ai glared at her and said, "You still need someone to take care of yourself, and you still want to take care of these cubs? Besides, if I go to the mountains, you can follow me, and you don't have to take care of me."

Don't worry, grandpa is still like this.It is not safe to go up the mountain.

What, this kid is eight years old and can learn to hunt.Collecting wild vegetables is no problem at all.

Ah! !

She underestimated the abilities of the orc cubs.

Xia Lan believes that in this world, the weak and the strong are not easy to persuade.Aunt Ai is a local orc who knows how to train their children so that they can live a better life.

By the way, hunting in the wild is not just a matter of physical fitness and technical skills?
If there were Kung Fu techniques suitable for them to learn, wouldn't they become stronger?

This way, they can also go hunting and be safer.

Xia Lan quickly contacted the face system in the spirit world and said, "Ask each one, are there any boxing techniques suitable for orcs to learn?"

"Yes, martial arts is the essence. martial arts is very common in the military in the interstellar world."

Don't you know martial arts or other martial arts skills?

Uh... One after another, their martial arts in the interstellar world are definitely not bad, they are very powerful.

Why does the master think that ancient martial arts Kung Fu is more powerful than Xingwu Fist!
The graphic mall only has boxing, an interstellar military sport, and body techniques from the world of immortal cultivation.You can choose the host you like
Ah! !

This can only be done with Military Boxing. Otherwise, what kind of physical fitness does it require?How many materials and treasures are needed?There is no such thing as a world of beasts!
Xia Lan finally chose a set of basic military martial arts, a dead pit in the plane system, and 100 million planet coins were deducted from her.This is amazing!

In the six months since arriving in the beast world, Xia Lan has accumulated tens of millions of planet coins through transactions with the plane system.As a result, she spent more than half of the money again and again, and then subtracted 100 million, leaving a balance of 513 million planet coins.

Fortunately, it's worth every penny, and the permanent scan feature that cost me a million is particularly useful.

It's especially useful when you're out looking for something and find someone following and spying on you.It hits every shot, hits every target, and has no hidden form whatsoever.

Then comes medical scan analysis, which can scan for health issues based on her instructions.She was also deducted 190 million yuan and ordered to scan the analysis function.If medication is required, there will be an additional fee per visit.

The flight system is definitely a Scrooge personality!
To encourage console consumption, our system provides a free replica version.In addition to the spirit child version, you can also carve on wooden boards or bamboo boards depending on where the owner wants to carve.

Xia Lan was overjoyed after hearing this, saving a lot of trouble.

Wood - no, not carved into a stone wall.

The host has restrictions on the system.

Okay, then use a board.After all, the bamboo pieces are zero and don't look good in the picture.

Okay, I will do the surgery after the owner prepares the board.

With the use of martial arts, Xia Lan felt a kind of peace in her heart.Then he thought of skill with swords and arrows, which seemed like nothing to pursue.When fighting against beasts, good physical fitness, quick reactions and quick and accurate attacks are important!
Any other action is secondary.

After lunch, Xia Lan found that there were still many logs in the yard, which Cheng Hao brought back and stored every time he went out.

There may have been hundreds.

Auntie, why don't we have time to saw wood this afternoon?
Aunt Ai sighed: "Do you need a board?"

Well, I want to take some pictures to show people

Well, Ai Ye and I will split up this afternoon, and you'll be done with it.You are not as strong as Ai Ye.

Xia Lan touched his nose, alas, he appeared again.

Xia Lan, a man who was looked down upon for his strength, watched his aunt and son split wooden boards with a bone saw in the afternoon.

No, although Ren Aiye is only eight years old, he is really not very strong.

Lifting dozens of pounds is effortless.

Xia Lan's eyes widened when she saw her dragging wood!

Grandpa, be careful
Aunt Ai took one look and said, "Xia Lan, she can control this little thing. Don't yell at the child."


(End of this chapter)

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