Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 110 Something happened to his mother.

Chapter 110 Something happened to his mother.

Xia Lan was silent, and she admitted that she might really be stronger.

After giving birth to the child, she also practiced martial arts, but her physical fitness was not as good as the child!
So embarrassing!

In the afternoon, Aunt Ai took her daughter and gave Xia Lan more than 100 wooden boards one meter long and half a meter wide, and asked her if they were enough.

Xia Lan just fell asleep for a while, then froze again and said, "That's enough. Auntie, are you going too fast?"

Hello, this bone saw works great.We pull it a few times to make a board
Well, you guys are awesome!

Xia Lan was really surprised when she saw those neat wooden boards.She was so happy that she couldn't help but say: "Auntie, let's have hot pot tonight.

Aunt Ai and her team had already had hot pot under Xia Lan's guidance, so it was easy for them to understand.

No, it's just a pot of stew, but with a different flavor that everyone loves.

Okay, let's put it over there in the bamboo house

Ah, very good.It's warm to eat in.

Aunt Ai took a few spare large rocks and built something like a stove.She prepared two stoves, two medium-sized pots, and put some firewood aside for later use.She also took Ai Ye to the river to wash vegetables and cut meat.

When the mother and daughter come back, Xia Lan will also prepare the bottom of the pot, a pot of spicy soup and a pot of clear soup.Of course, the base soup is made with bone broth.

Xia Lan, I'll light the fire, don't move
Aunt Ai put the barrel on her shoulders, walked quickly and lit a fire, and added some firewood to make soup.

By this time, it was getting dark, and they might come back while the soup was cooking, just in time to add other vegetables to the pot.

The weather was still relatively warm at noon, but the cold wind had begun to howl.

Xia Lan looked at the gate of the tribe, feeling a little anxious.The weather has been getting colder and colder these days, and he hoped that it would get better if the winter snow didn't fall for too long.

She reminded Attu to prepare more dry firewood at home.If the snow is really cold, stay warm indoors with a stone stove.However, when burning, be sure to open some windows for ventilation to avoid suffocation and poisoning.

Master, it's going to snow tomorrow morning. It's best not to let anyone go out.

Okay, I'll let everyone know

When their soup was ready and various dishes and dishes were ready, Cheng Hao and their companions had not returned yet.

It was getting dark by this time.

Xia Lan stood anxiously at the door, hoping they would go home quickly.

We are here, sister Xia Lan, I saw a figure.Ai Ye shouted excitedly, pointing to the tribe in front.

Although Xia Lan's vision is not bad, it is still not as good as the orcs in the Beast World Continent.At least now, she could still see the dark night.

There were no flowers at all under the stars.

Xia Lan had an ominous premonition in her heart.

After the returning people landed, Xia Lan was the first to see Mo Qing, but there was no sign of Cheng Hao.

Mo Qing stood four or five meters away from the door and said, "Cheng Hao has returned to the Qingshan tribe. The people over there came to report what happened to him."
Xia Lan trembled, Qingshan Clan, when will you go back?
Xia Lan was worried, "I'll go too."

No way
The aunt came out sternly and said: "Xia Lan, something happened to Cheng Hao's mother-in-law. As his son, he can't go and take a look, and neither can you. You are a pregnant female now, so you can't work hard."

Yes, Chenghao didn't come back to tell you in person because he didn't want you to follow, just because he was afraid that you would follow," Qing explained helplessly.

Xia Lan was very angry.At this time, the people from the Qingshan tribe asked someone to call Cheng Hao back.Who knows what An's heart is?
In any case, she didn't think it was a simple kindness to inform Cheng Hao to go back and fulfill his filial piety.No, she had to follow.

However, Cheng Hao is weak.If we go back and calculate, what do we do?
Qing, aren't you my followers?
Qing Yi was shocked: "I am."

So shouldn't my followers obey my orders?

Qing frowned, this should be true, but obviously she can't listen to it now!

Everything else is up to you, but it's not good for your health
I will take care of myself, I
Suddenly remembering the reminder from the flight system, Xia Lan became even more worried.If it snows tomorrow and they go to the Qingshan Tribe, the journey will definitely be more troublesome.

How much does snow affect your flying orcs?Can you fly when it snows and stop to rest when it snows heavily?


Well, it should snow heavily at noon tomorrow
Your green face is worse, then you can't leave
How long has Cheng Hao been gone?

They met us in the wilderness around lunch time
Is that halfway?

Let's finish the meal first, and then we'll be full

Aunt Ai looked at her anxiously, always feeling that she would not be so obedient.

But the people were really hungry and chatting outside. Aunt Ai quickly asked everyone to wash their hands and sit down, and began to wash the hot pot and eat it.

Xia Lan was originally in a good mood, but it wouldn't be better this time.

But she still allowed herself to eat most of the bowl of clear soup and drank the soup again.

In any case, a person must have a full stomach and not be so hungry that he cannot find the father of his child.

You can't not go.

She doesn’t trust the people of the Qingshan Tribe, let alone Cang Rong, the witch doctor of the Qingshan Tribe!

Everyone knows that Xia Lan is in a bad mood.After eating, he quickly retreated, leaving Qing and Aunt Ai to appease the witch doctor.

Of course, Bai Xi and Yonglong also started chatting with Cheng Hao, so now Xia Lan is closer to Aunt Ai and the Qing family.

Xia Lan, you should have a good rest.Cheng Hao will discuss with the young leader of the Lingye tribe to see what to do

I know what to do.Uncle Ai, go back to your room and sleep.I have something to do with Qingdian

Uncle Ai took one look at Lu and believed that the other party was determined, so he took Uncle Ai and her daughter home.

They were the only ones left in the room, and Xia Lan said seriously: "This time, the Qingshan tribe is most likely to have a different world. I can't let Cheng Hao go back alone."

Your body won't let you go far.Don't worry, I'll bring someone to help.

No, it's useless for you to go.There are many people in Qingshan tribe, so I have to go.I have a way to take him away safely

Seeing her confident look, Qing didn't know how to convince her, but in the end, he still disagreed with her taking risks.

Xia Lan pointed at the door of the living room.Qing only saw a green vine emerging from the air, and went to push the wooden door and close it.

The stunned blue half-ring finally thought: "You..."

I just want it to be clear to you that I am capable of protecting myself.If I am in a big forest, my ability to protect myself is stronger, but even if there is no forest, I still have the ability to protect myself.Of course, my power is not as strong as yours, but I can still help Chenghao and fight for you
Is this the power of the goddess?
I don't know what your goddess looks like, but I will live a better life with those who follow me
Even so, you can't take any chances.Although the orcs of the Qingshan tribe are not as good as the Hetu tribe, their warriors are also very effective.With vines like yours, they can just snap off without harming them.

(End of this chapter)

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