Chapter 43 She is really popular.

Cheng Hao glanced at him lightly and said, "Uncle Dongkui has done a good job, let him continue to be the clan leader. I have Xia Lan's affairs to take care of, and I can't betray God and become the clan leader."

Cangrong sneered, it sounded good.

But he didn't believe that Cheng Hao really had no attachment to the position of patriarch. After all, if it hadn't been for his accident, the position of patriarch would not have fallen into the hands of Lan Wu now.

Unfortunately, some things are unexpected.

"Uncle Cangsong, the injury on Chenghao's leg has healed. You have also seen that, shouldn't this be a problem?"

"Well, it seems that there is no problem for now. If you feel uncomfortable in the future, you can come to me."

Xia Lan nodded politely: "Okay."

"Xue'er, let's go home."

The witch doctor only said a few words and then left, as if he really wanted to see how the injury on Chenghao's leg healed.

By the way, do you also want to live in a brick house and listen to the witch doctor?

The clan leader agrees to clear a room for their family, which is considered a sign of respect for the medicine man.But it won't be huge.The witch doctor who wanted to build a big house came up with his own solution

Gosh, she's really popular.

Others paid to hire people to build their houses, so the witch doctor directly asked the tribe to build him a house for free.

If he treats his people well and treats their wounds, he deserves everyone's respect, but his treatment of Cheng Hao's leg injury really made Xia Lan disrespectful.

Even Xia Lan has always had doubts about her heart.

Especially after hearing Aunt Ai's story, she has been busy decorating the house recently and has no energy to observe these things.

Now we can take our time and observe.

Our new house is also ready. Can we prepare for the wedding ceremony?Cheng Hao held her in his arms and whispered in her ear.

Suddenly, Xia Lan felt a wave of heat pass from her ears to her heart, and her face turned red.

She hasn't traveled for two months, but she and Cheng Hao have already broken up once.Later, she was restricted to holding hands, and at most she was held and teased by Cheng Hao.

What would have been a good decision was delayed by construction's busy schedule.

These days, she is spoiled by Cheng Hao, busy doing the things she likes to do at home, and doing everything at home according to her ideas.

How to make furniture is also completely up to her. In short, Cheng Hao follows her in everything he does.

Of course, except for her wanting to sleep in separate rooms at night, a certain wolf firmly disagreed and insisted on sleeping with her in his arms.

Xia Lan
Cheng Hao held the man in his arms and became more and more restless.He had endured this countless times over the days, and every time he tried to eat the female, he was afraid of scaring her away.

Now, he's ready for the house she wants and his leg injury has healed.Confident Cheng Hao thought he could start eating.

He'll feel like a stupid man if he keeps putting up with it!
Seeing Xia Lan blushing, she couldn't help but lower her head and continue to bully her.

When the woman was kissed by him, her face turned red and her ears felt ashamed.Cheng Hao couldn't bear it anymore, so he took her into the room and kissed her all over. Her clothes were half untied, and the ambiguous atmosphere heated up.

"Brother Chenghao, Brother Chenghao..."

Cheng Hao was about to take off Xia Lan's clothes. His clothes were half-undressed and he didn't want to pay attention to the noise outside the yard, but he also knew Gu Baihe's character.

After enduring it, he took a deep breath and kissed Mo Xialan's neck fiercely: "Xia Lan, you are mine.

Xia Lan turned into a red shrimp and hid under the animal skin in shame.

It’s almost impossible to control beauty these days.No, she couldn't hold on anymore.If Gu Baihe hadn't interrupted in time, I'm afraid it would have been the second time today that she was eaten clean!
Well, after two months together, she already regarded Cheng Hao as her legal boyfriend.

It's hard for her not to like such a good-tempered, handsome and good brother.

Outside the door, Gu Baihe hurriedly walked to the door and said, "Brother Chenghao, my father asked you to come over. Some people in the tribe are inexplicable and don't let us go hunting in the nearby mountains and forests.
Cheng Hao frowned, followed Xia Lan's voice, turned around and went back to the house, closed the door and left.

The quarrel took place on the new land of Uncle Albert's family, and the patriarch was also called in.

Cheng Hao frowned and glanced at the people on the other side. They usually didn't object to him.Before, he was a young patriarch and these people were not good, but now he wants to jump.

"Chenghao, you're here."

"Patriarch, hello."

Cheng Hao, many people in the tribe have put forward opinions.Your recent hunts in the nearby mountains and forests are not conducive to the tribe's winter food stores.What do you think?
Cheng Hao glanced at a few people and said, "In that case, let the tribe negotiate the border." From now on, no one should be able to hunt freely in the mountains and forests along this border.Only in winter, for the survival of the tribe, they could hunt those wild animals
This is also a method, and then use the circular range of the other two mountains outside the tribe as the boundary.Those who want to hunt must go out of the second circle.The first lap will not be allowed until winter.

"Okay, we have no objection. Chief, I have a question to ask you first."

The patriarch nodded and said, "Who are you?"

Nowadays, many people think it is easier not to build a house, but when the winter gets colder, maybe some people want to take advantage of the houses that others have worked hard to build.

At that time, the clan leader and those of us who have houses may not be able to live in it anymore, and some people may keep talking.

Please clarify this issue with those who are unwilling to build a house first, and don't blame others for their cruelty when the time comes.

As the leader of the clan, Dong Kui has never thought about this problem.When Cheng Hao mentioned this, he immediately thought of his own house and asked someone to do it well.As a result, those who were unwilling to donate meat also wanted to borrow one in the winter and felt that it was not good for an instant.

What you have to consider is that I will call everyone together immediately to clarify

That would be difficult for the clan leader.At least let those people have a place to sleep, and for the rest, whatever they like.

Yes, we have to get them a room.In any case, the land is huge, and there are open grasslands under the mountains.They have enough Dongyan tribesmen for several thousand people, or even twice as many people would be enough.

When the clan grows up and lacks dusk, bring the clan members together.

Well, I’m here to tell you, winter is cold and everyone knows it.In the past few years, there is no orc who has not been frozen to death in winter.For example, tonight, the women of the Owl family led everyone to build a warm adobe house instead of a cave, which can better help us survive the winter.

Even with that house, you don't need to wear animal skins for the winter.

That's right, why does the patriarch have to go to such trouble?

Do you just want the people who build the houses to share in the meat we bring back from our dangerous hunts?

Dongkui heard the whisper and almost twisted his nose in anger.

These fools!

The good words keep saying, I refuse to learn from others for such a little meat.

He did not believe that those who opposed him did not realize the benefits of Chenghao's family, but he stubbornly refused to donate.

As the leader of the clan, I recommend that everyone build at least one house for each family to sleep in during the winter, rather than forcing themselves to do anything else.If you're not building a house at all, don't consider borrowing someone else's house for the winter!The ugly words come first, don’t come to me to complain again

At this time, people from many ethnic groups looked at each other in admiration.

Does the patriarch mean that people who don’t build houses don’t want to live in other people’s houses?

Are you too cruel?

(End of this chapter)

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