Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 44 It’s really not easy to be a clan leader!

Chapter 44 It’s really not easy to be a clan leader!
Dongkui couldn't help but sigh coldly when he saw the expressions on everyone's faces.Some people are just selfish and don’t want to contribute, and even want to take advantage of others.

They built a house with their flesh and energy, and He gave nothing.Why do you want to live but not a house?His current behavior is not angry.

This - most people in the tribe are too embarrassed to talk.

Chief, if you are not alive, you will not be alive.I've been living in a cave for many years, why not this year?
Yes, we don’t believe that anymore.

Dongkui looked at the orcs and said: "You are still young people, good health is not a problem. But those who have old and young people must build a house. If you don't believe in the existence of the Chenghao family, you can build a house, Then sleep through the winter. If you believe it, you can do it yourself."

"Chief, you are so reluctant to let everyone do this. Hunting, picking wild fruits, and preparing food are not easy for everyone. Do you have to allocate time to build a house?"

You can build a house with several families, go hunting in the morning and come back early in the afternoon to prepare the necessary things for the house.The house will be built in ten and a half months.Working together, everyone still has a chance to prepare before winter comes
The clans were still whispering, but Dongkui became tougher and said: "Becoming a clan is my request for everyone as the clan leader. If anyone is not willing, don't ask me to be the clan leader in the future.

At this point, the people of the Dongyan tribe can no longer openly oppose the patriarch.

Like building a house to handle the orders of the patriarch.

Dongkui looked at some of the clan leaders and sighed, but being a clan leader is really not easy!

The former clan leader's powerful fighting prowess left everyone in awe, and he couldn't help but obey his orders.

And my own strength is not as strong as the previous clan leader, nor as strong as the young clan leader Cheng Hao.

Sometimes, wanting others to do what you want is always a bit disobedient.

Dong Kui frowned when he thought of Cheng Hao's power.Why not give him the position of tribal leader?

After sending his clansmen, Dong Kui came to Cheng Hao's house.

Cheng Hao looked very polite when he saw the clan leader.Although he doesn't like Eminem following him so quickly, it's not Dong Kyu's fault, but his own Eminem's choice.

He is not an unreasonable person.

Patriarch, why are you looking for me?

Dongkui sighed and said, "Chenghao, since your legs are so good, why don't you take over the position of the clan leader?

Cheng Hao glanced at the other party inexplicably, and Xia Lan was also surprised. "Clan leader, is someone gossiping in front of you?

No, it’s just that I don’t think I’m suitable to be the patriarch.

In the past, when Cheng Hao's father was present, he was too strong to obey involuntarily.

But I obviously can't.At first, I felt that it was not my turn to hold the position of clan leader, and I didn’t know what everyone thought at the time, so I was pushed out.
Xia Lan thinks that the patriarch Dongkui is actually pretty good.Although he didn't know much about it, in the past two months, everything in the Dongyan tribe was in order and there was no trouble.

It can be seen that this patriarch still manages very well.

Uncle Dongkui, I just want to take care of Xia Lan now.I don't want to be a clan leader or anything, please.
Dongkui glared at Liao and said: "Chenghao, your father is the king of martial arts, how dare you do this-"

Cheng Hao looked at him casually. After his leg was injured, the clan's performance had already chilled him.

If he hadn't met 99, he was worried that he would really become a lame orc and what his life would be like.

He was injured after his father's accident.Although there are some people helping him, much of Rao's performance shows that he is still seeing this through his eyes.

Cheng Hao's sense of responsibility to his family has long since disappeared.Why should he worry about his labor for those who treat him unkindly and selfishly?
Cheng Hao has lost his enthusiasm for his tribe after being ridiculed and pitied by his tribe.

Uncle Dongkui, Dongqi is too impulsive.Please teach him well.I really don’t want to be the clan leader.My heart went cold.Cheng Hao looked frustrated when he spoke.

Dongkui immediately fell silent.After the former clan leader had an accident and the young clan leader Cheng Hao's long leg was injured, he also saw the behavior of the Rao clan.

In fact, he wanted to help Cheng Hao, but Cheng Hao was not very receptive.

Watching Bai Xi and Yonglong deliver food to Chenghao again, I felt relieved knowing that he didn't have to worry about eating or drinking.

Patriarch, we all think you have done a good job, but for some people who do not listen to advice, I think this has little to do with your authority.

It was just a natural choice, and currently they don’t live in the adobe house themselves.The difference between the two cannot be clearly felt.At this time, if you ask them to spend time and energy building a house, they will not be willing. This is also human nature.

Dongkui sighed, understanding that everyone would consider their own interests.

But the event itself was for the good of all the people in the tribe, which lost some of its men every winter.Especially for the frail elderly and young people.

Patriarch, your mandatory requirement is that every family must have a house, and that is enough.When they feel the warmth in their house this winter, they won't have to rush next year.They will find ways to build more houses themselves
Cheng Hao nodded in agreement and said there was no need to worry too much.

Dongkui frowned and said, "I'm afraid they won't put their hearts in that house.
Clan leader, your responsibility is to lead everyone to a better life and guide clan members to choose better things.And you, it's their choice whether they follow suit or not.If they don't cooperate, patriarch, you can't let people build their houses for free

This is absolutely not feasible.If we set this precedent, others may follow and exploit it
How could the time-consuming work of building a house go to waste when the distribution of meat within the clan depends on who puts in more effort?
After talking to Dongkui, he figured it out himself.Having said that, the words have been spoken, and it is up to the clan members whether they want to obey or not.Whether the winter is cold or not also depends on their tolerance.

Cheng Hao, uncle is also very sad today, but what he said is also sincere.

Uncle Ian, you don't need to go too far.I really have no interest in the position of patriarch anymore.What I really want to do now is to take good care of Xia Lan

Okay, but there is no conflict between being the patriarch and taking care of the 99 people

Do not have.If I have to deal with many ethnic matters this will reduce the time I have to take care of 99

Dongkui was speechless. This son was completely confused by the female Xia Lan!

Dongkui sighed and prepared to go home.

Uncle Dongkui, before winter comes, I plan to hold a companionship ceremony with Xia Lan.I hope you can help me

Dong Kui nodded repeatedly: "Okay. This is necessary."

After the patriarch left, Xia Lan pulled Cheng Hao and whispered: "Cheng Hao, do you think the patriarch has other intentions now?"

What does it mean?
The patriarch did not expect people to elect him as patriarch.So, under normal circumstances, who would be chosen?

Cheng Hao was stunned for a moment and frowned, "Generally speaking, if the clan leader has an accident, the young clan leader cannot assume the position of clan leader, and the second warrior of the tribe will become the clan leader."

When my father was here, he was the most powerful and I was the first of the younger generation.The warrior after my father was Uncle Basil, but Uncle Basil took his people out to exchange things with other tribes
"Is that clan leader the third warrior?"

Cheng Hao shook his head and said, "No, he is the best among my father's generation. However, he has a good temper and everyone likes Uncle Dongkui. This may be the reason."

(End of this chapter)

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