Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 50 This new home is exactly what she wants!

Chapter 50 This new home is exactly what she wants!

After hearing this, Xia Lan looked at Qing hurriedly and said, "Do you know? No, let's go in."

He smiled and followed into the room.

Xia Lan had a good attitude and poured water and tea herself, then sat next to Cheng Hao, "Qing, tell us what you know.

I want to be your follower.If you agree, then you can ask me everything I know and I will explain it all
Xia Lan no longer understands the meaning of followers.Will the original world of Beast World still focus on followers?

Cheng Hao lowered his voice and explained what followers meant.

After listening to Xia Lan's words, she looked a little stupid.In this way, her followers act as her trusted guards and other beings.

In ancient times, some people followed the Lord of Wisdom and followed Him willingly.

But there is no such custom in this continent of the animal world, is there?

When Xia Lan was young, he took a fancy to your smart ideas and thought that following you would lead a better life.In the future, if you have any good ideas, you should let them know first and use them first, which can be considered a mutually beneficial relationship
There's nothing wrong with that.Xia Lan thought of the people of the Xitu tribe, and then thought of staring at the witch doctor in the dark.Finally, he nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you, but if you don't want to follow me, you should follow me in time and don't betray me by being bribed."

"Don't worry, we have to swear to the beast god. Female, don't worry."

Cheng Hao also said that there is no need to worry too much about this. Unless they are not afraid of the punishment of the Beast God, they will not easily violate the Beast God's oath.

Xia Lan felt that the orc named Qing was a bit strange.She knew a lot that they didn't, but she wasn't going to hide it either.

Even if she's not a follower, she still produces things that people in her tribe can learn from and share!

Why add a layer of constraints?

He never does anything to harm himself.

Oh, so does the other side feel like being their follower will definitely give them more advantages than disadvantages?
Well, everyone respects her so she can honestly accept it.

The Xitu tribe is larger than the Qingshan tribe, and the tribesmen are relatively friendly under the leadership of the tribe leader.At least, I think it's better than Qingshan Tribe
What does it mean?
Persuade them to leave the Qingshan Tribe?

Xia Lan frowned.She plans to settle down in the Qingshan Tribe, and this new home is exactly what she wants!
Don't worry, just wait and see.The corners of the green mouth were slightly raised in a faint smile.

Xia Lan feels like she already knows some inside information, but she insists on keeping it secret. It's really annoying!
boss, boss
A skinny boy ran in, running towards Qingmian with an excited expression on his face. "Boss, they want to give the Qingshan Tribe a hundred prey for the winter, and each prey will be no lighter than an adult stag.
It seems that I really want to invite you to become the witch doctor of their tribe.

Is a hundred prey her reward for changing places?
Why did she benefit the people of the Qingshan tribe, but made her who worked so hard feel wronged?

Xia Lan was very angry.If the leader of the Qingshan tribe really agrees to this matter, then she will definitely not pay attention to the fate of the Qingshan tribe in the future!

Xia Lan, don't be angry, I will be with you no matter what

Judging from Qing's expression, he might have guessed the ending.Xia Lan's medical skills only cured him. The people of the tribe would definitely not trust Xia Lan to replace the witch doctor just because his leg injury was healed.

If they were given a choice at this time, it would definitely be Ning Yuan who chose to keep the witch doctor Cang Rong, not the nine people who didn't understand the depth.

Xia Lan, don't be angry.It was my fault.I didn't expect this to happen
Just like when Afu had an accident with himself, he couldn't imagine Amu's behavior.

Cheng Hao suddenly felt that he was really stupid, so stupid!

Chenghao, how can we blame you for doing such a thing?Forget it, let it pass.If we didn't leave you here, you'd have your own place!Well, I mean we can feed ourselves, there's no need to hurt ourselves


I originally didn't want the position of clan leader, but this incident made Cheng Hao deeply frustrated.

If his power is not high and his supporters are not enough, then he cannot better protect Xia Lan when encountering problems!
let's start
Qing Chao looked at the door and saw that they were indeed the leader of the Qingshan tribe and the young leader of the Ritu tribe.A large group of people came to Cheng Hao's door and yard aggressively.

Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao, come out and discuss it together

Xia Lan took Cheng Hao's hand and walked out with a smile. "Chief, we are here. What's wrong?

Seeing Xia Lan's smiling face, the chieftain felt a little guilty, but for the sake of his tribe, he had to compromise.He sighed: "Jiujiu, this is Atusang, the young leader of the Lingye tribe. Their witch doctor is missing, and you happen to know medical skills, so I want you to help

Patriarch, my medical skills are not very good.Let the witch doctor go

what can we do?What will happen to our Qingshan tribe if the witch doctor leaves?

that's right.Although the female of the owl family healed the owl's leg injury, the owl's physical recovery ability was already stronger than that of ordinary people.Who knows if she cured it or if the owl itself cured it?
Don't worry, let the witch doctor stay.

是 的
The whispers of the clan members reached the ears of Xia Lan and Cheng Hao, and Cheng Hao's face was very ugly.

But Xia Lan was not angry and held Cheng Hao's hand. "I want to be with Chenghao, our new home is nice. I'm weak and can't live in a cave

No problem, we will build your house before winter comes and we will make sure you don’t feel cold!Atul immediately agreed.

Dong Kui, the leader of the Qingshan tribe, hesitated for a moment and looked at Xia Lan: "Xia Lan, if you don't want to, you can help. You can wait until their witch doctor finds you before coming back. Cheng Hao can also accompany you, here The house will be reserved for you
Xia Lan frowned and said, "Since you invited me to stay for a while, should you give me compensation?
(⊙o⊙)! !
The people of the Qingshan tribe were immediately stunned.Why was this bounty given to only Mo Xialan?
Atu was also a bit silly, but he responded quickly, "Of course there are rewards. Woman, whatever you want, as long as our tribe has

No, you are from our tribe.We are willing to let you go to the Xitu tribe to help, and the reward will be divided among everyone in the tribe.

Xia Lan curled her lips and said: "I'm here to help you, not you. Why should I share this reward with you? After my house was built, you didn't let me share the meat. Why should I share with everyone the rewards of working alone? award

You are the female of our tribe, and now we are willing to give it to the Lingye tribe. Of course they will pay!One of the males couldn't help but say.

(End of this chapter)

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