Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 51 He can support his family.

Chapter 51 He can support his family.

Xia Lan sneered: "I'm not yours. I'm free. Besides, I haven't held a mating ceremony with Cheng Hao yet. Why are we from the Qingshan tribe?"
You have all slept with Cheng Hao, why are you not his woman?You have never objected before

Yes, why are you so selfish?How can you say that when you treat everyone's food the same?
Xia Lan: "..."

Who dares to make these orcs honest and selfless?
They did not participate in hunting, nor could they divide the meat when building a house.Now it's her turn to make money with her medical skills.Do these people think it's selfish not to share with everyone?

Bah, such a half-orc is really a double-standard dog!


However, it doesn't seem strange to them to treat Cheng Hao like before.

Ladies, we welcome you to our tribe.Why don't you just join our Xitu tribe?We'll give them food as a thank you for letting you go
No matter where Xia Lan goes, I will follow.Cheng Hao looked at the person in front of him indifferently. Although he was already disappointed, he was even more disappointed this time.

Make it impossible for him to stay in the tribe.

The most respected father passed away and Eminem was like that again.Cheng Hao found this ironic.

It turned out that I followed Xia Lan to the Qingshan Tribe, and I also followed her.Student Mu came out and said calmly.

Qing Ye said with a smile: "I am also here for Xia Lan. When she leaves, she will naturally follow."

Puff—several orcs from the Black Eagle clan were knocked unconscious.

Sleeping in the trough, delicious?

Boss, you are lying!
Still not a good brother!

The grief is unbearable.

Bai Xi and Yonglong frowned and finally stood up: "We have no family. Cheng Hao has been our good brother since childhood, so we followed him

Dong Kyu’s face doesn’t look good now.

It is expected that Cheng Hao will follow Xia Lan, after all, he likes females.

But Bai Xi and Yong Long were not within the scope of his calculations.

After all, these two people were also warriors of their Qingshan tribe. They lost three warriors all at once, and the clan leader was very unhappy.

Atul obviously did not expect that things would develop like this. He has good eyesight.

It can be seen at a glance that these males are very powerful in combat.If they can follow the female Xia Lan to their Xitu tribe, it will be equivalent to strengthening the power of their tribe!

What are you hesitating about, Patriarch?She and I are not originally from the Qingshan Tribe.The land we shared and the houses we previously built were considered gifts to members of your clan.You lose nothing and you receive some unfinished house for free.With some hard work, these houses could be built
Patriarch, if we move out, let me live in my house as my son is filial to her.Cheng Hao took a deep breath and finally made his choice.

Bai Xi and Yonglong also sighed, they saw what these people looked like.

After Cheng Hao's accident, the people in the tribe saw clearly that it was normal to feel cold-hearted, and they didn't seem to be that nostalgic about leaving.

Good brothers, as long as the three of us are together, no matter where we are, we can solve the problem
Beast God, how could that frosty guy in Cheng Hao say such touching words to them both?
Bai Yan and Yong Long looked at each other and immediately felt that this choice was worth it!
I don't ask about these two things, but I know that Bai Xi and Yonglong are from the Qingshan tribe.let's see.This winter, we will send 100 prey to your Qingshan tribe, and in the next two years, we will send 100 as compensation for the loss of the two males of your Qingshan tribe.

People in the tribe who had objections immediately smiled after hearing it, and most people thought it was okay.

In any case, they do not lack these two or three males when hunting.Not many people are participating in the hunt these days.Aren’t they doing a great job too?
Patriarch, since they chose to leave on their own, we cannot force them to stay.we can help them

Dongkui sighed, looking at the decision to chat with Baixi, he couldn't do anything else.

If that's the case, then just follow Artu's advice.
In this way, the problem of leaving the Qingshan tribe is solved.

Xia Lan looked at the adobe house where she had just lived, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Xia Lan, don't be sad.Over there, I'll make you better furniture.Practice makes perfect, right?I'm more proficient now, and the furniture I make will definitely look better.

Yes, the more you do, the better.I either can't bear to part with these things or I feel sorry for you.You were once a young and strong clan leader, and you must have been the one who bravely moved forward during the hunt.But when you get into an accident, they treat you like that, and now... forget it, it's really unpleasant anyway

No problem, you can go anywhere with me.Xia Lan's heart suddenly became sweet and moved.In fact, she wasn't afraid to leave her hometown.She just got to live in another tribe, not just a dragon's den or a tiger's den.

Besides, they still begged themselves to go, and the treatment couldn't be worse.

After accepting the reality, Xia Lan quickly began to think about some practical issues. "Chenghao, take the young leader of the Lingye tribe to the Clay Mountain to have a look and let them determine whether there is the kind of soil around their tribe for making bricks. If not, we will have difficulty building a house.

Okay, I'll ask now

Cheng Hao took Atu and them to Clay Mountain to observe the soil in person. When he confirmed that the hills near Lingye tribe also had such territory, he felt relieved.

As for the terrain, Cheng Hao himself has been to the Lingye tribe and there are places suitable for building houses there.

Chenghao, are you willing?
On the mountain, Atu couldn't help but ask.

Cheng Hao glanced at him and said, "There's nothing I'm not willing to do."

Really?If it were me, I definitely wouldn't want to.If not, you are the leader of the Qingshan Tribe, but now they have kicked you out of the Qingshan Tribe.

I don't think you are stupid.You should know the purpose of their move.

Our tribe does lack a witch doctor successor, but there is no need to get rid of him now.If your clan leader insists on not letting go, we cannot force you to leave.
After all, the people of the Qingshan tribe could not accommodate him, the former young chief, and were worried that after his leg injury healed, he would have another chance to successfully become the chief.

Why don't you take him away first.

Oops, this Qingshan tribe’s people are so cunning.

Although the outcome was in their favor, Cheng Hao had to be the one to hold back.

Don't look at me like that.For me, the most important thing is Xia Lan.No one deserves my stay.I want to follow her to the right place for Xia Lan
There are also "Liushuihua Mother" and "Liushuihua Daughter" in the tribe, as well as the cunning and vicious female "Jing Lingling".He couldn't guarantee that he would always be by Xia Lan's side, and was afraid that someone would take the opportunity of his absence to hurt Xia Lan.

Although Xiangtao learned a lesson last time, it was only a slight blow and no substantial damage was done.

Prejudicial people think this punishment is enough.

Apparently, he wants to kill his Xia Lan, but the people of his tribe actually think immortality is no big deal.

Obviously, I don't want to take Xia Lan seriously, nor do I want to take myself seriously.

We will set off tomorrow and go to your tribe as soon as possible to choose a place to build a house with bricks.Before winter comes, we must prepare the house for Xia Lan

I understand, I will do my best to take good care of the witch doctor and inherit Rao without you.Our witch doctor is an honest and loyal uncle, very different from your Qingshan tribe people.

Don't mention him

Atul shrugged and didn't mention it.

When Cheng Hao informed Bai Xi and others to pack their luggage and stay at Uncle Ai's house for a while.

He hopes that Uncle Ai's family will follow him. After all, except for Eminem and Bai Xi, he and Uncle Ai get along best.

He hoped that Aunt Ai would go with them. By then, Xia Lan would not be too lonely in the Lingye tribe.

Chenghao, I understand what you mean.I will tell the clan leader to help you build a house together.

Thank you, Uncle Ai

Uncle Ai sighed, the people of the Qingshan tribe were becoming more and more selfish.Once the clan leader left, some people became more reckless.

Uncle, I won't let you suffer!After arriving in the tribe, I will make your life better than before
Uncle Ai happily patted his shoulder and said: "Uncle Ai can still support the family. You don't have to worry about this, just take care of your female family."

Well, I believe I can do it.Uncle, please put the hides in order and leave the other furniture alone.Let's do it after we go to a new place


(End of this chapter)

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