Chapter 52 Why follow her?
After Uncle Ai agreed, Cheng Hao breathed a sigh of relief and returned home.He held Xia Lan and lay quietly for a while, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, Xia Lan got up early, packed her things at home, and took away animal skin clothes and furs.Most of them were stored in the warehouse of the aircraft trading machine, leaving a large package that looked large, but was actually not very heavy for Cheng Hao.

Hehe, she is just a clever girl!

Not only their family, but also Bai Xi and others, they brought animal skins and nothing else.

Brother Chenghao, do you really want to leave the Qingshan Tribe and live somewhere else?
Before leaving, Liu Hua couldn't help but rushed out and yelled at him.

Cheng Hao glanced at her coldly and said, "I didn't abandon the tribe, it was the tribe that asked us to go to the Lingye tribe to help.

No, you don't have to go!Xia Lan can go by herself, why should he follow her?
Cheng Hao was too lazy to answer this time, so he reached out and picked up Xia Lan and said, "Let's go!"

Bai Xi and Yonglong still miss the Qingshan tribe because this is where they grew up.

Students Mu and Qing, as well as others, seemed more indifferent and didn't talk any more nonsense.

I don’t know how Student Mu communicated with Dashan and them, but he did make Dashan and them willing to take him on the road.

Uncle Ai and Bai Xi brought their salutes together, and then they asked the flying winged orcs from the Lingye tribe for help.

Patriarch, let us help Chenghao and build a house for them.

Dongkui sighed and said: "Go

After Cheng Hao left with them, a corner of the Qingshan tribe looked up at a few black figures on the plane, and then smiled.

That's great.With a little help, Cheng Hao left the Qingshan Tribe!
Hahaha, he is indeed the most powerful!
Dad, once the girl is gone, no one will dare to talk nonsense.
Don't worry, it's just a girl dad who didn't notice her
All he has been looking at is Cheng Hao.Cheng Hao is the most powerful and was once the young clan leader.If it weren't for his well-thought-out plan, in which round would the position of clan leader be taken by the fool Dong Kui?
However, the injury on Cheng Hao's leg healed. This incident was like a thorn in his throat, he couldn't let go, he didn't dare to let go!
Therefore, the dead are still the safest.

The eyes of the witch doctor that detect vaginal discharge are invisible to others, so Xia Lan and his companions naturally cannot know.

They were already following the people from the Lingye tribe on the road.

The people Atusun brought this time were all flying winged orcs, and they flew with Xia Lan.

The main purpose is to take away Uncle Ai's family. The Qingjun family does not need to be taken away at all. "Crocodile Man" Mu Mu has a mountain belt.

Before setting off, Xia Lan provided each member of the Xitu tribe with three bamboo tubes for them to drink from on the waterway.

Facing the bamboo tubes and the adobe houses that had already seen results, the orcs of the Hetu tribe felt in their hearts that even if the female demon wine could not cure their tribe, she must stay.

How powerful!

The people of the Qingshan tribe are simply fools.How could such a smart woman be willing to trade?

A hundred prey is a lot, but they are definitely not worth as much as one smart female.

The smart one is their young patriarch.This trip was a great deal.

Ha ha.

Please note that the forest ahead is the most dangerous place.Try not to fall to the ground and avoid encountering big snakes and the like

Yes, young patriarch
After being reminded, everyone rested where they were, had enough to eat and drink, and then flew over again.

There are ferocious beasts and snakes in the forest. As long as it doesn't fall to the ground, no beast can take it away.

Just halfway through, Aunt Ai's cub suddenly screamed.

Ah - Amu, poisonous bees!poisonous bee

Xia Lan turned around and saw a swarm of black poisonous bees flying towards Aunt Ai and them.

No, why do those poisonous bees seem to recognize people and spoil Aunt Ai and them rotten?

Come on, there is a lake ahead, jump into the water and hide
I don’t know who shouted, and then the orcs from the Lingye tribe flew to the lake in the middle of the forest with their aunt and daughter.

Atusushan frowned when he saw this scene, but he couldn't ignore the people. He waved for everyone to follow.Cheng Hao
Don't be nervous, poisonous bees are afraid of water and will not sting people in the water.
Eminem, it hurts so much
Grandpa, don't be afraid, Amu is here

Aunt Ai angrily took out the bone knife she carried and waved it.

No, she really killed a lot of venomous bees.

The kind of person who was dismembered, oh, Aunt Ai’s knife skills really cut up all the poisonous bees like cutting vegetables.

After landing, Xia Lan rushed to Ai Ye's side and found that Ai Ye's face had been stung.He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out the antidote and anti-itch ointment from his bag and applied it to Ai Ye.

Well, it's cold, a little spicy, but it doesn't hurt as much anymore

If it doesn't hurt, it's good.Ye Ye is a brave girl and will get better in two years

Thank you, Sister Xia Lan
Come on, don't stay here
After Student Mu fell to the ground, he turned into a beast and slapped the poisonous bee to death with his tail.Then, when he caught a whiff, he quickly shouted and urged everyone on.

Artu's eyes darkened when he saw the turbulent water in the lake. "It's too late, that thing is coming out
Take the females to the trees and protect them from the mountains at all times.Other males will join me in hunting big snakes

Yes, young patriarch
As soon as Asu Shan finished speaking, three winged orcs from the Lingye tribe landed next to Mei Xia Lan, Ao En and Ai Ye, and everyone took them to a nearby big tree. superior.

Cheng Hao turned around and glanced at Xia Lan, "Xia Lan, protect yourself.

Don't worry about me, don't worry about yourself
Cheng Hao smiled. Maybe it was because of his worries in the past, but he was not worried at the moment. He even wanted to use this battle to prove his strength as Cheng Hao!

Cheng Hao pulled out the bone knife and entered a state of combat readiness.

Atul and his team are also ready to fight.

With a loud noise, Xia Lan saw two big snakes emerging from the lake.

What the hell!

In Xia Lan's mind, a thousand alpacas galloped past, and the giant python was even bigger than the one she saw in the movie "Anaconda"!

It's really a giant snake thicker than a barrel.

Artu reminded again: "Everyone, get out of the way and don't be touched by its fangs and tail."

Cheng Hao took out his bone knife and stared at the big snake to see which part of it was most suitable for attacking.

Cheng Hao, seven inches, beat the snake seven inches
Female, please don't disturb their fight by speaking loudly. “The orcs protecting Mo Xialan are not noble.

Also, how tall is this female?Is seven inches something special?
Xia Lan thought for a while, she had lost her figure these days.After a while, she could only say to Cheng Hao: "Attack their hearts or heads, Cheng Hao, you have to be careful."

Females, when males hunt, close your mouth and watch
Atul couldn't bear it anymore.

He doesn't like noise.

He doesn't like females screaming during fights or making other noises that interfere with their energy.

Mo Jiujiu curled his lips and said: "Chenghao, come again and attack the place where I wrapped the snake with my staff. Use the best bone knife to insert it in."

Cheng Hao frowned, not wanting Xia Lan to take risks. "Jiujiu, be quiet and wait for me.

let's start
After taking a sip, both snakes smelled the scent of wild beasts and twisted their bodies into an S-shape to slide.

Atul attacked the snakes together with his tribe, most of them holding bone knives in their hands.

One by one, quickly scan where the heart of the big snake is, and you buckle the planet coin
Master, please wait.After scanning, I will use reflected light points to point out the location for you, and then you can activate the wooden power to wrap around their heart.
Well, come on
The weapons in the hands of the orcs of the Lingye tribe were obviously not as good as Cheng Hao's bone knife, which could pierce the snake's skin and even be unable to cut through the skin of the big snake.

Cheng Hao's bone knife could see blood, but it didn't have the essence of the mountain, which made the snake even more angry.

Host, we've already scanned it.Please note the light spots.

(End of this chapter)

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