arms tycoon

Chapter 199 The King of Land Warfare

"The control system is normal. There is no problem with the reactor."

"Hydraulic boost is good, and the weapon system has been tested."

"Signal conduction is normal and there is no leakage of electrolyte solution."

"Nerve signal collection is normal, with an accuracy of 80.00% at [-]."

Luther Alex looked at the information that kept popping up on the screen, and sighed, "It seems that there are still some problems with nerve signal transmission... High speed and high efficiency, it seems that I should go back and talk to Dr. Claude more." He pressed a few buttons on the joystick, and turned on all the switches on the control panel with his left hand.

"Baihu 014 general-purpose humanoid combat mech, activate!"

The last truck in the convoy was not loaded with containers, but with a rear bucket, which was covered with army green canvas.The Americans and the French didn't notice what was on it. It looked like a large-caliber smoothbore gun, so they didn't care.

They didn't know that under this canvas was the latest Baihu 014 general-purpose humanoid combat mech produced by Untr within two months.

Fu Ming only felt a loud noise behind him, and when he looked back, the body under the canvas had jumped into the air, and the vector thrusters on its legs were bursting into flames, roaring and spraying flames.Fu Ming smiled slightly, there should be no suspense in this battle.Although it is not equipped with missile launchers, this Baihu class is more than enough to deal with a few infantry, especially infantry without individual missiles.

"You really need a butcher's knife to kill a chicken!" Song Jiahao looked at the machine body covered with canvas in the distance, and sighed. "Wayne, hide away, we have nothing to do here."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Luther's mouth, and everyone who was tens of meters away had been marked on the screen, and the enemies were all in red square frames. "Prepare the machine guns, all of us hide!" Luther pulled back the joystick in his hand, and the White Tiger rushed into the sky immediately, and the canvas slowly fell in mid-air due to inertia.

Only then did the soldiers see this monster in the air, the White Tiger 014-level general-purpose humanoid combat mech, with black and white pattern painting all over the body, just like a white tiger, except that the word king was printed on the chest of the machine. front center.

"Fighter mecha?" Captain jsoc stared at the aircraft in the air, his eyes widened. He didn't come back to his senses until the White Tiger came over the battle zone. He saw the three barrels of the revolving cannon on the shoulder of the White Tiger. It has started to turn slowly. "Machine guns, take cover! Spread out!"

Xu Cheng led Untr's soldiers back to the line of defense and hid behind the truck. Fu Ming, Mo Bing and Hearing Hall also retracted their heads, hiding behind the car and trying to survive.

However, the soldiers were in an open field, except for a few big rocks that could hide horizontal bullets, there was no way for the machine guns falling from the sky to dodge!

Wayne and Jack leisurely took out their cigarettes and started smoking.

Luther pulled off the visor on his helmet and aimed precisely. The machine gun had a wide range of damage. Even if it was possible, he still didn't want the shrapnel to hurt his own people. "Target locked, request fire command!"

"I want the command to fire? The trigger is in your hand!" Fu Ming cursed into the microphone with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite!" Luther spent a lot of time aiming. If the accuracy of the nerve signal transmission was higher, the time for the brain instructions to reach the processor of the body would be shortened, and the control of the body would also be improved. More flexible.In fact, the White Tiger class is not the Suzaku class. This machine belongs to the melee assault type of land warfare. At the beginning of the design, Harry Cloud took into account the purpose of the machine body. While increasing the power and flexibility, it also appeared Problems with body handling performance.

But now I can't control so much. There are only a few things that untr can get. In the Balkan Peninsula, Fu Ming doesn't know what he will encounter. He takes this machine with him when he walks. Combat testing is not a bad thing either.

Luther gritted his teeth and pressed the button on the joystick. The rotary cannon had already been prepared, and the shells were fired immediately, pouring out, and the shell casings and debris fell from the sky with a crackling sound.

The shells smashed into the ground and exploded one after another. The Americans and French on the ground had no time to dodge. The sound of explosions and screams could be heard endlessly. Fu Ming just felt that the ground was constantly shaking, and a huge sound came from not far ahead. , Fu Ming felt that he was almost unable to stand up!

In the war zone, sand and rocks were flying, pebbles and soil were constantly being blown up by shells, and smoke and dust were everywhere. Luther in the air had to turn on the infrared mode, and the machine gun barrel was aimed at the still moving white human silhouette and kept shooting, while the friendly army There are very clear reflective highlights on the body, which flicker and flicker, so they won't hit their own people at all.

After a period of shooting, the dust and smoke made Fu Ming unable to see the situation on the battlefield. Although this kind of fire support from a dangerous distance was not his first experience, the refreshing feeling still made him let out a long breath.To be honest, if it wasn't for the great pressure on the battlefield, no matter how many UNTR members Fu Ming sacrificed, he wouldn't let the White Tiger class be exposed prematurely. Maybe the US satellites would sweep over Romania to let the enemy know about his own strength. Ability is not a good thing.

There were not many soldiers left on the battlefield, most of them were blown away by the shock wave of the explosion, dying in the grass, and more people were directly killed, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the air was filled with a sense of terror. The disgusting smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, and a smell of burnt meat.

"Go up and make up for it, don't leave anyone alive!" Fu Ming waved at Xu Cheng, "Find some people to bring Jack and the others back. Jack is injured. Abandon the first truck and push it into the ditch. Distribute the goods." , It should be loaded." Fu Ming put the rifle behind his back, pulled out a 92-type pistol, pulled the bolt, and walked slowly into the battlefield with the pistol in hand.

He looked at a gigg soldier on the ground who was dying, and he raised his hand to shoot. The muzzle of the gun kept bouncing backwards. After two shots were bumped, the bullet was ejected, and the shell bounced out of the gun chamber. It fell to the ground a few times.

After the gunshots, looking at the Frenchman again, he was already out of breath, his eyes were staring straight at the sky, and blood was flowing all over the floor along his neck.Wearing a helmet and body armor, Fu Ming had no desire to fight anywhere else.

"Throw the corpses here. Get out of this place quickly." Fu Ming walked through the twenty-odd corpses continuously, Xu Cheng and the others were not idle, and cut off their carotid arteries when they encountered those who could still breathe. Untr's personnel checked the pulse, heartbeat and pupils of these soldiers again and again, for fear of missing someone.Throwing these corpses in Bulgaria can bring great pressure to NATO in terms of diplomacy and public opinion.

Although the battle is over, sporadic gunshots are still ringing out. Xu Cheng is too lazy to cut with a knife. Anyway, bullets are almost free. His choice is to end more lives with a rifle. Of course, his choice And the most violent of all. The 5.56mm bullet almost ignores the body armor and helmet at close range, and the crisp collision sound of the bullet passing through the helmet is very obvious in a quiet environment.

This is the battlefield, the loser has no choice and cannot survive.Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.Fu Ming knew it, and so did Xu Cheng.Being cruel and merciless is also something that can't be helped.If no one dies now, more people will die in the future.

Fu Ming held down the microphone and looked at the White Tiger in the sky. "Luther, is there any problem?"

Luther sighed, "There are some problems with the control, but it's not a problem. As a high-speed assault body, its performance is already very good." Luther didn't know whether the electrolyte solution had a blocking effect on the conduction of electrical signals.

"The White Tiger class is under containment, move quickly." Fu Ming checked the time, it was almost too late.

With Wayne's support, Jack slowly came to Fu Ming, while Song Jiahao trotted over with a sniper rifle in his hands.The grenade just now scared them a lot.

"Jack, are you okay?" Fu Ming looked at Jack's bloody arm, feeling distressed for a while. There was no one in his security force who could die.

"Flesh injury! The bleeding has stopped, and it will be fine after cleaning the wound." Jack barely moved his arm, and his face was also covered with dust.

"Damn it, I didn't expect it to come so soon!" Song Jiahao spat, as if he hadn't spit out the dirt from his mouth just now. "Why don't you send the aircraft carrier over and blow up Romania to the ground!"

"What should come will always come. But I can't die now, and I can't die yet." Although Fu Ming is safe now, he can't laugh at all.After this battle, many people died on my own side.How to explain to the family members of these people, how to make compensation, and how to carry out public opinion work, all these must be personally asked by cat.Because the accounts submitted by the UAE had to be settled and conscription activities had to be carried out, cat did not follow this trip.

Although it is normal for people to die on the battlefield, but too many people die every time, it must be bad for Untr's reputation, if they come, they will die, who would dare to work for Untr?

Fu Ming shook his head and boarded the previous truck again.

"Boss, the storage of the White Tiger is complete. There should be no need to refill the ammunition." Luther lay in the cab, very bored.There are almost no entertainment facilities here, and the round cab is not very comfortable. If there is no ventilation system, if you stay here for a long time, you will die.

"Keep going, we still have three hours to reach our destination." Fu Ming whispered into the microphone, the front truck started slowly, and the corpses of several soldiers who died in the untr were also contained by Fu Ming, covered with a canvas Wrapped and thrown into the container.When people die, they always have to go home.

Fu Ming looked up at the sky and frowned. He didn't know how many things were waiting for him, but he knew that all problems would be solved.

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