arms tycoon

Chapter 200 The Castle in the Sky

The transactions in Bulgaria were also relatively smooth. Most of the private arms dealers didn't want to leave this place, but after the downfall of IADC, they couldn't leave here at all.

Famines, wars, and warlords are all things that kill people.Public transportation was completely paralyzed, without the logistical support of iadc, and even the open airport no longer recognized their identities.They knew right here that the sky had changed.

The appearance of Fu Ming was like a timely rain. He sent all the private arms dealers in this place to the UK.These arms dealers can choose to wash their hands in the golden basin, and Untr will provide a considerable pension. This money is nothing to Fu Ming, and it is only the turnover of several transactions.But for these arms dealers, it is enough for them to spend the rest of their lives.But more people did not choose to accept the money. They have become accustomed to life as an arms dealer, whether they are young people in their 20s or middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s.

This is a group of people who survive the guns, this is a group of people who walk in the war without being stained with blood.They are almost useless except for arms, they are just like Fu Ming.

Therefore, most people still accepted Untr's invitation, and the news of Untr's annihilation spread like wildfire. Despite NATO's efforts to block it, gossip still emerged one after another.

People know that there is a joint operation in the Balkans, but they don't know who exactly NATO is targeting.Or, just a faction of warlords threatening NATO countries.

Fu Ming was humming a ditty while sitting on a Hummer jeep, and the vehicle was driving slowly on the road. The weather was fine, and Fu Ming was in a good mood.This failed assassination simply made NATO unable to hold its head up.

Although UNTR is now a semi-terrorist organization, NATO suffers from lack of evidence and has not made it public.As for the bombing of the Weidong Group building, the orcas could be blamed on themselves, and the cia cannot escape the blame. To announce the truth of the incident is undoubtedly a slap in the face, and NATO will not do such a stupid thing.

The international public opinion does not seem to have affected the Heikindias Group, let alone the Qianli Group and the deep-funded consortium in country C.Coco Heike Indias gave full play to his cheeky skills and piled up all the affairs in untr on Fushi Trading and Transportation Company, saying that Heike Indias Group only participated in financing without any technology and personnel Support, NATO is also unable to start, and the German government's strong protection of the Heckindias Group has also caused headaches for the United States.

The company has not been impacted, and this is what Fu Ming made up for it in the morning.It's not good for anyone to tear up the face now. Untr needs development, and NATO needs checks and balances. NATO countries still don't know why Fu Ming made such a big fuss.If this incident is revealed, his own life is in danger, and the world may be about to have another war.

This hesitant attitude gave Fu Ming an opportunity. Untr developed to a great extent in just a few days. Through the call from cat, Fu Ming learned that the completion of the conscription plan had reached 60.00% %, all kinds of officers have also started their training courses.As for the three oil wells and more than a dozen oil pipelines in the United Arab Emirates, cat has also sent several core members of UNTR over there, and the construction over there will be grasped and controlled by Sokhoy bin Jasdin himself. what's wrong.

After the successful launch of Zenith-[-], Soho has signed a contract with Fu Ming, and Untr will be responsible for the launch of three satellites in the UAE within the next two years.

The European Union, NATO, and China have no way to agree to such a request from the UAE. Instead, it is cheaper for Fu Ming.With a lot of banknotes in his pocket, Fu Ming really felt like a rich man.He was flying directly to the UAE from the Balkans, and he wanted to see Sokau.

When the satellite was launched, Fu Ming was attending a wedding in Shanghai, but when he returned to Congo, Suo Hao had already left.Of course, personally supervising the construction of the project is also one of his goals.

Fu Ming picked up a cigarette and started to contact the plane with his mobile phone.Untr, Bulgaria provides very convenient transportation conditions. After a few phone calls, the private jet has been confirmed.

Luther Alex had already come out of the White Tiger class and sat among other members of the security force.The White Tiger class will be transported back to Sannuo Heavy Industry by sea for the next step of transformation.This moment is the only time they can relax.The road is surrounded by a piece of grass. Occasionally, civilians can be seen grazing here. Once these civilians see military vehicles, they will hide away and look at the people in the vehicles with resentment.It seems that warlords are not very kind to civilians.

This place is simply a pot of porridge. Fu Ming doesn't want to unify Bulgaria, but he is completely incapable of it now.With no soldiers in hand, only fighter jets and technological power, it is impossible to complete a large-scale war.Picking a warlord faction for direct rule doesn't seem like a great choice.Most of the warlords here do not have their own mainstream thinking, and their thinking is to survive in troubled times, no matter what method they use.

Fu Ming still felt that this place should continue to be chaotic.One day, things will end here.

Fu Ming shook his head following the music playing in the car, he hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.Xu Cheng was driving the car with a melodious expression on his face.

Wayne Brad sat on the back seat and patted Fu Ming on the shoulder.

Fu Ming turned his head away. "Is there a situation?"

Wayne smiled and shook his head. "What plane are we flying to Abu Dhabi?"

"Yun-20. It's a Chinese product. I just got one and I want to try its performance!" Fu Ming turned down the music, but the sound of the wind in his ear still made his speech not very clear, he shouted. "Looks good!"

"Boss, you are too outdated. Why do you insist on taking this kind of transport plane? Let's play with an atmospheric plane. After all, you are now the leader of the world's number one semi-terrorist organization. Isn't it too cheap to take this kind of thing?" Wei Wei En shouted loudly, and the people next to him laughed. "There's no need to be so stingy."

Fu Ming curled his lips, feeling unhappy.Now that he has money in hand, he can do whatever he wants. He doesn't even know how he got here when he was still poor.At that time, buying a gun, or the buyer delayed the payment for several months, made the flow of funds within the company very difficult. "What do you know, this is a scientific experiment..." In fact, Fu Ming also wondered what Harry Cloud was going to experiment.Ordinarily, the Chinese military has already completed the take-off and landing experiments and air-head experiments of the Yun-20, and there is no problem at all when it is officially put into service.He was wondering what Harry had put on the only plane, and even started to imitate it. Fu Ming said helplessly, "I will buy it, there will be bread, and there will be milk."

When Fu Ming arrived at the airport that evening, and when Fu Ming saw the Yun-20, he was dumbfounded.Looking at the appearance, Fu Ming confirmed the thoughts in his heart.Except for the engine and landing gear, the huge transport plane has obvious signs of modification.

Fu Ming ran around the plane, 12.7mm machine gun, 23mm Vulcan machine gun, 85mm smoothbore gun, 107mm and 125mm smoothbore gun, the entire barrel of which was extended from the shooting hole of the fuselage.He knocked on the phone to Harry, and he couldn't tell whether he was excited or excited.

Harry Cloud answered the phone within a few seconds, he had almost thought of Fu Ming's reaction, and he was very satisfied with this reaction. "How, is the modified Y-20 a bit like NATO?"

Fu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this was something he had worked so hard to get out of the Chinese military, and just this one, it turned out to be like this. "If you want ac-130, let's just buy it! What are you doing with this hard-won thing! I'm planning to imitate it and mass-produce it!"

"Oh, boss, don't worry, I have already recorded the specific data. Now the relevant manufacturing is already on the assembly line. AC-130?" Harry laughed. "Can that thing hit missiles?"

Fu Ming looked at the rocket launchers and missile launchers next to the wing engines. This Y-20 can only be described as abnormal. "Crazy! How is the power? The engine made in China has always been a short board."

"I replaced the engine with a Russian one." Harry was very proud. "Everything that needs to be dismantled has been dismantled to make room for weapons and equipment. There is no problem in terms of weight and power. This aircraft has undergone flight trials and combat tests in the Congo, and it can fully meet the operational requirements and can be put into the battlefield at any time."

Fu Ming put his heart in his stomach, since the transport plane and the sky castle can develop at the same time, there is nothing to worry about. "Forget it, you have a good eye. Make a few more of this thing. We have money now, so we don't care about the change."

"Exactly!" Harry smiled and hung up the phone.

Both Luther and Wayne's eyes are shining brightly now, looking at the plane and not knowing what to say.They never dreamed that the Yun-20 would turn into such a fashionable thing, "Don't wander around, it looks better inside. Hurry up and get on the plane, our schedule is very tight." Fu Ming sighed to the members of the security forces beside him With a wave of his hand, after going to the UAE, he has to board a flight to South America. With the downfall of IADC, a large part of the arms market has been blank. Fu Ming must control these places before NATO.His goal is to occupy more than 90.00% of the international market share.South America is a huge market.

He suddenly wanted to take some time off, too much had happened recently.But the current situation does not allow him to rest. More wars broke out in this world, more conflicts have not been eased, and more enemies have not been eliminated.

Some people can't die in vain.Fu Ming thought, if this year's Zhuhai Air Show can be brought forward as rumored, maybe he can go to Berlin again to see Coco.

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