arms tycoon

Chapter 202 Power

Fu Ming named this modified Yun-20, kdd-1 "Thor." Kdd is the pinyin abbreviation for air-to-ground.Fu Ming already has a mass production plan, but Harry Cloud told him that the reconstruction of this aircraft requires a huge amount of work. Even if UNTR has enough manpower, it will take several months to produce one, and the cost will be quite high. of.

Fu Ming had no choice but to put down this plan first, and let Sannuo Heavy Industry focus on building twenty Y-20s.This large transport aircraft can provide logistics and supplies around the world. Of course, it is also useful in business.All kinds of large weapons finally don't have to float across the sea.

Fu Ming is now in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.This is one of the US naval bases stationed in Japan.Another base is in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture.He was sitting by the window of a Japanese restaurant, playing with a teacup in his hand, but his mind was already on the Pacific Ocean.

In another ten minutes, World No. 1, World No. [-], Yongcheng and Yonghe will arrive in the Japanese Sea.They have been spotted by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.The KDD-[-] Thor large-scale air-to-ground strategic support platform is also slowly heading towards their destination over the sky above World One and World Two.

"j-31." Fu Ming sighed, "I don't know how long these six planes will be used." Since the j-31 was in service with Fu's Trading and Transportation Company, they have participated in many air strikes. So far, both crews have suffered no losses.Fu Ming thought in his heart that one day in the future, only these six fighter jets would definitely not be enough.However, it will take longer for the Xiaolong fighter to carry out carrier-based transformation. Fu Ming fantasizes about whether he can directly get some carrier-based aircraft from the Chinese military.

For World No. [-] and World No. [-], Fu Ming is also the first and the second big.The two ships that were originally large freighters were transformed into warships. Except for the fewer aircraft taking off and landing, they are basically no different from aircraft carriers.Fu Ming plans to spend huge sums of money to transform the two ships into nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Money, everything needs money.But Fu Ming is rich now.The nuclear power experiment on the general-purpose humanoid battle mech can be used on an aircraft carrier.

Fu Ming drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, looked at the sky outside the window, and then looked at his watch. "It's almost time."

As soon as the voice fell, the air defense alarm was sounded for the entire Kanagawa Prefecture, and Ula Ula's voice stimulated people's nerves.Fu Ming looked into the distance, and saw several F-15 fighter jets scrambled off from an airport, with endless howls.He looked towards the coastal direction of the city, and tall buildings blocked his sight.But from behind the tall building, six f22 fighter jets drilled out.

The f-15 is an aircraft of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, so the f-22 is the local U.S. Navy in Kanagawa Prefecture.A year ago, the USS Kitty Hawk, which was originally stationed here, was decommissioned, and most of the equipment was assembled on the USS George Washington.

And a few months ago, the general-purpose humanoid combat mech inside Untr, Qinglong 014 class, dismantled the USS George Washington aircraft carrier with bare hands.The U.S. Navy has no power to fight back.The Seventh Fleet was also forced to disband, and the USS George Washington was decommissioned early.In other words, the current US Naval Base in Kanagawa Prefecture is just an empty shell, with dozens of fighter jets, several cruisers and destroyers, and some nuclear-powered submarines.The aircraft carrier as the core of the attack is no longer there.This makes the port in Yokosuka a bit overkill.This port is the largest naval base of the United States in the first island chain and the only base capable of aircraft carrier maintenance.

Fu Ming did not hide in the house like the citizens. He knew that the air strike would not cause too many civilian casualties, and the plane would never leave the city.He walked outside the restaurant and got into a taxi on the side of the road.

"Port." Fu Ming's fluent Japanese made the driver think he was Japanese.

However, the driver is a Korean. "Sir, the air defense sirens have been sounded. It's not safe there..."

Fu Ming took out a wad of dollar bills from his wallet. "immediately."

The driver sees the bill.His eyes lit up, and he stepped on the accelerator regardless of whether the fighter jet was roaring above his head.A few minutes later, they arrived near the port.Fu Ming didn't ask for change and got off the car directly.At this time, the streets were empty, and the soldiers near the port were busy.Many soldiers looked at Fu Ming strangely, but no one stepped forward to take care of him.

The phone in Fu Ming's pocket vibrated, he glanced at the number, and then picked up the phone.

"let's begin."

Sun Dayong listened to the voice in the microphone on the Yongcheng, and after Fu Ming gave the order, he hung up the phone.

"All the artillery is ready, and the covers of the missile launchers are all opened. We are going to play big!" Holding the binoculars, he looked at several warships not far ahead, which were Japanese ships.Today's protagonist is at sea, but in the air.

The huge Thor hovered in the air, and the roar of the engine could be heard on the sea.Several f-15 fighter jets kept circling beside the Thor, trying to stop the plane from moving forward, but they did not dare to launch missiles.The locked alarm had been sounding in Thor's cockpit, but the pilot didn't care at all.

The minimum cruising speed of the f-15 is much faster than that of the Raytheon. After all, the Raytheon was refitted from the Yun-20, and generally speaking, it is still the speed of a transport aircraft. The f-15 needs to pass Thor, circle around and come back to continue tracking.

"This is the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. Please identify your identities and stop advancing towards the Japanese waters. Otherwise, we will take all measures including military action to prevent your aggression!" Several Japanese destroyers stopped at Sun Dayong cold snorted. "Aggression?" he replied without ordering.Instead, all j-31 fighter jets took off to escort Thor.

"This is Thor. I have arrived at the target sea area and confirmed the target with naked eyes. The power system is good and the weapon system is normal. The induction is in progress and support from ground personnel is needed." The pilot of Thor looked into the cabin.Everyone was ready, he gave the co-pilot a thumbs up.

"Fire allowed. Repeat. Fire allowed. Target. U.S. naval base. All facilities on the ground are hostile targets. Shoot freely. Pay attention to safety." Sun Dayong looked at the six J-31 fighter jets gradually rising into the sky, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

Fu Ming was still standing outside the wall of the naval base in the port.He had seen Thor in the sky.Sure enough, he didn't expect it.without identifying yourself.Even if the plane flew over Tokyo, these Japanese did not dare to attack first.

"Headquarters, the target has not been identified, requesting permission to attack." The pilot of the f-15 no longer knew how to describe the monster plane in front of him.Obviously, it looks like China's Yun-20, but what are those protruding pipes and things hanging under the wings?He was thinking about it when he saw a flash on the radar.He turned his head and saw that at some point, there were six unidentified fighter jets under his plane.

"This is the main station, the other party has threatened the security of the homeland. Attack is allowed, shoot it down! Repeat. Attack is allowed!" The f-15 driver listened to the voice in the headset, but he dared not press the red button .Because his plane has also been locked by those j-31 fighter jets.

Sun Dayong did not hesitate at all.Now that the things have been safely delivered to this place, it's time for him to withdraw.He gave one last order. "Attention all combatants. Fire freely. No need to consider civilian casualties. Luther Alex"

Luther agreed, and at this time he was sitting in the cockpit of the Suzaku-class universal humanoid battle mech. "I am ready."

"Let's start." Sun Dayong said into the microphone, ordering the Yongcheng and Yonghe to withdraw from the theater.

Fu Ming took out a cigarette and sat down on the side of the road.As soon as he came to Japan, he was topped by people from the Cabinet Intelligence Office.However, these intelligence personnel intend to take a long time to catch big fish. They want to know what Fu Ming is going to do when he comes to Japan.Until now, the secret agents who had been following Fu Ming in the dark did not understand.They stared dumbfounded at the constant high-speed circling of several planes in the sky, and after consulting their superiors, they decided to arrest Fu Ming.

Fu Ming was just smoking a cigarette without doing anything.

The first agent set off, his right hand in his pocket, the pistol loaded.Another third person followed behind him. They came out of a small alley and quickly approached Fu Ming.

Just when the agent at the front was about to walk up to Fu Ming, a gunshot sounded from nowhere, and the bullets roared, creating a hole in the agent's head.

Song Jiahao pulled the bolt of the awm in his hand, looking at the mouth of the barrel that was smoking out. "another one!"

Bang, another shot!

Fu Ming stared blankly at the sky. "Han Yu, isn't it just aggression? I dare to do it." Fu Ming threw away the cigarette butt, no matter who it is, as long as he serves UNTR, as long as he is loyal to himself, then his death will become meaningful.At least, Fu Ming would make his death meaningful.

"The laser induction is all right." Xu Cheng fiddled with the equipment in front of him and looked at Wayne.

"Let them start." Wayne flipped the switch on the laser emitter, an invisible beam of light.Pointing to a building on the naval base.

"The signal reception is normal, let's start!" Thor's co-pilot said into the microphone, and the fighters in the cabin behind him were staring at the infrared screen. "Lock the target. 107mm smoothbore gun, high-explosive shells. Let it go!"

There was a loud bang.The artillery tube extending outside the Thunder God vibrated violently, and a puff of smoke emerged from the front end of the gun tube.The shells slammed into the ground with a sharp whistling sound.Suddenly the flames shot up into the sky.The building was smashed into rubble.The violent explosion made Fu Ming unable to hear the sound in the earphones.On Fu Ming's left side, lay the corpses of six men neatly.They were all shot through the head.

The pilot of the f-15 froze.Unexpectedly, the opponent didn't even say hello, and directly attacked.It seems that they are here to fight!He heaved a long sigh.Just about to press the red missile launch button, the alarm in the cockpit changed to another sound.He looked back and saw a missile flying towards the f-15's propeller with flames.He hastily pulled the joystick, and the plane flipped sideways, and the sparkling red infrared induction bombs sprayed out with thick smoke.The missile exploded, but the plane was not damaged.He sighed, and almost died unexpectedly after losing his mind.Sudden.The siren in the cockpit sounded again.

The two missiles attacked one after the other, and my own f15 couldn't get rid of the opponent's lock no matter what.The infrared induction bomb is still being loaded!

"Damn!" The f-15 driver pulled the handle of the ejection seat.bang.The cockpit lid was blown off and the pilot was sent out of the plane dazed.Just two seconds after he was ejected, two missiles exploded on the fuselage of the fighter jet. The high-end f-15 fighter jet was left with only a shell, and quickly fell into the sea.

"Thor, attention, the radar shows that an unknown object is approaching rapidly." The driver of the cleaner crew looked at the radar and said into the microphone. "Going for you."

"Thor received it, it's f22." The pilot of Thor showed a cold smile.Press a few buttons on the operation panel.

The external system under the wings of Thor.It began to rotate slowly, aiming at the few small bright spots on the radar.

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