arms tycoon

Chapter 203 Successful Revenge

The F-22 fighter pilot who had just locked on the target looked at the target in surprise. Is this a transport plane or a fighter jet?It looks like the Yun-20 recently installed in China, so he can't control so much. Since the other party is unkind, don't blame yourself for being rude.The pilot looks to the fire control system operator behind him.

The operator pressed the missile launch button, and the two missiles fell from the pylons, then ignited instantly, and flew towards the Thor with a whine.

"Test something new," the Thor pilot said into the microphone. "If the thing Dr. Crowder made doesn't work, hehe..."

"It won't work. Just use it!" The J-31 crew pilot said with a smile. Several Japanese F-15 fighter jets have already been shot down one after another. .And those Japanese pilots pulled the ejection seat, and the parachute bounced in the air. The pilots of J-31 and Thor didn't bother to care about them. After all, their purpose of coming here was to destroy the US Navy stationed in Japan base instead of killing the Japanese.

"The dense air defense system is in full swing! Luther Alex!" The driver of the Thor turned the joystick at hand, and the missiles and rocket launchers hanging under the wings of the Thor slowly turned.

"Here we come!" Luther couldn't bear it any longer. The Suzaku class he was driving was in the cabin of Thor. The hatch opened and the sliding track creaked.The steel plate under the Suzaku began to slide slowly. Just as the Suzaku left the cabin and began to hang in the air, the steel plate fell off instantly.Luther had already started the engine, and when he moved the pedal, the flames of the vector thrusters behind him sprayed out. The fiery red flames made the F-22 fighter pilot's eyes shine.

"Come on!" The Suzaku-class, which had just started flying in the air, flew towards the f-22 fighter jet, dodging two missiles.Luther knew that the target of these two missiles was not the Suzaku class, but the Thor behind it.The dense anti-air defense system was specially developed by Harry Cloud for the Thor in a very short period of time.The Thor's maneuverability is too poor. Without fighter escort, it is completely a target. Even the American AC130 does not have a separate protection system. When encountering anti-aircraft artillery or missiles, it can only escape. Whether it can escape depends on the opponent. missile performance.

In order to allow the Raytheon to survive on the battlefield for a longer time, so that the Thor can gain the initiative in the war, not just a supporting existence.

The air-to-air intensive defense system is not like the aircraft carrier, which only has machine guns and machine guns. Instead, it is equipped with some guided rockets and missiles, which are mainly used to deal with the air-to-air missiles of the enemy air force.It seems that this system is still very useful. The launcher began to eject rockets with a bang bang bang. Although the accuracy was not high, it formed a firepower curtain within a certain range. The two missiles launched by the f-22 fighter jets immediately Being covered up, the rocket exploded, and the two missiles also disappeared within the explosion range, only some residues were smashed out in the air.

The f-22 pilot yelled that it was not good, and watched the Suzaku class getting closer, but didn't know where to fly. The j-31 fighter jets have also reached their rear.The imperial capital class driven by Luther landed from a high altitude.The missiles were completely ineffective against the Thor.Before he could react, the Suzaku-class arrived at the sky above the plane, the vector thrusters behind it were turned off instantly, and the Suzaku-class immediately landed on the fuselage of the F-22 fighter jet. The entire fighter jet was smashed and lost instantly. Balanced, falling to the ground with black smoke.

The cover of the entire cockpit has already fallen down, the glass is shattered into debris, and the ejection seat is useless.Luther seemed unwilling to watch the plane fall. With a movement of the cannon on his shoulder, a string of shells swept towards the F-22 fighter jet. The shells exploded on the fuselage, and the fighter jet burned into a big fireball in the air. , directly disintegrated, and the two drivers were burned to ashes.

"Haha. Come again!" Luther looked at the ground through the screen, although the plane on the ground was preparing to take off.But the runway and a large number of ground crew were killed by Thor's bombs and shells.The machine gun seemed to ignite an oil depot. After a violent explosion, a raging fire burst into flames, and the flames shot up into the sky, and thick smoke rose straight into the sky.

The planes on the ground didn't have time to take off, and the American general-purpose humanoid fighter mech Predator could only cruise at low altitude, and went after Sun Dayong's Yongcheng and Yonghe.Of course, around these two battleships, there are World No. [-] and World No. [-]. Four Qinglong-class ships are waiting for the arrival of these cannon fodder on these two quasi-aircraft carriers.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Luther's mouth, but he didn't stop his slaughter.And the six j-31 fighter jets on the other side were not idle, and kept playing locked rock music to the f-22 crew.The air defense facilities on the ground have been destroyed by more than 80.00% by the Thor. Only sporadic anti-aircraft machine guns and individual missiles linger on, posing no threat to the things above.

The Suzaku-class turned around, high-speed maneuvering and non-linear control, allowing the Suzaku-class to easily dodge anti-aircraft artillery fire and enemy missile cannons. Luther didn't even turn on the engine overload, and several accelerations and direction changes directly rushed to the second place. On the side of an F-22 fighter jet, the machine gun fired at close range, the fuel tank of the fighter jet exploded instantly, and the entire fighter jet rolled in the air with flames.

"Thor, this is the Yongcheng. After completing the mission, retreat as soon as possible, and don't be caught up by the other party. The cleaners and the recycling station crew, escort and cover, and evacuate to the inland sea of ​​China. Luther, prepare to finish, we have already started to return. After resupplying in Hong Kong, return to the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry station immediately!" Sun Dayong looked not far ahead and said into the microphone.He looked at Harry.

Harry smiled slightly, then raised his binoculars, and looked at the four Predators not far ahead, floating on the sea surface, billowing thick smoke.

Fu Ming looked at the sky full of explosions, and finally stood up. He glanced at the corpse beside him.The f-22 fighter jets in the sky continued to explode and be damaged, and some wreckage fell directly to the ground, damaging many buildings.Fu Ming said into the microphone.

"Attention the security forces, we are scheduled to meet at the assembly point. Don't worry about me. We have to leave Japan as soon as possible." After speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave here on foot.

The nearby residents did not dare to go out to watch the air battle. The huge explosions and roars outside made them think that Japan had been invaded, and some people were even packing their bags and preparing to leave this place.

Fu Ming's satellite phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen.

"Uncle Leng, I can't bear it anymore."

"Fu Ming, what do you mean? The planes and warships that just finished the war were withdrawn to the inland waters of China? Do you want the Chinese government to take the blame for you? It's not like you don't know how bad Untr's reputation in the West is! We have done our best. We can't let the Americans get a little bit of a handle on the international public opinion..." Leng Jianbin had just received the report a few minutes ago.The satellite pictures clearly show that the US naval base in Japan in Kanagawa Prefecture is in a mess, with thick smoke and flames constantly, and there are still fighter jets clinging to each other high in the sky.And several large ships that have just left the vicinity of this port are approaching the vicinity of the Yellow Sea, and will soon sail into the inland sea of ​​China.

"Uncle Leng. Did you fight well?" Fu Ming smiled, but he didn't stop his steps, and no one came to stop him.Americans can't help themselves in the port.Even the police didn't know who this man was walking around with a phone and laughing, so they didn't take any action.

"Although it's a little too much..." Leng Jianbin couldn't hide his excitement in his heart. "It's a beautiful fight, is there any loss?"

"I don't know, maybe one J-31 is a bit damaged. It seems that it needs to be overhauled when we go back." Fu Ming looked at the sky, except for thick smoke, there was nothing else to be seen.The air combat order evacuated the place.

"Uncle Leng, I hope the Chinese navy can provide protection for the UNTR fleet. I don't think you want to see American aircraft carriers or carrier-based aircraft intruding into China's territorial waters. If the citizens of Shenzhen and Shanghai panic..." Fu Ming sneered.This trick can be said to be endless. Although it was not his original intention to lead the war to mainland China, there is really no way. If the high seas route is used, the consequences will be disastrous once the US military base in Hawaii responds.His entire fleet will be wiped out.Even if UNTR has separated from mainland China, the Chinese government still hopes that this force can continue to exist. No matter what the ultimate purpose of UNTR is, at least it can now check and balance the United States.

"The Chinese military is not afraid of any aggression by hostile forces. Unexpectedly..." Leng Jianbin's tone softened. "You are still so concerned about Han Yu's matter. It has been several months. You don't have to worry about Untr's fleet. Our navy will escort them to Hong Kong. As for the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force and the US Navy... they should still I don’t have the guts to come in.” Both Leng Jianbin and Fu Ming knew that as long as Japan or the United States fired the first shot against China at sea, the consequences would be World War III.

"The situation is already very unstable. The news that Chairman Xi is undergoing review. I can't make the decision to guarantee your safety for the time being. This is also the chairman's decision. If one day in the future, we want to hand over this fleet... If you can If you can escape, that’s your skill. If you can’t escape, don’t blame us for selling you out.” Leng Jianbin’s meaning is very clear.If there is such a day, the US government and Chinese dignitaries, the Chinese military will release water.It's just that Fu Ming no longer needs to receive any military aid from the Chinese government.

"Is the public opinion ready? The US government will definitely point the finger at UNTR. News, press conferences, and all kinds of news are overwhelming. You will soon become the largest terrorist organization after Al Qaeda. You are no longer a simple Arms dealer."

Fu Ming smiled heartily. "I'm an arms dealer. I'm a businessman. It's just that what I exchange for arms is not just money."

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