arms tycoon

Chapter 210 Strange Talent Points

"The hydraulic power valve is opened, and it is confirmed that there are no obstacles in the space and the field of view is good."

"Brake gas injection test OK, normal air pressure, no issues."

"Start the countdown of descendant release, there are still 3, 2, 1 to release!"

"Start releasing."

"The sub-body is separated from the main satellite body of Tiandingxing-[-], its orbit is normal, the communication is good, and it is [-]% under control."

"The picture is normal, it is confirmed that it is approaching the target satellite!"

cat yawned a lot and stretched her waist. The short clothes and low-waisted jeans couldn't stop her graceful figure. Even the well-trained technicians beside her couldn't help but look at the Eye. cat stared at the large screen in the control room, the screen shook violently, and a three-dimensional trapezoidal object gradually appeared from the bottom of the screen. The hole is spouting white gas occasionally.

This thing looks like it was made in a hurry. Although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, although it is not very beautiful, it is still functional. Cat tilted his head and asked Harry Cloud who was also staring at the big screen.

"Dr. Cloud, what's this little thing for?"

Harry smiled mysteriously. "Currently, this is UNTR's highest technology. Why is this satellite called Zenith Star? This is our Zenith Star technology. This thing is used to blow up satellites."

cat almost fell off the chair. "Blow up satellites?"

Syria, Damascus, 34:[-] p.m. local time.

"The spy satellite of the United States above Syria will be killed immediately. At that time, their communications will be affected to a certain extent. The advance of mechanized and motorized troops will be blocked. The war will drag on and on. Don't forget, our The elite troops have not moved at all, and have not been harmed at all!" The elite troops that Fu Ming said were of course the troops under Untr's banner, with complete armaments, high-quality soldiers, and super-standard tactics.

Murbazak looked at Fu Ming with a face full of surprise, "How is this possible? There is no decent aircraft carrier in UNTR, not even a tank unit, how can it be able to launch satellites?"

"It is very difficult to surpass the United States in land, sea and air. The Chinese government also knows this, so the model they adopt is to catch up as much as possible within the current scope, but directly jump on the highest and newest technology Sexual research, ordinary ones are better than yours, Zentraedi technology is still playable. I also adopt this kind of thinking." Fu Ming pushed his glasses. "It seems to work well."

A small town on the eastern border of Syria.

"The drone is dead!" The pilot of the Apache helicopter looked at the big fireball falling from the sky, and he knew that the Suzaku class that had just risen to the sky quickly killed the Global Hawk in an instant, without giving any thought at all. Chances of this drone launching a missile. "What happened to the laser guide?"

The pilot of another Apache helicopter gripped the controls, gloves soaked with sweat.Fortunately, all 107 rockets have been eliminated, and there is nothing else in UNTR to counter the helicopter except for the two airframes.This relieved his tense nerves a little bit. "The situation is very good. There are still 40 seconds before the arrival of the cruise missile!" He looked up at the Suzaku class high in the sky. scalpel.

He looked at the Xuanwu class, the target of the missile, and everyone was surprised by the thick armor of this steel monster. Even Jack Davis himself did not expect that the Xuanwu class's protection ability could reach this level.He vaguely felt that something was wrong. The energy contained in the Suzaku class was obvious, but the machine body on the ground didn't seem to be as simple as having a thicker armor.He became vigilant, at least the Suzaku-class attack can still be dodged, and it is easier to be destroyed by conventional weapons. It is very difficult for the machine on the ground to penetrate the armor with its own missile cannon. The Xuanwu class was set as the primary target, and the laser guidance was aimed directly at him.

Listening to the siren in the cockpit, Jack's heart sank. It was the sound of being locked. "Luther! I'm locked, come down quickly!"

Luther was taken aback, and adjusted the monitor in one direction, and the six Apache helicopters below appeared on the screen. Although Jack said that he was locked, Luther did not notice that those armed helicopters seemed to be about to fire. "They have no intention of firing!" As soon as Luther finished speaking, the siren in his cockpit also sounded. On the radar screen, a small dot was rapidly approaching their direction. He hurriedly followed that direction and forgot about the past. In the middle, a missile with wings was flying fast, its speed almost catching up with fighter jets.

"Cruise missile!" Luther yelled. He knew that the missile was obviously not aimed at him.It seems that the locked on Jack's side should refer to laser guidance.

"Sh*t!" Jack can't escape even if he wants to escape now. The Xuanwu class sacrificed its movement speed to improve its armor's ability to withstand, and the laser guidance can completely keep up. , even a stable reactor is dangerous, not to mention Wayne and the others hiding behind him!

Luther also ignored the helicopter in the air, and directly drove the Suzaku to chase the cruise missile with full power.

"15 seconds to hit the target!"

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Three Nuclear Heavy Industries.

"The attachment is complete, and the charging of the detonation system is complete."

"There is no problem with the fire control system, and it can be detonated at any time."

"The orbit change procedure of Zenith Star [-] is all normal, the injection brake charging is completed, and it is leaving the orbit, away from the explosion area, and there are three seconds left." A technician looked at the screen in front of him, and the value showing the distance was changing one by one. point increase. "A safe distance has been entered!"

Harry and cat watched the satellite on the screen getting smaller little by little, which meant that the distance between Zenith-[-] and the target satellite was getting bigger and bigger.After Harry heard the technician's report, he decisively pressed the button, he didn't want to waste any time.The longer the satellite hovers over Syria's head, the greater the threat to those on the untr side.

Press the red button, but nothing changes on the screen.

"Misfire?" Cat stood up from the chair in surprise, looking at Harry Cloud who was frowning.

Suddenly, Harry's brow relaxed. "It's just a delay." Instead, Harry smiled confidently.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, a white light flashed on the big screen, and then a violent explosion erupted in space. Fiery red and blue bewitching and dazzling flames sprayed wantonly, parts flew horizontally, and the screen suddenly turned into snowflakes.

"Explosion shockwave, arrive."

After another three or four seconds, the picture returned to normal, but the original target satellite was beyond recognition, with fragmented parts floating in space. This American spy satellite had been torn apart.All kinds of metal parts float in mid-air in the weightless space, shining brightly in the sunlight.

"This..." Cat was stunned and speechless.She knew that UNTR's science and technology department was very powerful, but she didn't know that it was so powerful that even spy satellites could be killed by them.

The more than 200 people in the entire command and control hall were silent for a while, and then, deafening cheers exploded in this small room!

"Long live!"

"Several years of hard work! Finally..." Several old technicians jumped up from their chairs, hugging each other, laughing while wiping away their tears, and kept jumping high...

"'s okay..." Old Claude couldn't help being extremely excited in his heart. He quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. This explosion condensed the research results of many people who have been working tirelessly for several years. "Han Yu, you can rest in peace. The Chinese military never bombed an American satellite, but Untr did it." In it, there are also technical data that Han Yu brought from the Chinese military.

This satellite is very important, and its primary manifestation is on the first battlefield on the eastern border of Syria.

Within ten seconds, Jack was completely unable to avoid being hit by a cruise missile. He was ready for the cockpit ejection, but at the last moment when he pulled the ejection handle, he noticed on the radar and screen that the original The cruise missile that was about to hit the Xuanwu class seemed to have lost its target and gradually deviated from its direction. It actually brushed past the head of the Xuanwu class and mounted straight on a small mound behind it.

After the missile hit the mountain, an explosion sounded behind the Xuanwu class. The loud sound was deafening, and Wayne Brad and others on the ground seemed to be unable to stand.

"This is..." Jack broke out in cold sweat in vain. Just a few seconds ago, he thought he was going to die.

Luther was also confused by the situation, so he couldn't figure it out, "What the hell is going on?"

In Iraq, the US military command post.

"General... this..." A soldier looked at the snowflakes on the screen and frowned. It would be fine to say that the drone was killed, but even the satellite system was hung up.The cruise missile launched just now suddenly lost contact a few seconds before hitting the target and was completely uncontrollable. Laser guidance also required satellite positioning support. When the missile lost control, all satellite maps and The real-time situation screen turned into a big snowflake.

"Emp? When did untr have such a brutal ability?" The general held his head, "There is nothing we can do now, let the plane return, including the fighter jets and aircraft carriers on the west coast, all put on standby, and contact the headquarters immediately to restore communication. The armored division advances and pauses, looking for a cover to garrison!"

Fu Ming, who was in Damascus, looked up at the sky. He has not even seen a US soldier or a US Air Force plane, and he has already controlled the entire battle situation.This is modern warfare, and this is information warfare.

He smiled and picked up the satellite phone that had vibrated three or four times.

"Mr. Mabrech Eskwood, it seems that the cia is going to lose money this year!"

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