arms tycoon

Chapter 211 The Wrath of the Empire

"Our satellite was done by Untr." The orca came straight to the point, as if there was nothing to be bothered about.He gave a thumbs up to the technicians beside him.

The technician nodded, clicked the mouse a few times, and the laptop in front of him immediately began to calculate.If you observe carefully enough, you can also see the other end of several connecting cables of the computer, which is a huge main computer box and a satellite signal receiving device.The mobile phone of the killer whale is also connected to the laptop.He was trying to obtain Fu Ming's precise location through this phone call.

When a missile passed by, Fu Ming was dead.But the satellite is not available now, and another spy satellite is going through the orbit change procedure to replace the satellite's position, and time must be spent.

"Mr. Iskwood, don't be bloody. What evidence do you have?" Fu Ming looked at his watch with a relaxed face, counting the call time. Even if he could transfer before the missiles came, he still couldn't bear to part with the place that had just been built. This is Murbazak's territory. It's not good for people to blow up the Congress.

The killer whale was stunned for a moment. NASA still has no explanation as to how the satellite was scrapped.For laser weapons, UNTR does not have such a high technological content. High-orbit anti-satellite missiles can kill American satellites, and only the Chinese can do it.Moreover, the movement of the anti-satellite missile launch must be similar to that of a rocket. If Untr really launched an anti-satellite missile at the rocket launch base of Sannuo Heavy Industry, then it is impossible for the Americans not to know.

Before this satellite lost contact with the ground, no country or region on the entire earth had launched any rocket or aircraft!This is where Americans can't figure it out.Before the satellite signal was low, they didn't even notice the slightest abnormality.

It doesn't matter, though, that Obama isn't fully focused on Syria.The intention of this war is not to overthrow the current Syrian government, but to control the trend of the entire Middle East.The Americans have realized that the entire Middle East is gradually falling into the hands of UNTR. This is simply too disgusting for them. The pattern that has been painstakingly managed for decades is broken like this. The place is in the bag, and at the last moment, untr is the first to take the lead!

"cia, the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America." Fu Ming laughed contemptuously. At least, he didn't know what the Americans wanted to do. He repeated the full name of cia, "How powerful are the Americans? Let us We'll wait and see. Are you afraid of just such a little thing?"

Fu Ming actually started to provoke, perhaps, he really went too far.Do you have that strength?Fu Ming can nod to himself now, he has it, and so does Untr.In the Middle East, on a small-scale battlefield, untr does have the capital to compete with the United States.Americans can't afford it, and Americans have worries, but Fu Ming doesn't.

The worst plan, isn't it death?Fu Ming didn't intend to accept this ending.

"Hahaha, K, the powerful United States of America is not something that a terrorist organization like Untr can shake. Technology, military, financial resources, and even people. You are too far behind us." The killer whale laughed loudly , and looked at the technician again.The technician shook his head at him, it seems that the positioning is still not complete.

Fu Ming's cell phone line is very confidential, signal analysis is also very difficult, and it is almost impossible to be intercepted. The encryption technology is personally operated by Harry Cloud, and even the operator has notified him, so naturally it is not so easy to find out. "Wait and see. I'm looking forward to your next move. That satellite? Hehe, Mr. Iskwood, you think of Untr as too weak, of course, don't think too strong. Untr welcomes you at any time." Fu Ming squeezed Time hung up the phone.

The killer whale listened to the busy tone on the handset, and quickly looked at the technician again.After seeing the look in the technician's eyes, he clenched his fist and slammed it on the table with a bang. "This cunning frame-up!"

"Sir, we have already confirmed that he is in Damascus, Syria. If there is one more second..." The technician sighed, and in one more second, he would be able to find Fu Ming's precise location, although the missiles cannot hit him now, But jsoc's SEALs attack directly, capture him or kill him, it's all right.According to the intelligence, Fu Ming didn't bring many security personnel with him when he left Trinuclear Heavy Industry. As for the idiot government forces in Syria, they are simply vulnerable!

The killer whale pressed the hang up button, and a call was made to the White House. Obama answered the dedicated line without the slightest hesitation. He had been waiting for this call.

"Killer Whale, how's the situation?"

"Mr. President, I think we can begin."

"The cia is fully responsible for this matter, and I don't want to see any more failures." Obama said in a heavy tone, and hung up the phone with a deep sigh.He stood up from the table and straightened his clothes.In a few minutes, a news conference on the military operation in Syria will be held on the lawn outside the White House.He changed the expression on his face to a smile, and the assistant was already knocking on the door.

There was a faint sense of foreboding in Fu Ming's heart.Before the Syrian incident, this premonition had appeared several times, and every time it appeared, it was accompanied by an unprecedented crisis.This should be a kind of intuition that Fu Ming has formed over the years, so accurate that he can't even tell it.

"What's wrong with you?" Moore on the side saw Fu Ming's thoughts. When he was on the phone with the killer whale, Fu Ming's expression was not so serious.

"Thinking about it now, this war seems to be a little bit wrong. Think about it for yourself. In the past, the United States has carried out such armed actions to subvert the regime, all of which were supported by local opposition forces, such as Iraq, Libya, and even Lebanon, which did not succeed. , there are terrorists in the country. Although there are in Syria, but have you seen them raise their troops?" Fu Ming knows that UNTR strictly restricts the import of arms to the Syrian armed forces, even if it is sent to the Syrian government forces Everything is recorded in detail, and it is completely impossible to fish in troubled waters.

The Syrian armed forces are now running out of ammunition and food. One gun barrel is damaged, and one bullet is missing, and every bullet is fired, one bullet is missing, let alone rpg, which is completely useless.

But even so, this silence was beyond Fu Ming's expectation.Ordinarily, when the Americans invaded, the Japanese armed forces should cooperate immediately. Even if there are few weapons and the quality of the personnel is poor, you have to do something to show your loyalty. Big troubles cannot be caused, and minor problems can still be caused. .Fortunately, these armed forces don't know that they are hiding in that cave, and they don't dare to fart.

On the other hand, the United States, without the support of the Syrian armed forces in Syria, their offensive will undoubtedly be hindered, and the trouble is not small. Many actions require the cooperation of these domestic military forces. The Americans would definitely not do it before, it would be too much of a loss.

"I'm also wondering, since the American missile attack, the terrorists have been very quiet. The Americans had a little movement before the attack, but now there is no news, and they can't be found!" He said that Moore also began to feel that something was wrong, and there might be a bigger conspiracy in it.But what exactly is the American conspiracy, Fu Ming's intelligence system has not yet figured it out. I am afraid that this matter is beyond the control of the US Congress, because the cat's informant still has no news.

"Wait, we can only do so much now." Fu Ming walked out of the office and took a few breaths of the outside air. The air here has not been polluted by gunpowder smoke.

On Syria's eastern border, the defensive battle is drawing to a close.The wreckage of the helicopter with flames and smoke on the ground tells the end of this short war.

Wayne Brad didn't catch a single American alive.Nine Apache gunships were completely annihilated under the powerful firepower of the Suzaku-class and Xuanwu-class general-purpose humanoid battle mechs. The air was filled with smoke and the smell of burnt corpses, which was disgusting.

And the following Osprey helicopters for transportation, after seeing the Apaches that opened the way in front of them exploded one after another, they left the theater without order and turned around. The Americans had to admit that they had lost their satellites. With the support of missiles, their invasion failed this time.For them, the eastern border is still an insurmountable gap.The two airframes here are simply a patron saint.

Luther Alex got out of the cockpit, sweating and smelly, even though the constant temperature system was turned on in the Suzaku cockpit, the hot weather in the Middle East still made him breathless.He took a big sip of water and looked at the wreckage all over the place, as well as the huts that had been smoking.

Now, that is no longer a few huts.He leaned against the feet of the Suzaku, the jets of the vector thrusters under his feet were still hot, and the surrounding air was still twisting.In order to avoid the heat wave, Luther walked towards Wayne while taking off his uniform.

Wayne threw a cigarette to him and helped him light it. At this time, Jack also came over. He didn't smoke at first. Seeing Wayne's tired smile and the lighter that had already been lit, he still smoked. With one bite, he coughed suddenly.

"Hahaha, just smoke more, thanks to you this time!" Wayne smiled and patted Jack on the back, throwing him a bottle of water.

"I don't know when the Americans will come back again!" Jack looked worriedly at the eastern sky.The fierce battle just now still didn't bring him back to his senses.

"It won't come again for a while." Luther also patted Jack on the back to ease his worries. Jack was really nervous.No one who has never been a soldier has ever experienced this kind of large-scale war.Luther's calm performance surprised Wayne, and he even wondered if Luther had also been a NATO soldier before participating in the Dakar Rally.

He never asked about it, and Luther never said it.

However, what Luther said was correct. Wayne contacted Damascus just now, and the American satellite was indeed killed.Before that, he had considered that there were only two possibilities for the failure of the cruise missile. The first was that the technicians were stupid, and the second was that the satellite guidance was affected.

"Looks like I can take a break for a while."

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa.

"Are you ready?" An officer of the US Marine Corps put down the binoculars in his hand. In the binoculars was the endless headquarters of Sannuo Heavy Industry.He pressed his desert camouflage peaked cap, the m4a1 rifle in his hand had been screwed on the silencer, the laser standard was also turned on, he pulled the bolt, and with a click, the bullet was loaded.

Several soldiers behind him risked their bodies and hid behind a sand dune.

"Let's start. We're better at playing dirty."

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