arms tycoon

Chapter 219 Despair, Hope

The whole UNTR is now a mess. No one thought that besides Americans, Europeans, and Japanese, there are more people who want Fu Ming's head. Cat's three mobile phones kept ringing. Since reporting the situation to UNTR headquarters, the intelligence department immediately started operations, and the company's resident in Brasilia has also launched an intelligence investigation. Cat walked up and down the corridor of the operating room of the hospital, calling one after another, she answered quickly and quietly, and looked at the operating room that was "under operation".

"No matter what the price is, I need to find out what happened in Latin America. I want to know who is trying to kill the boss!" Cat was worried, and it was just a guess, but unfortunately she was right!

Xu Cheng and Wayne Brad sat on the bench outside the operating room, staring straight at the door of the operating room, reluctant to blink.

In addition, there are a large number of local Brazilian police officers, plainclothes police and personnel from the Brazilian National Security Agency.After Fu Ming was shot, the news spread quickly, people who knew about it, including the President of Brazil.

The president quickly ordered that the media only be allowed to broadcast the shooting, but kept silent about Fu Ming's specific identity.He knew that Fu Ming was shot in Brazil, what kind of revenge would Brazil suffer.After all untr, they are still untouchable.You must know that this business alliance just launched a financial tsunami half a month ago, and the United States and Western countries have not yet caught their breath!

The President of Brazil knows that if he is not careful, Brazil will become the next target of UNTR's sanctions.Obviously, the Brazilian president does not want to mess with this giant.

In order to ensure the safety of the others, except for Xu Cheng, Wayne, and Cat who was in the hospital, all the companions returned to the hotel and were protected by UNTR personnel who rushed over from Brasilia.And the hospital is still very safe here, at least, the killer can't get in.The entire hospital was surrounded by the police and security personnel, almost impenetrable.

If the reporters hadn't been informed by the government in advance, they would have thought that some high-ranking official had been assassinated.Anyway, Rio de Janeiro is also hosting the World Cup now, and two years later, the Olympic Games will be held. Now there is a shooting incident, which shocked the whole world.

In addition to this incident, many people have begun to speculate on the protagonist of the shooting.The Brazilian officials only said that it was an ordinary robbery crime, and there was no other reason. Many civilians present were controlled to a certain extent, especially those who recognized Fu Ming's true colors, and were closely monitored. Even so, the news spread like wildfire. Although it has not been confirmed, it has been widely spread.

Naturally, the United States and NATO can't take care of this matter. The mess of the financial tsunami has not yet been cleaned up. If the person who was shot was really Fu Ming, he would be lucky if he didn't die, and it would be even better if he died!Save yourself the trouble.But who killed him in the end still needs to be pondered.

Cat finally hung up all the calls, and just raised his head to look at the door of the operating room, only to see the red light go out immediately.A local Brazilian doctor in his 50s came out of the operating room and took off his mask.He has also been following the international news, and when he saw the patient's face, he couldn't help but froze.The most wanted terrorist in the western world, K, was right in front of him, very weak, and it seemed that a very simple movement could kill him.

But the doctor didn't do this, there were so many people watching outside, and, as a doctor's professional ethics, he didn't allow him to do so.Healing must be done regardless of race, regardless of color, regardless of whether the patient is male or female, whether he is hostile to himself or not. "Miss, are you a family member or friend of the patient?"

Seeing the doctor coming out, cat hurried up, and Xu Cheng and Wayne, who were sitting on the chairs, immediately stood up and approached the doctor.

"I'm his assistant. How is he doing now?" cat is very eager to know about Fu Ming's status. Although there are not too many things in the company and it's not too troublesome, untr can't be without a leader, and Fu Ming is still so young. , without appointing another proxy at all. Cat was thinking wildly, if Fu Ming was killed, who would be in control of Untr?Coco Heike Indias?Lin Mao?Chen Chutian?or yourself?

"The bullet penetrated the scapula and injured some ligaments and muscles. The bone fragments got stuck in the ligament, which was very troublesome. An artery ruptured. Fortunately, it came in time, so the shock did not pass." The doctor sighed and wiped Sweat on his forehead, the operation lasted for five hours, and for his age, he was really exhausted.

"The life is saved, but it is difficult to remove the bone casually, which may affect the activities of the right shoulder and arm. These cleaning operations need to wait until the patient's body recovers to be able to withstand the operation here. Don't do it if you fully recover. Thinking about it, I am lucky to be able to use my strength!" The doctor was not optimistic about Fu Ming's recovery, the ligaments were torn, the fracture was comminuted, and there was a hole in the front and back. If he didn't hurt the internal organs, he was lucky!

Cat gritted his teeth and clenched his fists vigorously, but did not answer the doctor's words. "Damn it!" Cat slammed his fist on the wall, not caring about the pain in his right hand joint. A few seconds later, a thin stream of blood slowly flowed down from the white wall.

Xu Cheng quickly changed his expression, "Can we go and see him now?"

The doctor looked at the time and nodded slightly. "Transfer to the intensive care unit immediately. The patient's condition is not very stable yet. The effect of the anesthetic will last for 10 minutes. Let the patient rest as much as possible."

"Thank you very much!" Xu Cheng shook hands with the doctor. "When will he be fully recovered?"

"If you get out of bed and walk around without strenuous exercise, it will take about two months. But to fully recover and restore the movement ability of the right arm, it will take about half a year of restorative physical therapy." The doctor touched his head. "The patient's physique is not bad, and he should have received strict training. Under such severe pain, he can still stay awake before the operation. Once he loses too much blood and goes into shock, it will cause damage to the brain. The patient's willpower is very strong!" Doctor Although he knew Fu Ming's true identity, it was hard to find out now.He has slowly begun to admire the chairman of Untr.Because he saw many scars on Fu Ming's body, and most of them were gunshot wounds.He didn't know how this person survived the hail of bullets, and it might not be that simple to be hailed as the head of terrorists by Westerners.

Xu Cheng watched the doctor leave, and several nurses pushed out the hospital bed from the door of the operating room.Fu Ming's eyes were closed tightly, and his face was still pale. There were large and small drips and blood plasma bags hanging on the hospital bed, and Fu Ming was still receiving oxygen.

"Matt, thanks to you!" After Xu Cheng and the others placed Fu Ming in the ward, they stayed by Fu Ming's side. Sure enough, after more than ten minutes, Fu Ming slowly opened his eyes and coughed. With a sound, he opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't say it. He tried hard to move, but even with the effect of painkillers, his right arm was in severe pain. Beads of sweat immediately soaked the pillow. After the pain, Fu Ming felt that his entire right side was numb.

"Boss, don't move!" cat carefully plugged the cup into the habit and gave Fu Ming a drink.

Fu Ming took a few deep breaths before he felt that his burning throat was a little better.He tried his best to look down at his right shoulder, which was wrapped in bandages like a mummy! "Damn it, I won't be disabled!"

"Don't worry about the boss. The doctor said that it will affect some mobility at most. It is no problem to hold a gun." Xu Cheng squeezed out an ugly smile. It is indeed no problem to hold a gun. Can you lift it up and shoot it? Sure enough, a question mark is about to be placed. "After restorative physical therapy, it's fine."

Fu Ming smiled wryly, how could Xu Cheng, a big soldier, hide his thoughts from him.He sells arms, and he knows better than anyone else what kind of gun, what caliber, and what kind of damage it will cause to the human body. "Damn you have any news?"

"Still investigating, and the results will be expected in a few hours. It has been confirmed that they are not Westerners or Japanese." Cat frowned. The intelligence system got stuck at this time, but seeing that Fu Ming was not injured, he was too After being depressed, she also relieved a lot, "Heal your wounds with peace of mind, leave these things to me to do."

Fu Ming nodded. According to his current state, he didn't even dare to move, let alone personally commanded to find out that mysterious organization. It is the best choice to completely trust cat and his security forces. "Oh, by the way, how is the safety of Keke and Xiaoting, and how about Carianna and Li Jingxue?"

"They are all safe, boss, don't worry." Wayne smiled, looking at a bunch of policemen outside. "It's all in the hotel."

"Sister cat, look at your crow's mouth. From now on, don't say such things like this, and be sure!" Fu Ming said with a smile, his body didn't move, as if the pain didn't hurt so much.He looked at the needles on top of his head and the heartbeat monitor next to the bed.

"Say less!" cat complained, frowning. "You can still laugh at such a serious injury!"

"It's good if you can't die..." Fu Ming sneered, "Either kill me, or I will definitely kill them. No matter who it is, just wait for me, wash your neck and wait for me to chop it off!"

Cat and Xu Cheng looked at each other. Judging from the various major incidents that happened before, none of the people who angered Fu Ming survived.They believed in what Fu Ming said, because Fu Ming did have this ability.

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