arms tycoon

Chapter 220 new enemies

"The message has been received!" Cat had just returned to the hotel to rest, but saw an email on her laptop. The attachment in the email surprised her, and drove back to the hospital immediately. Of course, the laptop It is to be brought.This information must be known to Fu Ming immediately.And this newly emerging arms business alliance is a serious problem for Untr.

"What's the situation!" Fu Ming almost forgot that he was still injured.He is a restless person. Although the nurse next to him repeatedly asked him not to move, Fu Ming almost jumped up, and then slowly moved his body to the original position under the severe pain. Cheng winked.

Xu Cheng immediately asked the little nurse out of the ward.The little nurse looked at the disobedient patient reluctantly, but walked out slowly.

"Tell me." Fu Ming breathed heavily, and the pain finally eased a lot. "What kind of large-scale arms organization is estimated to be, is there any support from the Americans?"

cat shook his head, "That's really not the case, it's a combination of several warlords in Latin America. I don't know the specific leaders, or even their names, but this organization does rely on selling drugs and arms as its main source of income. Yes, there is no specific goal, their goal..." cat smiled wryly, "probably want to survive."

"There are many ways to survive, you don't need to do this kind of business!" Fu Ming frowned, he really realized that this was a huge threat.Of course, this small alliance is now nothing in front of the behemoth Untr, and it is the Americans who scare Fu Ming.

After all, one day, the Americans will discover this organization through this matter, and then support it.After a while, this unknown organization will become the biggest obstacle to UNTR's development in South America. The assassination of Fu Ming is a good example.Fu Ming knew that there was no room for negotiation with this group of vicious and real terrorists.Kill them in the cradle before they develop.

"Boss, what are your plans?" Cat looked at Fu Ming's constantly changing expression, although he knew what he wanted to do, he still asked.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course we want to kill them!" Fu Ming said casually, but he still didn't have any plan in mind. At least untr didn't even know the specific name of the organization, its members and leaders.

Fu Ming felt more and more uneasy. It is strange to say that Latin America has been under the jurisdiction of UNTR since the fall of IADC, but such an organization appeared, and the intelligence network of UNTR was assassinated in Fu Ming. I didn't hear a little bit of wind before! "The other party's confidentiality measures are good, and our intelligence work must be tightened. How about the withdrawal of the Syrian side?"

"It's more than half completed, and all the personnel have been withdrawn, and they will soon arrive in Venezuela. However, the batch of arms obtained from China is still stranded in Syria. Although the Heikindias Group provided the freighter, it is far away Not enough..." Cat said with some concern, for Untr, that batch of munitions is still very important, including China's most advanced anti-ship missiles and air defense systems.

"It doesn't matter, as long as people withdraw, those arms can be directly sold locally. I think Murbazak is willing to spend money to buy these things." Fu Ming smiled. After all, Syria now wants to get rid of What weapons and equipment China gets can only be done through untr, and the Chinese government will not provide any military assistance to Syria.

"Order the troops to assemble immediately. No matter how many people or how powerful the opponent is, we must destroy this organization in the bud!"

In the hotel in Rio de Janeiro, Li Jingxue, whose stomach was already slightly swollen, ignored the radiation from the satellite phone and directly called Leng Jianbin.

Leng Jianbin answered the phone. Even if the Brazilian government tried its best to conceal it, it couldn't hide it from the General Staff. "Has the news been confirmed? How is Fu Ming's current situation?"

"Chief... Fu Ming's life is not in danger right now, and his actions have been affected to a certain extent. I'm afraid he will stay in Rio de Janeiro for a while. I don't have any news about the person who assassinated him." Li Jingxue said calmly.

Hearing Li Jingxue's information, Leng Jianbin couldn't help frowning. He wasn't worried about Untr's prospects. He was worried about whether Keke Heikeindias would take over the entire Untr after Fu Ming's death.At the very least, Fu Ming is still a Chinese, so it is relatively convenient to negotiate or cooperate with the Chinese government, but since he is a German, it is difficult to say whether he can achieve the level of Fu Ming.The Chinese government and untr are complementary existences.The General Staff also has no news about the rise of that new force in Latin America.Leng Jianbin has even begun to doubt the intelligence capabilities of the Second Division of the General Staff!

"Try to find out who they are!" Leng Jianbin has made up his mind, and he can't lose Fu Ming now. When necessary, the general staff must come forward and give Untr the strongest assistance.

"Yes, chief!" Li Jingxue said seriously, and she rubbed her belly.

"You're pregnant." Leng Jianbin's tone suddenly became gentle. "Don't work too hard. Although the regulations of the People's Liberation Army are strict, they are still very humane. Be careful with children."

Li Jingxue was suddenly so moved that she didn't know what to say. She never knew that her chief had a warm side. "Definitely!" Li Jingxue hung up the phone and turned off the faucet in the bathroom. The sound from the faucet could cover her voice on the phone.

Because there was Song Jiahao outside the bathroom.

Song Jiahao didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and stayed by Li Jingxue's side tightly all the time, he was afraid that something would happen to Li Jingxue.Seeing Li Jingxue coming out, he leaned over and hugged Li Jingxue tightly in his arms. "It'll be all right. Trust the boss."

Li Jingxue nodded with happiness on her face.

Meanwhile, the United States, Washington, D.C.

President Obama has just finished a press conference. This time, his speech is about the withdrawal of US troops from Syria and the coast of Congo.He stepped off the podium, and the people under him handed over a small note, the text on the note was very simple.

"Can you confirm the news?" Obama frowned and stuffed the note into his pocket.

"It has been confirmed, but there is no specific information from Latin America yet." The subordinates lowered their heads and whispered.

"Find out who they are. The enemy of the enemy is our friend." In fact, Obama knows that there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends, only permanent interests.From the current point of view, it is the best choice to unite this newly-emerged organization to fight against UNTR's influence in Latin America. After all, UNTR is developing in Latin America and has already extended its hands to Mexico, which is not a good sign.

If untr chooses to smuggle arms to the United States, there will be chaos in the United States.This is no joke, armed conflict can happen at any time!

At this time, the killer whale was not idle either. Cia had already contacted the senior management of the mysterious organization. The killer whale called directly, and the other party seemed to answer very happily, and already knew the real identity of the killer whale.

"Mr. Iskwood, Cia can't take it anymore." The man on the other end of the phone spoke first, as if he wanted to take the initiative.After Fu Ming was injured, his self-confidence swelled rapidly, almost to the point of being invincible. The leader of UNTR almost died so easily.This man once suffered a loss in Fu Ming's hands, and now, it's time for revenge.

"Cia and the aid of the United States are indispensable for you. Untr wants to kill you. It is a very simple thing. Mr. Jaquez Cabricio. Cooperating with us is the only thing you can survive Rely on me. You used to be one of the members of IADC and a subordinate of vampires. I think you already know what kind of a vampire is. As far as I know, you were also defeated by k!"

"What was taken by K, I will definitely take it back intact!" Jax clearly remembered that a year ago, he accepted the order of the vampire to import arms to China through Laos.However, the input was unsuccessful this time, and it was cut off by Fu Ming when it reached a small part.

Fu Ming thought that Jax would not pose a threat to him, so he let him go.

But Jax doesn't think so. He can't do anything to survive. Revenge is the only belief that supports him until now.It is also his only belief in setting up this arms organization.As for those warlords, after all, they are easy to fool, and they are willing to work for him as long as they give them some benefits.

"Okay, Mr. Iskwood, I think you also know that I am a businessman, and this is just a deal. After killing ia, whether we will come to opposite sides in the future is a matter for the future. If there is such a day, I will I still hope you will be merciful!" Jax sneered, whoever will win in the future, maybe, after killing UNTR, his organization can control the arms sales of the entire world, and can reach a higher height than UTNR .

However, all of this is just an illusion, and Fu Ming will not let this happen.As the information continued to increase, Fu Ming gradually got to know his opponent in the next few hours.

He looked at the photo on the laptop screen, and the corners of his mouth were still twitching. "It turned out to be Jax..."

"Who exactly is Jax?" Cat asked puzzled.After all, when Jax appeared, Cat hadn't yet entered the core of Fu's Trading and Transportation Company, and she was still in Germany at that time.

"Old friend." Fu Ming sneered. "In a few days, he will become an old friend buried in the soil." Only now did Fu Ming realize that everything must be done absolutely, and his soft-heartedness at the beginning caused such a big trouble for himself.Fu Ming a year ago was still too indecisive.

Time has made him mature, experienced, and sinister. He knows that in the future, there should be no kindness or illusion, otherwise, it will be the most deadly thing!

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