arms tycoon

Chapter 241

"Is it this room? Why is there no one blocking the way?" The hallucination had already kicked up his mobile phone, and people kept walking in the corridor. When they saw the pass hanging around the neck of the hallucination, they passed Yes, in fact, no one has ever seen such a person in the big development group.Recognize the card but not the person, maybe they are CIA personnel engaged in secret work.

"Your brand won't last long, so solve it as soon as possible. Once someone conducts a serious review, your identity will be exposed. After entering, determine the target, and then give me a report. I can't see their clothes and faces. There are two people in the room. Personal." Mo Bing was still staring at the floor-to-ceiling glass window with the scope, and the infrared images of the two people were clearly visible. "There shouldn't be any security personnel inside. One man and one woman. The man should be Jim Hunt, and the woman should be a secretary."

The auditory hallucination pressed his earphone, took a deep breath, and then began to knock on the door.

Jim was puzzled when he heard the knock on the door. He didn't have any appointments today, so even if he was meeting someone, even if it was someone under his command, he must have been notified by a phone call from his secretary.He looked at his secretary.

The female secretary has long red hair, a hot figure, and a pretty face. This Jim is also a master who wants to enjoy himself. After all, the president of such a large group does not want to see an ugly looking guy in the office early in the morning. secretary.If you face such a person all day long, you will get sick.The female secretary thought for a while, then shook her head, "Maybe someone made an appointment, I forgot."

Jim lowered his head again, looking at the document in his hand. "Open the door."

The secretary opened the door with his butt twisted, and looked at the Asian man in front of him with a puzzled expression. "Do you have an appointment?"

The auditory hallucination was also stunned, he didn't expect it to be so easy to come in, he smiled slightly, and took out a fmg9 submachine gun from his suit.This gun is based on the Glock 17, with tactical rails, a long barrel and a stock. In the folded state, the fmg9 is only about 25 centimeters long, just like a small radio.On the basis of the Glock pistol, the bullet caliber has not been changed. It is also a 9mm caliber bullet. It is also officially because the prototype uses the Glock 17 pistol sleeve. This gun only has semi-automatic capabilities, which is too mythical in some games. up.

Theoretically speaking, this is a gun that is not very easy to use.However, after continuing the continuous firing of the Glock pistol, the rate of fire has been greatly improved, and the addition of the butt increases the shooting stability. It is an indispensable weapon in self-defense and raids.The sci-fi appearance and modifications can only be made by magpul. The acr Masada assault rifle, this modern combat rifle system, was developed by this company.

Fu Ming seems to like this kind of modern things very much, no matter how expensive they are, he buys them in large quantities.Of course, it is impossible to buy directly from magpul. They also have patriotism, but they love the United States. Although the things from third parties are expensive, Fu Ming can still afford them.

The female secretary was shocked when she saw the submachine gun in the hallucination's hand, and just about to call out, she was covered by the hallucination.The hallucination covered the secretary's mouth with one hand, pushed her into the room, closed the door with his heel, and pointed the muzzle of the submachine gun at Jim Hunt's head with the other hand.As long as Jim has a little movement, the auditory hallucination can ensure that the loaded 9mm bullet can accurately penetrate a hole in his head.

Jim felt that something was wrong, and raised his head, only to find that the muzzle of the black hole was pointing at himself. "Who are you?" After all, Jim had seen big scenes, so he didn't look so panicked, but the delicate sweat on his forehead still betrayed his nervous heart.Jim's hand slowly reached for the button under the table. This is the siren. In the most critical situation, pressing this button can directly activate the silent alarm, and the signal will be transmitted directly to the security room. It takes less than 1 minute to get here and start the raid.Jim pressed the button, and although there was no feedback, he was relieved to know that the signal had indeed been sent.

"Mr. Jim Hunter, nice to meet you." The auditory hallucination laughed and pushed the female secretary down on the sofa. "Beautiful and noble lady, your beauty is moving, but I can't bear to open a hole in your head, so if you want to survive, please don't move around or make any noise, understand?" The auditory hallucination still covered the female secretary's mouth, seeing the woman nodded with tears in her eyes, and then put her hand down.

He has been working in the assassination for a long time, so that the auditory hallucination can speak a fluent London accent. He doesn't bother to learn American English, although it is not difficult for him. Learning languages ​​and imitating voices are his special skills.

The auditory hallucination swaggered over the chair and got down opposite Jim. The grip of the submachine gun was placed vertically on the table, and the index finger of his right hand was still on the trigger guard. "Mr. Hunter, my name is Hallucination, I belong to the UNTR senior security force, and I am a direct subordinate of Mr. K. This time, I want to have a negotiation with you."

"Huh, negotiation? Have you ever seen someone negotiate with someone with a gun? But your name is very impressive. The second-level personnel in UNTR came to the United States in person, and they were not arrested by CIA. I’m really eating shit. Mr. Hallucination, let me warn you, you can negotiate, let K come over in person, only people of his level can talk to me, here, I will not accept any request from you. If you now Put down the gun and walk out of this room, and I can guarantee your safety, and even let you leave the United States unscathed." Jim said coldly, with no expression on his face.He knew that the disappearance of Lu Shangjie, the former president of Dafa Group, had a lot to do with Untr, and Lu Shangjie was probably dead.All of this was caused by Untr. During the economic war in Hong Kong, the Dafa Development Group was almost devastated, and it took a long time to recuperate before gradually recovering.

After taking over as the president of Dafa Group, Jim Hunter has made great contributions. Dafa Group can regain its head, and a large part of the reason is due to Jim.

"Hearing hallucinations, don't talk nonsense, tell him to release people quickly, they will find out that the security system has been hacked in a short time, when the intercepted alarm is issued, you and I will die here!" Mo Bing was a little anxious, wishing he could end Jim's life with a single shot.But after this shot, the bullet is likely to penetrate Jim's head and hurt the auditory hallucination sitting opposite Jim.

Hallucination swallowed. "My boss doesn't think so. He thinks you are not worthy of talking to him. Your life is in my hands now." The auditory hallucination laughed, completely ignoring Jim's threat. "The greetings are over, let's get down to business. As far as I know, your group is inextricably linked to the Protestant armed forces in Venezuela. But we can put this matter aside for now, after all, the Protestant armed forces have already It no longer exists, and you can do a lot of things against untr. The main purpose of my coming is for cat, Xu Cheng, and Jack Davis. This thing is done by you. China's Shandong Peninsula, Hehe, you really have the guts to provoke the Chinese government."

Hearing this, Jim couldn't help frowning, "sh*t, why haven't the security personnel arrived yet!" It's a sieve!In fact, this matter is also a piece of his heart disease.After the three cats were caught, they originally wanted to send them back to China, but the security agencies of the Chinese government actually attached great importance to them, and the airport and customs strictly inspected them, so they couldn't be taken out at all. "I caught people, and Untr has done a lot for us. It doesn't seem too much to teach you a lesson."

"Cat is the No. [-] member of UNTR, Xu Cheng and Jack are also the backbone of the senior security force, you should know the consequences of this matter. I don't want to talk nonsense anymore." Hallucination stood up and turned off the safety on the gun , and put the muzzle of the gun on Jim's forehead. "Call and release, or die. Don't say I didn't give you a chance to choose."

"Do you really think you can get out of here alive?" Jim thought for a while, and the hero picked up the phone on the table despite the immediate loss.

"Don't play tricks, just read what is written on the paper." In order to prevent Jim from playing word games, the auditory hallucination took out the note he had already prepared from his pocket.

China, Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao Port.

"You two are flirting, and I'm still on the sidelines!" Xu Cheng had already taken out the cloth strip that Jack Davis was talking about, and the cat hurriedly untied the rope on Jack's body.Jack spat. After being stuffed with cloth strips for such a long time, his mouth was full of rotten taste. "What kind of place is this?"

Xu Cheng shook his head. He didn't know where he was. There was almost no bumps in the car along the way, and his eyes were blindfolded. He couldn't see anything until he was locked up here. There are containers all around. This should be a storage room. The small house is very closed, even the windows are nailed by wooden boards, and the outside light can only be seen through the gaps. "It's daytime."

Jack moved his ears and heard the sound of the door. "Sit down where you are, with your hands behind your back." As he spoke, he put the cloth strip he had just taken out in his mouth again, and sat down against the wall. The rope was sitting under his buttocks, and he was still tied. appearance.

The visitor was a Westerner, and he walked in with a bag of food. It seemed that these people did not want their hostages to starve to death.He looked at the sluggish looks of the three people, and then he touched cat's chest viciously, satisfying his appetite.

Cat gritted his teeth in hatred, but looked at Xu Cheng's eyes, and did not attack.Xu Cheng slowly came to the back of this person, covered his mouth with all his strength, the cat also got up and hugged his legs, only heard a click, the neck of the visitor was twisted abruptly, even Not a single scream came out.

"Dare to touch my old lady!" The high-heeled shoes on the cat's feet viciously kicked the man's crotch, unfortunately the dead would not feel pain. "It's cheap for him!"

Jack groped for the body, and finally found a mk23 pistol behind the body.He looked at the door. There were three people outside. It was a large warehouse. The place where he was locked up should be the tool room in the warehouse. "There are still people outside!"

"Leave the food there for so long, don't mess with that woman, the boss said that those people can't move, I'll go and see!" One of the people outside dropped the poker in his hand and touched the pistol at his waist , slowly walking towards the dark hut.

Democratic Republic of the Congo, outside of Kinshasa, Trinuclear Heavy Industry.

Li Jingxue had been wandering outside Fu Ming's house for a long time, her belly was gradually growing, but her face was still full of worry.If these things are not explained clearly, I am afraid that I will have to worry about it for a lifetime.She made up her mind, and just about to knock on the door, the door was opened from the inside.

Fu Ming's serious expression appeared in front of Li Jingxue. "Captain, what's the matter?"

"There are some things that I think I need to tell you." Li Jingxue sighed, but decided to speak out.

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